I am unhappy that guild tags were put into the game in this broken state. Please fix them.
I am unhappy that guild tags were put into the game in this broken state. Please fix them.
Last edited by Tarrant; 10-31-2009 at 11:10 AM.
Nightbreak - Thelanis.
Community Member
Rofl, is he getting upset over the ACCIDENTAL addition of guild rank names, thats been glitching almost every guild's rank names? Relax...it was incomplete and wasn't meant to go in. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at the Guild Masters changing the rank names, causing a server-wide rank name change...
Half-elf: Your ugly...
Half-orc: Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder
Half-elf: Um...which eye?
What was your tag before and what is it now? Your post did not entirely make this clear.
Are you even remotely serious?
I mean really?
I spent half my play time today with "ScoresWitFatChick" or something like that as my guild rank and I didn't toss a fit cause it was hetero centric. It's a mistake, one they're working on. Check things out before you freak.
Main: 18 Artificer, Thelanis
It is very sloppy that they missed this somehow getting back into the live version of the game when it was pulled from the test server for just this very problem. Accidents do happen, but this was a fairly big ooops.
Alexandria: ~TR~ Barb, cap. Elzibith: Barb, lvl 15. Luaidhean: Casting Cleric, cap. Premika: Battle FvS, cap. Siobhann: Battle Bard, cap. Temperrance: ~TR~ Monk, lvl 18. Treaka: ~TR~ Arti, lvl 13. Venngeance: DPS Ranger, cap. Yzabelle: ~TR~ Sorc, lvl 16
The Sabbat, Ghallanda
They sure do, and accidents are understandable, but sleeping on something that has LFMs getting vindicitve over and so on should be fixed somewhat soon. I just try to draw attention to a problem, we all know bug reports aren't always looked act, tickets are "thrown away" and never read sometimes too. In the end, maybe somenoe reads this and laugh, then hey its fun.
Totally serious? No. Remotely? yes. I don't appreciate being called names such as heathen, but I think my sarcasm is apparent, and that they should disallow people to eb doing this greifing.
Member, then heathen, two types of ham, then monkey, someone said it was prostitute before but I never actually saw that to be what it said.
Well, in most cases its not an oops that bothers anyone. The intern was honestly funny and made me laugh. Recruit wasn't too bad, but some of the others were obnoxious. I've "heard" though can't verify that there were some really offensive things in there. The heathen thing does bother me, but if people talk about it, even if laughing at my trying to make others laugh, calling me a tard or whatever, that's ok if it draws attention to FIXING the problem before someone goes around with something like ----weed, or whatever other name someone will end up trying. I mean really, it should be fized as fast as they can, because someone's gonan go crazy for real and not being a dork like I usually do.
Nightbreak - Thelanis.
Agreed, and I find the hetero centric and religious titles just as offensive. Not saying you shouldn't be mad. cause it was a huge "oops" just saying that it's a well known issue if you'd had gone back a bit. There have been numerous threads on the issue and you could have found out it wasn't someone being malicious, but an enormous coding eeror from the release.
I was friggen MIFFED when I thought someone was mussing about with my guilds tags, then I asked my guild, found that no they werent supposed to be that way, so I came to the forums, saw it wasn't just us and kinda chuckled from there on the stuff people came up with.
Basically, I groove with what you feel, but chill.
Main: 18 Artificer, Thelanis
Its entertaining for me. One thing to keep in mind though is Turbine has to keep it clean for the kids so hopefully people dont get completely ******** about it and cause something that would force a server shutdown this weekend while they fix it.
I want to play all weekend.
Except is was funny to see all the "Monkey" titles today..
Whiteabbot (renamed was Cardinaldrew) - Badmonkey - Ramblinrose - Heatmonkey - Soulmonkey - Minglle wood - Estimated Prophet - and other monkeys
Proud Member --- Archangels---
Yeah, I was all gonna ask Womp what was up with the titles, then found out he wasn't doing it. FWIW earthworm is the current one, of all things. Thing is, I'm not really mad, just trying to make people aware and be kinda funny in my own way about it. There HAVE been some things you shouldn't call people, for sure, and I don't think anyone really thought a Turbine employee was the one making the titles, this thread was to be funny. It's been my biggest rep loser though, (massive drop actually) but I figure, most people won't read the whole thing anyway. But if one person DOESN'T get banned for naming someone something bad, then it's worth it, really.
Anyone who has read more than 5 of my posts know if I seem mad I'm being a big jokester, and am just hoping people will watch out so they don't get in more trouble.
You should request a special title of Monkey when it's fixedI mean, badmonkey, heatmonkey, lootmonkey, oh wait I made up that one!
Nightbreak - Thelanis.
Nobody can ever offend you without your permission and participation. Perhaps you should give getting over yourself a try.
Last edited by Shamguard; 10-31-2009 at 11:01 AM.
See you in Stormreach, Shamguard "I am THE Rogue."
Practice doesn't make Perfect. Practice make Permanent. Patience makes Perfect.
Wait what Sticks and Stones will break your bones but guild rank name change will never hurt you.
The inclusion of this feature was an error, and it's one we're working to correct as quickly as possible. We're sorry you're offended.