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I need help planning for my Spellsword. He is currently lvl 16 (7Clr/2Fgt/7Wiz)
HEre are his stats (I believe im in school and i dont have access but it should be right on)
STR: 24
DEX: 20
WIS:21 (Only +5 item... ifi had a +6 wis ring and +2 tome itll be 24)
CHA: 15
HP: 256
SP: 955
Armor: +3 Mithril Full Plate of Twlight, +5 Heavy Mirthril Sheil (Total spell failure: 10%) AC total: 33 (Not including madstone rage or tenser's)
Spell Resistance: 14
Saves: Will (17), Reflex (15), Fort (16)
BaB: 14
Spells: Wizard offensive/little defensive and Cleric Defesive/healative (NOT GONNA NAME THEM ALL)
Skills: I dont really pay attention but i put in UMD, Jump, Tumble, Balance and Concentration.
** Do not understand y u wasted pts in UMD unless its 2 use rr items which at this point is silly but idk when u created character hopefully that full character respec comes soon.
Bastard Sword
Koseph (or however u spell it)
** Pick 1 exotic weapon with basta build i say stick with basta sword y not they r readily availabale and cheap
Toughness x3
** Drop the 2 extra toughness feats minimal gain for 2 feats.
Mental toughness
Improved Mental toughness
Metamagic: MAX, Quicken, Extend
(thinking thats all of it)
I just want plans for future i dont want "Re-roll now" comments :P TY!