Just call us 'FU' for short...
Currently we have 13 actual members with 4-6 consistently on from 7:00 pm till
10:30 pm (central US) most weeknights. The others log on about 2-3 times per
week. Our goal is to keep the guild smaller (less than 24 people).
Currently, everyone of our members plays atleast one cleric. Most of us don't prefer
the cleric as our primary character, but we all take our turns playing one. This as a
requirement to join our guild.
We prefer to figure out or solve quests for ourselves the first time and avoid spoilers
like the plague. When it comes to a new quest, we isolate ourselves from the rest of
the server until we have solved it. Currently we are working on:
Accursed Anscension (Abbott)
Exploring Subterrainean Area
Vision of Destruction
Hound of Xoriat - DONE
Stealer of Souls - DONE
If you are behind us in content a little, we can hold up and help you. If you are ahead
of us, all we ask is that you don't give spoilers. Most of us get our enjoyment from
solving the quests for ourselves not getting the latest speed runs tips from our friends
and copying them.
We are not after the super uber dude that has everything and knows everything.
We are looking for that casual to active gamer that is willing to try different strategies
and willing to have fun and not treat the game like it is an objective that have to
get completed for your job.
If you are interested, please contact me here or find one of our members online. Our
members play 5-8 characters each, so look for the guild name Faithful Uprising.
Ideally, we want to grow our own guild. However, we realize that the game is older
now and many people do not want to leave their current guild, even if there are only
two members left. If you are in one of these smaller more casual guilds, we are looking
to partner up with you for raids and low activity nights.
Currently we have coalition with the following guilds:
Celestial Knights
Ancient Civilization