Ya know, In beta, there wasn't this issue of targeting I am seeing now. If there was, I surely would have hollered then.
But I am having the devils own time trying to select the most simplest of objects, and my targeting goes haywire, driving me close to insanity... I have to click on a door a dozen or so times or more before the object interacts..
In fact, I have found I must use the "U" button to activate npcs and doors and whatnot, when I used to be able to click. And that my tab button isnt working properly anymore is driving me nuts as well... this really iks me as I seemingly cannot find out which of the dozen or more extra targeting choices in the UI options is Ticking me off!!!
As I play a support player most of the time, I rely on my targeting to be at 100%, when I want it, and what I want. Demands of whats left of my guild and the flavor is High level dungeons.. I need to be on the ball, I find I am being a huge detriment instead of a asset to the party.
So, I guess I am going to have to spend some quality time beating this system back into shape so I can play again.
If any of you players are experiencing anything similar, and found the cure, I would be most appreciative.