Well, I’ve been back on Ghallanda for a couple of months now. Good to be back home. Got my characters all planned out, well stocked and ready to do some adventuring. As soon as Festivult comes to an end, I will be ready for the fun to begin (one last farming run before the real work begins).
I will be recruiting for my own guild soon. Something gets lost in transaltion when a guild is too big and people tend to “nit-pick” or find pet peaves when a guild is too small (I do it too). Not that I have any ill regards for former guilds that I have been a part of. But I think we are all here to have fun. And not everyone has the same concept of what fun is.
What I am looking for, for starters is a group of 12 (a solid raid party) that can grow what I would like to be one of the best guilds on Ghallanda (I would say THE BEST, but that is matter of opinion). So, 11 others and myself. No experience neccessary, they are welcome to be VIP, F2P, new player or founder; I would actually like to see a mixture of all. These 11 would be the official ‘board members’ for Drakken Storm Industries, with me being the CEO.
PM me for more information or a ‘draft’ of the guild’s constitution.
I will keep those that need to know in the know. I look forward to hearing from you.
Sweet Home Ghallanda (Part I):
Airship keep on cruising. White dragon don’t smash it again. Singing songs about Xen’drik, I never want to see Korthos again (never again). Well, I heard Natt gann was a performer. But now Natt Gann’s not around. I think he broke his leg when the tent exploded. I think The Coin Lords put him down (like a lame horse).
Sweet home Ghallanda. Where the skies aren’t always blue (they’re sometimes grey). Sweet home Ghallanda. I feel most at home on you.
In Stormreach Harbor I love the loot runs. Durk’s, Water Works and Irestone Inlet are the best. Now, the crowds in the Marketplace do not bother me. Do the new players really bother you, tell the truth.
Sweet home Ghallanda. Where the skies aren’t always blue (they’re sometimes grey). Sweet home Ghallanda. I feel most at home on you.
There’s really not any problems, finding a group now the game is free to play. Most of these guys are buying their content from the DDO Store (when its free for a VIP like me).
Sweet home Ghallanda. Where the skies aren’t always blue (they’re sometimes grey). Sweet home Ghallanda. I feel most at home on you.
Sweet home Ghallanda. Where the skies aren’t always blue (they’re sometimes grey). Sweet home Ghallanda. I feel most at home on you.
(Extended Version - Part II - Coming Soon)