What it costs to buy scrolls for a cleric to use while healing the tank? A stack of 100 Heal = 165,000 gold (16,500 plat). How many of those scrolls get wasted on over-healing? Depending on the quest, maybe just one? or two?..PLEASE, most likely almost ALL- but what alternatives are there?
What's my point?... a level 20 tank has NO chance to even lighten the load when the best healing potion in the game gives about as much benefit as a real world equivalent of eating a couple of grasshoppers for a meal...and not even the chocolate-covered ones at that.
The costs for Clerics in these high level quests and raids are staggering...and the reason is...what? greed?
Better for DDO if a cleric has to buy 10 mana pots from the Store to complete an Elite run...along with using 200 HealScrolls? and maybe 100 Mass Cure Mod scrolls too?
Oversight? "Oh, we didn't know level 20 tanks would have 600 HPs!?!"
"Here, let us offer better potions in the DDO store...how about Cure Serious Wounds Potions...heals from 4-39 HPS per swig...50 uses...only 120 points" (ALL Sarcasm here)
This just doesn't make sense...
GREATLY edited to simplify my point