Hi all,
I'm a soon-to-be level 9 human barb and I'm wondering if Power Attack is actually worth it when I could take a different feat. Side note: I've heard there is a way to "exchange" a feat somehow...can anyone explain this simply?
Power Attack (as I'm sure you know) carries a -5 to hit and a +5 to dmg at base level. I use TWF and it sure seems to me, noob that I am, that the extra hits I get from NOT having PA turned on sure kill stuff faster than if I turn PA on and miss a bunch.
I've been wondering how/when/if this will change as I get higher levels, especially at end game. I've heard from some friends with high lvl chars (15,16,17) that AC starts to not matter as much, mobs will just inevitably hit you. Does one's 'to hit' follow along these lines? As I get to the upper levels will I just pretty much hit everything every time, making PA *much* more useful?
Any light anyone could shed on this would be a great help. I am also about to re-do my Enhancements to try to optimize those as well. 2nd side note: Any tips on Enhancements? Is the Human Versatility tract worth using? I never have...? I'm trying to have a sneaky/tumbly/jumpy TWF barb type of build. A sneak up and beat the ever lovin' stink out of you kind of character (Seems like I'm able to do this much more effectively when soloing, when in a group I end up just bashing stuff straight away)Thanks again for reading!
-Vaxnor, lvl 8 human barb