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  1. #1
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    Default AH getting out of control already


    As was mentioned in an ARGO thread the AH is a little out of control.

    This server has been up for all of a week to week and a half and people are already putting way to high of prices on low level equipment.

    Seriously people I know the power levelers are already in the high teens and have started to amass their wealth but stop for a moment and realize this is a new server and has many new players who have very little wealth. instead of making it hard and frustrating for them to obtain your castoff equipment why not make it reasonable?

    Now for my advice section for new players. STAY AWAY FROM THE AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    At least until you have started to know the game and the ways to sustain your money. Go to the Pawn shops in House D and House K. At least there the prices are set by the game and not some overly greedy player.

    Flame me all you want, I know the AH is there for a reason and you can put whatever price you want. If it sells at stupid price then I guess that's what the market will ear, wither that or you forced some poor sap to buy plat to fatteb your own bank. Either way, IMHO opinion it's out of control.
    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
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  2. #2
    Community Member Ephemeral's Avatar
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    I get the impression that some of the stuff on the AH is more about bragging rights than anything else, e.g. there was a bloodstone up a few days ago with a minimum price and buyout around 2 million plat, obviously a sum of money no one actually has. I don't think this was put up to sell, it seemed to me more that it was put up to show that someone had already looted one.

    Most of the loot in the first few days was reasonably priced, and much of it still is. I think many of the vip players are so used to their home server prices that they haven't realised where the market is yet and are pricing conservatively in response.

    However, I'm sure that many characters are already running around with 50k + plat (if not more). The AH is currently in its infancy, and there isn't much in the way of decent gear (+stat items, mod or heavy fort, mithral armors) so if / when good items do come up, they can in fact command a huge premium at the moment because the demand is going to be high from those whose toons are already 10+.

    What I'm noticing is that good high end weaponry is being put on at huge prices, particularly the burst of pure good weapons. This makes sense to me, as until you have greensteel, those weapons are the way to go. What would normally be classed as twink weapons on the other hand don't command good prices and/or are superseded by easily obtainable loot from the new quests, particularly sharn syndicate (my toon was dual wielding a nicked scimitar / nicked shortsword until about level 7 or 8, and this felt to me to be almost as powerful a combo as the stereotypical elemental of pg that would be the twink norm).

    The key for most powergamers short-term (particularly melee builds) is to build up a reliable collection of weapon effects very quickly, which whilst not being optimal, allow for most of the content to be handled (the mod 9 transmuting nerf really hit this hard imo). Secondary is to flesh out defences and stat boosts (along with potency items). These items will command a premium until there is enough loot flowing for a liquid market to emerge.

    Slightly off-topic, I think it will be fascinating watching this market develop, and I'm curious to see how much of the intuition that vets have built up playing on their old servers will serve them on Cannith when evaluating item value.
    Current toons on Cannith: Case (Ftr 9/Rgr 6/Mnk 2)

  3. #3
    Community Member Revord's Avatar
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    Ive noticed some of the same thing as well. I started playing in the recent beta, and found that a lot of items were much more reasonably priced there than they have been in Cannith. That said, the poster of the items certainly does have complete autonomy of what he/she posts and how much, but for those that are 'truly' looking to get rid of stuff, and make quick cash, but more than what they could get from vendors, dont post your items at the 'suggested retail price'. Take it down a notch or two.

    As a new player, and not a power gamer, I dont have a lot to spend, but I always go for price. and with that, if I post something, I never try to 'max out' what I make off an item. As a low level character, I dont have uber items to offer. But others might be able to use what I have, so, I want money, they want items, its way better than the 10% youll get from the vendors. Maybe you get 40-50%, its better than clogging up your inventory or bank account.

    In other words, if you really want to get rid of something, dont get greedy. This is just a point of view from an actual 'noob' player.

    Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result -Winston Churchill

  4. #4
    Community Member Ivahoe's Avatar
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    I know I feel loaded at 130k plat and being the highest level on the server(at least was before I took off leveling the past 3 days) anything at this point over the price of 50k plat is basically going to cost an average player everything they have therefore unlikely to sell.

    The 15k plat level 4 weapons make me laugh as the only people who would buy those are the level 4 people who have nowhere near that kind of money yet
    Eurybia, Euthanasia, Streyino, Ivahoe
    Knight of the Silver Legion

  5. #5
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ivahoe View Post
    I know I feel loaded at 130k plat and being the highest level on the server(at least was before I took off leveling the past 3 days) anything at this point over the price of 50k plat is basically going to cost an average player everything they have therefore unlikely to sell.

    The 15k plat level 4 weapons make me laugh as the only people who would buy those are the level 4 people who have nowhere near that kind of money yet

    Exactly. It took every dime I had to get a level 2 weapon the other day and that was at 20k gp buyout. i just saw a level 4 scimi on the AH for 45kpp buyout. Thta's out of control for a new server IMHO.
    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
    Go for the eyes Boo!

  6. #6
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Given the nice new Sharn Syndicate weapons available around level 4-6, I can't see many players needing the AH for pre-10 gear unless they're keen on an adamantite or transmuter, ghost touch, or a holy / pure good weapon.

    I know I had a look at handwraps lastnight and had a laugh at the 13950175 various +1 handwraps up there. Pure silliness.

    So yes, stick with House D's weapon broker and house K's armour broker IMO.

    In other news, it's interesting to see PUGs for VoN already on this server.

  7. #7
    Community Member Gleipner's Avatar
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    All the decent weapons i´ve pulled that i don´t use i´ve put on the AH at reasnoble prices +2 PG BS buyout 2000 plat and same for a +1 icy BS of pg one of em sold so i guess i wasn´t way out of line, and i´ll give a golf clap to thoose who will get one of their tomes sold at the prices that they are posted at atm.
    Yes Ah is broken mostly bc there is people from old servers posting things at the same prices as they would charge at their old home server.

  8. #8
    Hall of Famer
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    It amazes me that people thought Cannith would somehow evolve differently than the other servers.....

    I spend 15-20k Plat on a solid L4 Weapon in a heatbeat. Everyones starting fresh here. how many more lowbies that I roll will be able to use that Holy Longsword or Acid mace of Pure Good?

    Twink items on Cannith are the holy grail right now folks.... That shouldnt surprise anyone.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  9. #9
    Community Member Drfirewater79's Avatar
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    I have to admit i agree with the OP

    I have always thought people want to much for items that drop regularly

    I have put forth suggestions as to how turbine could control this that go unheard so i stop making suggestions

    +2 tomes for instance especially with the new lvl 7 require are not worth 2million plat sorry to tell you

    if you post a +2 tome vorpal or banisher for over 100,000 plat or 1 million gold then your the problem and if you pay more then 1 million gold for anything then you are adding to the problem .... best way to drop prices is not to pay them.

    with the new content smiters greater banes vorpals paralizers and banishers will start to drop more as they can be found in any mission lvl 10 and higher so please people dont use the AH to buy expensive garbage better to spend your time and money on shroud/sos resources and build your own weapons and items and craft your armor to the specs you want rather then pay millions on gold for someones cast aways .... if it was really worth that much they wouldnt be selling it.

    truth is most are just waiting for someone to be stupid enough to pay there price.
    Hack n Slash Gaming - Streaming DDO and PS4 games on Twitch starting September 15th - join the revolution
    Quote Originally Posted by magnus1 View Post
    drfirewater... thanks for being the voice of reason!

  10. #10
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default ah is fine

    if you do not like it, do not use it

    i always play with a jewel of fortune activated & have acquired about 30,000 plat & lots of greatswords (from looting, pawn shop & ah) since playing on Cannith from its opening day

    i am level 10 now & go into the Orchard so i will just get more loot & i will post some of it on the ah for reasonable prices

    i also give stuff away that other players need, i.e., it helps to arm your fellow party members if they have nothing


  11. #11
    Community Member Nestorious's Avatar
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    I dont think its broke.... yet.

    Not trying to sound redundant but really, it's getting feeled out for who will pay what. The Vets arent going to overcharge something to a point where someone who REALLY wants that wont buy it or fig out a way to get the cash. Yes, greed always rears it's ugly head but I have seen ALOT of sharing with ppl too. GiantHold for example, been on many runs where a person gave another class something that would benny them.

    Hell, a tome got given away the other day. There is still good spirit and I hope it continues to grow as the server does. The economy is up to us to maintain though. We give it birth and we feed it. One or two persons actions will not dictate how it turns out but yet a large number of ppl trying to squeeze it to death. Basically, if something way out of proportion it wont sell - the people needing it cant afford and it would be a luxury. At the same time, I dont believe in charity either, if I pull a pretty sweet piece (like my Wiz VI helm yesterday), well, if I drool at it to right now, ya better have a pretty shiny plat to get it out of my deathgrip.

    On the other news - Heard 5 went well but Velah is living up to her true reputation.

  12. #12
    Community Member BattleCircle's Avatar
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    I have been dumping stuff on there fairly cheap, although I did put up a +1 mith full plate for 5k plat. And somebody bought it LOL. But usually the stuff I post is at MSRP or a bit less. If you need anything KK just give me a shout I'll glady share Just look for BoneKnocker

  13. #13
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BattleCircle View Post
    I have been dumping stuff on there fairly cheap, although I did put up a +1 mith full plate for 5k plat. And somebody bought it LOL. But usually the stuff I post is at MSRP or a bit less. If you need anything KK just give me a shout I'll glady share Just look for BoneKnocker
    Will do.
    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
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  14. #14
    Community Member Gutskas's Avatar
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    I don't know the 'real' prices a given item should be, I do however keep an eye out on the AH for items that seem to be discounted to buy every so often, but I mainly just keep running dungeons for gear that I can use.
    Add my Xfire - Gutskas

  15. #15
    Community Member Ephemeral's Avatar
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    After watching the AH pricing develop over the last couple of days, I'm becoming more and more convinced that there are some real idiots playing on Cannith. There are a bunch of newly found items (+6 stat items, nice weapons such as bursting of pg / status affectors / banishers, tomes) being put on at prices well in excess of 100k plat, some getting up to 1000k plat or more.

    To put this into perspective, I would imagine that I could count on my fingers the number of people who have 500k plat free at this moment in time. Most of the mid-teens level toons running around probably have realistically somewhere in the region of 100-200k plat. Toons at lower levels than this have much much less, because there simply is no market yet for things like pure water and other collectibles.

    I think the market will stabilize quite quickly, and prices will drop rapidly in about a week's time, after 2-3 cycles of 3 days when people's items expire after no-bids on the AH. At the moment though, the AH is pure caveat emptor - you really need to know exactly what weapons / items are good and factor in timing (e.g. atm paralyzers, disrupters, smiters and banishers are being put on at ungodly rates today however once there are a few more floating around the cost will crash down to where they should be).

    A very simple rule of thumb is this: melee toons have the highest costs in terms of equipment, and they need several weapons sets. Most dps builds are still twf, so each set requires 2 weapons. About 8-10 different weapons sets are needed, as well as armors and other items. By the time a typical toon has hit level 14 (when the majority of current weapons in game are usable) they will have looted/vendored/AH'd probably in the region of 200k plat. Taking 200k plat as the budget then, an average weapon set can be up to about 15k plat, assuming some desired items are found as loot. Ceiling prices therefore for weapons on the AH are likely to be in the region of 50k plat (and these would be the absolute best weapons). Anything higher than this, and I just can't see who'd be stupid enough to buy them.
    Current toons on Cannith: Case (Ftr 9/Rgr 6/Mnk 2)

  16. #16
    Founder dj.kickz's Avatar
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    Hey Case!
    Yeah i agree I would gladly pay 50k plat for a good disruptor, paralyzer, smiter, or vorpal weapon but people keep throwing them up for more then 100k plat which is quite frankly more then i have earned up to this point. I think if you have weapons like this the only way to realistically get what you think their value is through trade. I wish the people who are selling these weapons for 100-500k plat would post on the trade forums because I would gladly trade equivalent value items (Gird, 6 con belt, etc) that I don't believe I can sell for their actual value at this point.

  17. #17
    Community Member Ephemeral's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj.kickz View Post
    Hey Case!
    Yeah i agree I would gladly pay 50k plat for a good disruptor, paralyzer, smiter, or vorpal weapon but people keep throwing them up for more then 100k plat which is quite frankly more then i have earned up to this point. I think if you have weapons like this the only way to realistically get what you think their value is through trade. I wish the people who are selling these weapons for 100-500k plat would post on the trade forums because I would gladly trade equivalent value items (Gird, 6 con belt, etc) that I don't believe I can sell for their actual value at this point.
    The interesting this is we know the relative drop frequency of items from the other servers, and also what is long-term a better item (e.g. paralyzers, disrupters, vorpals etc. are good right now but won't hold their value as well as items like girds where alternatives simply don't exist).

    I personally would not trade my gird for a special effect weapon because I know from the other servers that it is worth, relatively speaking, at least 3-4 special effect weapons. As for +6 stat items, they are so cheap everywhere else that the current pricing on Cannith is quite simply wrong.

    My gut feeling is that a top end weapon on Cannith today should be worth about 20k plat buyout based on the amount of cash sloshing around, with items like girds at about 75k (if you actually want them to sell), and bloodstones maybe at 150k. Current pricing is 10x this, which looks to me more like the economies on the legacy servers.

    I completely agree with you about trading rather than buying / selling for currency atm, however my suspicion is that people who are trading know the true worth of these items and you simply won't see them trading away really good items for things which are rare right now but will be common before the month is out.

    Edit: another thought - using the AH removes 30% of the sale value from the server's economy. For the legacy servers, this is a good thing as it helps to counteract the rampant inflation there. On Cannith, if people did actually pay some of the prices being asked, the server economy would become even less liquid as large chunks of plat were removed from circulation.
    Last edited by Ephemeral; 09-13-2009 at 01:24 AM.
    Current toons on Cannith: Case (Ftr 9/Rgr 6/Mnk 2)

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ephemeral View Post
    I get the impression that some of the stuff on the AH is more about bragging rights than anything else, e.g. there was a bloodstone up a few days ago with a minimum price and buyout around 2 million plat, obviously a sum of money no one actually has. I don't think this was put up to sell, it seemed to me more that it was put up to show that someone had already looted one.

    Most of the loot in the first few days was reasonably priced, and much of it still is. I think many of the vip players are so used to their home server prices that they haven't realised where the market is yet and are pricing conservatively in response.

    However, I'm sure that many characters are already running around with 50k + plat (if not more). The AH is currently in its infancy, and there isn't much in the way of decent gear (+stat items, mod or heavy fort, mithral armors) so if / when good items do come up, they can in fact command a huge premium at the moment because the demand is going to be high from those whose toons are already 10+.

    What I'm noticing is that good high end weaponry is being put on at huge prices, particularly the burst of pure good weapons. This makes sense to me, as until you have greensteel, those weapons are the way to go. What would normally be classed as twink weapons on the other hand don't command good prices and/or are superseded by easily obtainable loot from the new quests, particularly sharn syndicate (my toon was dual wielding a nicked scimitar / nicked shortsword until about level 7 or 8, and this felt to me to be almost as powerful a combo as the stereotypical elemental of pg that would be the twink norm).

    The key for most powergamers short-term (particularly melee builds) is to build up a reliable collection of weapon effects very quickly, which whilst not being optimal, allow for most of the content to be handled (the mod 9 transmuting nerf really hit this hard imo). Secondary is to flesh out defences and stat boosts (along with potency items). These items will command a premium until there is enough loot flowing for a liquid market to emerge.

    Slightly off-topic, I think it will be fascinating watching this market develop, and I'm curious to see how much of the intuition that vets have built up playing on their old servers will serve them on Cannith when evaluating item value.
    lol, 50k in 2 weeks is easy. The question is, what can you actually spend your money ON that will allow you to NOT have 50k plat in 2 weeks? *i've found my answer.. healing wands for parties of people that seem to be not wearing any armor at all.. sigh*

  19. #19
    Community Member Ephemeral's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MagicianBlade View Post
    lol, 50k in 2 weeks is easy. The question is, what can you actually spend your money ON that will allow you to NOT have 50k plat in 2 weeks? *i've found my answer.. healing wands for parties of people that seem to be not wearing any armor at all.. sigh*
    50k cash in hand in two weeks was my baseline assumption with someone starting a level 1, untwinked toon without access to any hand-me-downs.

    It was also assuming a fairly quick levelling speed (I think no-one on Cannith is yet capped, but there are a couple of people very close, with quite a few people running around at levels 13-16). Even so, as a proportion of all people on Cannith, levels 13+ is still a relatively small percentage.

    At level 13+ 50k plat becomes trivially easy to make in a couple of hours of loot runs, so we are now in a different mode of the economy for the higher level characters on Cannith.

    However, what we also seem to be seeing is an influx of plat farmers onto the server who are dumping weapons to the brokers. Whereas just a few days ago there were very few paralyzers / disrupters / vorpals on the server, we are now seeing these turning up a lot more frequently. My gut feeling is that the rate that these are coming on exceeds the rate at which people are levelling in general, therefore this creates a downward influence on pricing. Once we start seeing multiple such weapons being put up for auction at any one time, the prices will fall.

    Also, we are on the verge of shroud crafting - a fair proportion of the 14+ characters on the server are either shroud flagged or close. Once they hit the shroud (my guess is we'll see quite a few people hitting this over the weekend) we're into greensteel crafting territory and a huge reduction in demand for dps weaponry from the AH. Again this will push prices down (I'd expect the market in ingredients to start developing which would absorb a fair chunk of newly generated cash).

    There are guys that have been making like bandits on the AH over the last few days and they are probably known to the higher level players, and I for one find their opportunism to be irritating. I know that whereas with people I group up with often and know well I will happily give away even the best loot we're currently finding if they can use it to contribute more to the party than I can, I am beginning to recognise a group of people who I will only trade on a like-for-like basis now. On a server with relatively few people to group with at higher levels, excessive greed is a short-term strategy only, and it will come back to bite you in the longer term.

    AH pricing will stabilize for Cannith, and if you want a really good way of understanding the relative economies of the different servers, its educational to look into what plat sellers are selling currency for on the different servers. At present, they seem to be pricing Cannith plat at 5-6x the price on the legacy servers. This suggests that an item priced at 500k plat on Argo (say a planar gird) should realistically be priced at 100k plat on Cannith today. At present, we're not seeing this reflected in the Cannith pricing, and anyone who is buying at hyper-inflated prices is basically a moron.
    Current toons on Cannith: Case (Ftr 9/Rgr 6/Mnk 2)

  20. #20
    Community Member
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    I'm a newer player - started in August. And I put tons of things on AH at low low low prices. I figure as long as I make more money then I would selling to a vendor then its all good.

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