Guild Name: In Bad Company
Its a pun on my characters names Badina/Badora/Badula/Badera funny haha!
Im the Guild leader of IBC aka In Bad Company.... We are young spirited and some young aged but no minors. Mixture of married couples and single male and female players. Of our regular players we are right around 50-50 m to f. We are fowl mouthed and goofy. I often tell people we come with a parental warning We often teach new people gaming tricks and are in-general pretty patient. We are friends with many other guilds and raid often. Although you will catch us all standing around talking often as well.... we love to socialize and talk ****. We have members spreading all across the contient and have players on around the clock. Like myself i am often atleast logged in from 5am-6am the next moring except the while i am with my children. My husband plays as well his is in my Guild. We have alot of real life friends that are also in the guild so as extreme as we are, we tend to be close nit and loyal.