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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Make one of the Cleric PrE turn based

    As it looks like now Clerics has 3 things that put them a part from FvS:
    the option to swich spells
    more spells
    the ablity to turn/destoy undead

    It would be reasonble to let at least of the 3 comming Cleric PrE have one of it's focus on turning (for example combined with healing). Asuming that Warpriest will be the prestige class for the battle Cleric (eg melee oriented Cleric with low charisma).

    Apart from the obviouse heavy increase Clerical turn Level that are needed for turning to destroy undead in a magnitued compared to the cost of high charisma (100% or 200% more for some math look at: I sugest that you follow the pattern that you use for Bards farsinate.

    Make more creatures turnable obviouse choice are:
    *) fire, ice, earth and air elementals (as the D&D 3.5 domains)
    *) the abilty to exorcise an extraplanar creature as the Silver Flame Exorcism .

    To make it real fun it could work like this:
    PrE lvl 6: you can fire, ice, earth and air elementals and you Clerical turn Level increase with xx
    PrE lvl 12: you can use turn attempt to exorcise an single extraplanar creature (same mecanism like "destroy" in turn undead OR using the Silver Flame Exorcism mecanism) and you Clerical turn Level increase with zz.

    PrE lvl 18: you can use turn attempt to exorcise mutiple extraplanar creature (same mecanism like "destroy" in turn undead OR using the Silver Flame Exorcism mecanism) and you Clerical turn Level increase with yy.
    Last edited by Favis; 10-23-2009 at 10:34 AM. Reason: change the first post to it's clear that turning could be combined with some other ability in the PrE

  2. #2
    Community Member Anneliese's Avatar
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    The planned PREs are: Exorcist of the Silver Flame, Radiant Servant and War Priest

    More info is here:

    (couldnt find a better link)

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anneliese View Post
    The planned PREs are: Exorcist of the Silver Flame, Radiant Servant and War Priest
    "Flame of Censure (Su): An exorcist of the Silver Flame can manifest the mystical power of the Silver Flame to ward off outsiders with the evil subtype. "
    "radiant servants of Pelor are particular good at two things -- healing and turning undead"
    One of both of exorcist of the Silver Flame and radiant servants of Pelor could be used to boast the turning undead power of the Cleric that takes there PrE. IF the dev choice to.

    Warpriest looks like something for the Battle Cleric.

    Thanks for the links

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Favis View Post
    As it looks like now Clerics has 3 things that put them a part from FvS:
    the option to swich spells
    more spells
    the ablity to turn/destoy undead.
    Actually, a fourth is that clerics have an enhancement that lets the spell point cost for empowered spell healing be lowered. So while a Fvs may have more mana, the same empowered heal spell for a cleric costs much less mana.

    My thought is that the turn dead should have multiple lesser effects AFTER outright destruction fails as a second check to make it more interesting and useful, for example:
    Roll 1-3 on d20 could slow undead by 1/2 for 6 second each caster level.
    Roll 4-6 on d20 could trip/command the undead
    Roll 7-10 on d20 could curse the undead
    Roll 11-13 on d20 could mesmerise the undead
    Roll 14-17 on d20 could charm the undead
    roll 18-20 on d20 could do 1d6 damage for each cleric level.

    The above is just an example and I am sure many other effects would be possible. The thing is, I never use turn on undead because it ALWAYS fails and it is just a total waste to try. If there was at least a chance that something usefull could happen, even if it was random, I am sure more people would use it. The ability needs to have something added to it that will make it more powerful while not becoming overpowered and I believe something random like this would achieve that goal.


  5. #5
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    Post Cleric Servants of Pelor: "particular good at two things -healing and turning undead"

    Quote Originally Posted by Mentor View Post
    Actually, a fourth is that clerics have an enhancement that lets the spell point cost for empowered spell healing be lowered. So while a Fvs may have more mana, the same empowered heal spell for a cleric costs much less mana.
    Good point it fits with Servants of Pelor

    Mabe something similar to this?

    Cleric Radiant Servant of The Sovereign Host I
    Ministering to the needs of good folk everywhere and protect them from the rising tide of evil, You hold a particular hatred for undead and become a puissant healer.
    This prestige enhancement grants you 2 additional Turn attempts, it makes you able to turn fire, ice, earth and air elementals. Using the maximize Spell feat costs you 0 spell points when it is used on Healing domain (cure or heal spells).
    Cost: 4 action points

    Cleric Radiant Servant of The Sovereign Host II
    Ministering to the needs of good folk everywhere and protect them from the rising tide of evil, You hold a particular hatred for undead and continue your training as a puissant healer and a destoyer of evil.
    This prestige enhancement grants you 2 additional Turn attempts, all you turningar are counted as "greater turning".So that undeads that would flee in fear are destroyed instead.Using your Empower Healing cost 0 spellpoints.
    Requires All of: Cleric Improved Empower Healing III, Cleric Radiant Servant of The Sovereign Host I.

    Cleric Radiant Servant of The Sovereign Host III
    Ministering to the needs of good folk everywhere and protect them from the rising tide of evil, You hold a particular hatred for undead and continue your training as a puissant healer and a destoyer of evil.
    This prestige enhancement makes you turning beeing calculated in a new way. All the Undead in the area (no limit in number) get the save: Will save or destroyed. A successful Fortitude save make them cover in fear. The Save DC for this ability is "cleric level when attempting to turn undead" + Charisma Modifier.
    Using the Quicken Spell feat costs you 4 fewer spell points when it is used on Healing domain (cure or heal spells)..
    Last edited by Favis; 10-23-2009 at 11:20 AM. Reason: change Servants of Pelor to Radiant Servant of The Sovereign Host on the name of the PrE

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Favis View Post
    As it looks like now Clerics has 3 things that put them a part from FvS
    And when the priest specialties come out, there will be 6 more things that separate Cleric from FVS:
    Warpriest, Exorcist, Radiant Servant, FVS spec 1, FVS spec 2, and FVS spec 3.

    The fact that they have a whole separate list of specialties is sufficient differentiation for the specialties of those classes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Favis View Post
    It would be reasonble to let one of the 3 comming Cleric PrE focus on turning (the other on battle Cleric and spellfocused Cleric).
    That would not contribute to the enjoyment of Cleric players, unless the "turn undead" used by that specialty was twisted far away from what that feature is defined as.

    Any ability linked to turning is going to be too limited in terms of uses per rest, unless it is so powerful that it becomes imbalanced whenever the shrine density is on the high side.

  7. #7
    Community Member MysterX's Avatar
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    Aside from the fact that Pelor is a Greyhawk deity, so it will probably be Radiant Servant of Dol Arrah (or The Sovereign Host).

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