[FONT="Arial"]We didn't set out in making this Guild to be an actuall Guild. The whole purpose of making it was because we were tired of doing the Guild Hopping and not being satisfied with what and where we were going. We wanted to be able to keep up with our friends and be able to find each other and remain Unavailable when ever we wanted to. It seems some people feel we only look out for our self’s and do NOT help others. Well boys and girls that’s far from the truth we have taken many Noobs and have helped them over time we, some of us even help support on the help channel. Now if some of you know us we always when it is raid day’s help anyone out that needs it special the clerics. I my self (Silently) offer scrolls and Pots to make sure anyone not only clerics have what they need even toons that are UMD based. We just want to make it clear that for some reason some of you guys feel its nice to slander a group just cause they are different were not different we do what every one else does and remember this is only a game guys lets just all get along and have the best time we can My self and the others have made so many friends over time on this server and we really enjoy playing here also. I feel this server is one of the Elite and we as a whole working together make it happen TOGETHER. And so you all know we are not responsable for the way everyone in this group is or plays thats on them they are adults and they can act how ever they want if they get banned for there actions its on them. So enjoy your gamming and stay safe and alive. Love to all.
Silently, Rilia, Frankfooter, Deepeaess, Hashshashin, Watchyour, Thannose. and the rest of us from Pinscrew