A Halfling Concept
15 Paladin / 5 Rogue
489 (537 raged)
Str: 30 (15 + 4 Tome + 5 Levels + 6 Item) +2 Rage +2 Madstone Rage = 34
Dex: 24 (15 + 2 Tome + 1 Enhancement + 6 Item)
Con: 22 (13 + 3 Tome + 6 Item)
Int: 10 (9 + 1 Tome)
Wis: 18 (8 + 2 Tome + 2 Greensteel + 6 Item)
Cha: 26 (15 + 3 Tome +6 Item +2 enhancements) DM III
Fort: 35 (9 Paladin + 1 Rogue + 8 Cha + 1 Aura + 6 Con + 4 Greater Hero + 5 Resistance +1 Halfling)
Reflex: 36 (5 Paladin + 4 Rogue +8 Cha + 1 Aura + 7 Dex + 4 Greater Hero + 5 Resistance + 1 Haste + 1 Halfling)
Will: 29 (5 Paladin + 1 Rogue + 8 Cha + 1 Aura + 4 Wisdom + 4 Greater Hero + 5 Resistance + 1 Halfling)
*These can be adjusted to your liking via some AP in the Paladin Aura enhancements and via Halfling Enhancements allowing the build to adapt to the possibility of 40+ saves in mod 9 easily.
Power Attack
10 Base
2-5 Aura
5 Protection
8 Armor
1 Ritual
7 Dex
1 Haste
1 Halfling
3 Barkskin
3 Chattering
2 Chaos
4 Shield Spell
4 Insight
51-54 Self Buffed
+2 Recitation
+2 Barkskin
55-60 Easy Raid Buff
+4 Bardsong
59-64 Highest Raid Buffed.
5/Evil (AngelSkin)
23 Ranks
4 Greater Hero
3 Cartouche
2 HoGF
8 Cha
6 Shroud
46 (41 in DPS mode - 100% Heal Scroll)
5 / 5 .. Weapon Modifier
5.5 / 5.5 .. Base Avg GS Khopesh
12 / 6 .. Strength
5 / 5 .. Power Attack
3 / 3 .. Divine Favor
9 / 9 .. Bard Song
6 / 6 .. Divine Might III
43.5 / 37.5 .. Avg Base Damage
148.5 / 130.5 .. Avg Base Crit (w/ Bloodstone)
32.625 / 28.125 (Weighted Base Hit)
29.7 / 26.1 (Weighted Base Crits)
62.325 / 54.225 (Total Weighted Base Damage)
6.65 / 6.65 .. Weighted Holy (2d6)
2.375 / 2.375 .. Weighted Slicing (1d4)
3.325 / 3.325 .. Weighted Acid (1d6)
2.2 / 2.2 .. Weighted Acid Crits (2d10)
2.2 / 2.2 .. Weighted Acid Crits from Blast (2d10)
.95 / .95 .. Weighted Force
.7 / .7 .. Weighted Acid on 20's (Teir III)
7.6 / 7.6 .. Weighted Tharnes SA Damage
7.6 / 7.6 .. Weighted Halfling SA Damage Enhancements
9.975 / 9.975 .. Weighted Rogue SA Damage
5.7 / 5.7 .. Weighted Rogue SA Damage Enhancements
49.275 / 49.275 Total Additional Damage
111.51 / 103.5 Total Damage
5-Minute Average DPS vs Evil Outsiders: 479.6 DPS
5-Minute Average DPS vs Evil Outsiders w/ Smites and Divine Sacrifice: 510 DPS
Smite = 500+ damage crits per hand.
18 Base
+ 5 Weapon
+ 12 Strength
+ 2 Competence
+ 4 Greater Hero
+ 3 Divine Favor
+ 1 Halfling
+ 4 Halfling Cunning
+ 1 Rogue SA Accuracy
-4 TWF
-5 PA
+5 Tharnes
46 Total
1. Excellent DPS. With Smites and Divine Sacrifice this appears to be the highest non-rogue primary DPS build yet.
2. UMD for HEAL scrolls on the fly.
3. Good hitpoints.
4. Paladin buffs and immunities.
5. Evasion with high reflex save.
6. Average AC for a DPS toon.
7. High survivability via: AC, Saves, Evasion, UMD, Lay on Hands, DR, Hitpoints.
8. Flexibility. This is one of the builds strongest suits. You can respec your enhancements and go many different directions allowing the build to adapt with future content.
1. DPS is situational for Sneak Attack. Still excellent DPS when not Sneak Attacking.
2. No room for rogue skills.