This is a prestige class I proposed to my GM:
Entry requirements:
Knowledge: Planes 5 ranks
Languages: Terran
Feats: Spell Focus(Conjuration), Augment Summoning
Special: Ability to cast summon monster 3
Good Save:Fort
BAB progression as wizard
1. +1 Natural Armor, Improved Stability, +1 Spell Level
2 +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
3 +1 DR/-, Burrow Speed equal to land speed, +1 Spell Level
4 +1 Natural Armor, +1 Spell Level
5 +2 Strength, Landbound, Earthen Legion, +1 Spell Level
6 +1 DR/-
7 +1 Natural Armor, +1 Spell Level
8 +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, +1 Spell Level
9 +1 DR/-, +1 Spell Level
10 +1 Natural Armor, becomes native outsider(earth), gains elemental traits
Improved Stability- As long as a Terranigma is on land, he gains a +8
to knockdown and bull rush attempts
Landbound- When a Terranigma goes 24 hours without contact with
natural earth, he must make a DC14 Fortitude Save or take 1 point of
Con damage. Each day the Terranigma is deprived natural earth, the DC
increases by 1.
He responded, "I like it, but I want to change it to:"
Entry requirements:Race: Dwarf Only
Knowledge: Planes 5 ranks
Languages: Terran
Feats: Spell Focus(Conjuration), Augment Summoning, Earth Sense
Special: Ability to cast summon monster 3
Good Save:Fort
BAB progression as wizard
1. +1 Natural Armor, Improved Stability, +1 Spell Level
2 +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
3 +1 DR/-, Earthen Glide, +1 Spell Level
4 +1 Natural Armor, +1 Spell Level
5 +2 Strength, -2 Charisma, Landbound, Earthen Legion, +1 Spell Level
6 +1 DR/-,
7 +1 Natural Armor, Burrow Speed equal to land speed, +1 Spell Level
8 +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, +1 Spell Level
9 +1 DR/-, +1 Spell Level
10 +1 Natural Armor, becomes native outsider(earth), gains elemental traits
Earthen Glide- While the Terranigma is on Natural earth, his speed
increases by 10 ft.
Improved Stability- As long as a Terranigma is on earth, he gains a +4
to his Strength or Dexterity to resist trip, trample and bull rush
Landbound- When a Terranigma goes 24 hours without contact with
natural earth, he must make a DC 16 Fortitude Save or take 1 point of
Con damage. Each 12 hours the Terranigma is deprived natural earth,
the DC increases by 1.
Earthen Legion- When you cast a summon monster spell to summon an
earth creature, you summon one additional creature.
Here were my thoughts on my original progression:
Regarding the PrC, while I'm not dismissing your concerns, keep in
mind it is a caster PrC that gives bonuses to:
1. Natural armor(I have a 14 AC now, with all of the natural armor in
the PrC it will leave me with 18 AC. Hardly gamebreaking for a 15th
level character.)
2. Improved Stability- How often does this come up? Its mostly just flavor.
3. +2 Con/ -2Dex- A bonus mixed with a negative. Albeit, the bonus is
obviously in my favor, but nevertheless, it is not a powerful ability.
4. Losing out on THREE casting levels, in a caster PrC! This is a big deal.
5. DR. Having a static DR/- is really nice, but DR3/- at 13th level is
nothing to write home over.
6. Burrow speed- really nice, thematically appropriate without being
7. +2 Str- thematically appropriate, but other than encumbrance, my
character could care less about his str score.
8. Landbound- A minor drawback, but could be signifigant if we planar travel.
9. Earthen Legion- Basically the entire point of the PrC. Very much in
the same spirit as the Malconvoker.
10. 10th level transformation- very common for a PrC of this type.
It won't change anything, but I am curious about what the DDO community thinks. Which one of us had a better progression and entry requirements?