Invaders. Level range 15-20. Let me repeat. 15-20. The group has a sorc, cleric, fighter, two pali's. The group is only accepting fighter, pali, barbarian, monk. /cry.
Invaders. Level range 15-20. Let me repeat. 15-20. The group has a sorc, cleric, fighter, two pali's. The group is only accepting fighter, pali, barbarian, monk. /cry.
sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana
This is getting more common place as time goes on.
Probably because there are so many Rangers,omg so many Rangers/Ranger combos and they don't really serve any role that another class can't do better. <shrugs>
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I don't know what is worse, groups that remove rangers and such from the list when they need DPS or the groups that have an LFM up showing all classes and then ignore your join request.
... a soldier,
Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation,
Even in the dragon's mouth.
Rangers aren't the only class missing. After all, who wants a Bard when you're fighting creatures with DR many of the melee won't be able to penetrate and beholders which strip away all magical buffs.
Eternium (Art 18), Tatooine (Bard 19), Technodrome (Wiz 18 / Rog 2), Thanigar (Brb 14)
Unfortunately true seriously lets take a look:
Rangers do great Melee DPS; So do fighters, pallys, barbarians, and (if built for it) Battle Clerics
Rangers also do Great ranged DPS; So do Sorcs and Wizards
Rangers can heal... sorta: Bard, fav soul, cleric all do it better.
Rangers can be stealthy and sneak around killing stuff; Rogue, nuf said.
Rangers have a few buff spells; bard, sorc, wiz, cleric take your pick there all better.
For most people this is a good party:
Caster (Wiz/Sorc)
x2 Tank (Barb, Pali, Ftr, Monk)
Rangers and to some extent bards get ignored allot. it's not there fault. Are rangers bad? Not at all, I have seen some really good ones, problem is I have also seen some really bad ones and when given a choice between a fighter, a barb, a pali and a ranger I am gonna take the fighter or barb over the ranger any day. It takes skill to be even a mediocre ranger but anyone who can swing a stick can be a good fighter or barbarian. Ranger's are a roll of the dice. fighter, barb, pali are just safer.
Eternium (Art 18), Tatooine (Bard 19), Technodrome (Wiz 18 / Rog 2), Thanigar (Brb 14)
Been noticing a lot of this stuff lately.
Groups that need a tank, but aren't accepting rangers or monks, yet are taking barbarians. Groups that are running quests many levels above the level of the quest on normal, but only accepting certain classes.
Groups that have a rogue, and thereby default dismiss all other rogues.
Groups running quests with no traps that are only taking a rogue.
Groups that need DPS, but aren't accepting rogues or rangers.
Groups for low level quests comprised of 4 paladins and a caster that are only accepting clerics.
Groups that are missing a caster and only taking a sorcerer.
Groups that are missing a caster and only taking a wizard.
I think part of it may be due to the influx of new players, many of whom may come from PnP, or have received advise about ideal party make-up and class roles, and have managed to go many levels without realizing how flexible and relatively easy this game can be.
Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!
well if they dont want rangers its kinda dumb since they can many shot beholders and take em down without anyone losing any buffs.
sounds to me like there noobs and it was best to avoid that party
i would never exclude anyone for an easy quest like that
me and a couple of buddys did it 3 man elite wf barb a paly and a melee fs when i was lvl 13 and i had 2 lvl 14s not thats a big acomplishment since i had a sorc friend who would solo the quest on elite at lvl 10 when it first came out
And we ran it last night four times in 50 minutes total, n/n/n/h with two level 14 rogues and a sorcerer. We added a ranger at the end. How dare we run without a full group and without paladin and a cleric!?!? The imputence! The audacity! The unmitigated gall!!!!
Last edited by Draccus; 12-29-2009 at 07:19 AM.
This is to be expected as froobs level up and the limiting viewpoint that one must have "X" class to complete a quest.
OP, your safer for not going...
Last edited by PwnHammer; 12-29-2009 at 07:53 AM. Reason: sex
Drow © Blizzard.
Last edited by TheGladiator; 12-29-2009 at 02:12 PM.
I wanna be a farmer when I grow up!
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Unfortunately, there are still a number of rogues out there that cannot handle DPS if they have the attention of a mob. Add to this a lower hit point pool and its obvious why this happens. Now, there are a number of rogues out there that can handle this job, but people generally don't expect it and commonly believe that a tank is needed for a number of quests where it isn't.
Trap monkeys are not neccessary...
I wanna be a farmer when I grow up!
The deluge of ranged rangers that has come in with DDO:EU, which we had almost eliminated from the game when the cap was 16, has nearly ruined the ranger name.
I just send grps like this a tell "baddest twf tempest in game - you want dps and killing fast, I'm your man". Almost always get accepted. The claim isn't really ture, I'm sure there are lots of bigger badder dps rangers out there, but it gets the point across that I'm not going to sit back and plink away.
Captain's Crew - Ghallanda