Edit: Purpose of post was originally to get feedback on three possible layouts: However, post evolved into discussion on what is better, ranger or barbarian on a primarily melee character who occasionally ranges only in appropriate situations.
Edit 2: In conclusion, a 14/6 barb with arcane archer gear is top ranged dps, but come mod 9 it will no longer be available. The tempest capstone ranger retains its place as DDO's most versatile fighter. An 18/2 build can come close but does not gain evasion and loses out on its own important capstone, cannot use the arcane archer gear.
Race Elf
St 18 + level ups
Dex 16 +1 tome
Con 14
Int 08
Wis 08
Char 08
jump full progression
Balance half progression
UMD half progression
Spot 7-14 ranks
three possible layouts to compare:
1: point blank shot
3: PA
6: multishot
9: ic ranged
12: cleave
15: ic pierce [to be switched out to itwf at level 20]
18: stunning blow [to be switched out to gtwf at level 20]
fb III [+6 str raging, crit will be on a 20, x5]
Ranger 6/barb 14
1: point blank shot
3: PA
6: wf ranged
9: ic pierce
12: ic ranged
15: stun [to be switched out to gtwf at level 20]
18: mt
Crit Rage II, Arcane archer III [expands threat range to 18-20 x3, gives 1d6 force arrow, ram's might]
Ranger 6/barb 14
1: dodge
3: mobility
6: SA
9: ic pierce
12: ic ranged
15: PA
18: stun [to be switched out to gtwf at level 20]
Crit Rage II, tempest I
Which one is better and why?