I've just returned to playing after a couple years off, I'm now enjoying playing my monk, which is now level 7.
What and where is the stone of change? Also, is robes/outfits pretty much the only way to equip a monk as far as armour? What preferences for these do monks who have been playing find worthwhile. I've used the ICE/FIRE/ACID etc robes that damage any creature who strikes me, I thought that was useful, but then I put on a Fearsome Robe that I've been waiting to earn, and find that quite useful.
I've given up on using finishing move, as I've yet to see it do anything.
Is there no way to have Kii like SP available...been plunking points into concentration, but it seems like my points more often then not are empty. A party member is blinded..hold on, I'll meditate, generate some Kii, then take care of that.