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  1. #1
    Community Member pappo's Avatar
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    Default Mic input not working in voice chat

    I can't get my mic to work. Mic test gives no output. I hear noise for a second and then nothing. No signal level is seen in Mic Test.
    I can hear the other players but I cannot talk to them.
    It used to work in module 7.
    I know the mic is working because I use it in Teamspeak, and I passed all the windows tests in the Control Panel.

    My headset/mic is a Logitech USB
    Last edited by pappo; 03-03-2009 at 01:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member NameisToad's Avatar
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    There are two things that I commonly see causing this problem.

    First, do you have the proper voice input device selected? In the options, on the audio panel, scroll all the way to the bottom and make sure that your microphone is selected as voice input device. Sometimes the configuration files get changed with a module and that information can be changed even though it was working as intended before the update.

    Second, once you're sure your client is looking for the right microphone and it's still not working, DDO voice chat lowers the volume of incoming sound to an extremely low level for no discernible reason. On my machine (using a Sennheiser USB headset) I have to raise my microphone volume in windows to the maximum in order for people to hear me properly. In windows XP, you open up the volume control and you click on options>properties, select the proper mixer device (most computers only have the one sound card, but many have an onboard sound card and a soundblaster sound card, and a USB headset will be listed seperately) and then choose recording in the option buttons below. Once you have the proper device and the recording mode, then you hit ok and maximize your microphone volume from windows. In Vista it's probably something similar, but I don't have a vista machine to test on at the moment, so I can't give the detailed steps.

    If neither of those gets it fixed, then come back with a dxdiag and let's see if we can figure it out.

    Edit: Found this in the DDO FAQ about vocie chat problems in vista.
    Quote Originally Posted by DDO FAQ
    I am trying to get my voice chat to work but it won't. What's wrong?

    There are a few reasons why you may be having troubles with your voice chat.

    * Make sure your microphone is plugged into the correct port on the back of your computer.
    * Open the Master Volume Control Panel and click on ‘Options’ then ‘Properties’ and select playback and scroll down the list to select Microphone. Click OK and make sure the microphone is not muted.
    * Next, click on ‘Options’ and then ‘Properties’ again. This time select Recording, select the microphone and click OK. Make sure that you have the microphone selected as the recording device.
    * Load up the game and click on ‘Options’ and then click on ‘Audio’. Select ‘Enable voice chat’ and click on Mic Test. Make sure you can hear yourself. If you cannot, you may have to adjust the Mic Gain and/or Voice Capture. Once you are satisfied, unselect Mic Test and click ok. If you click OK before unchecking Mic Test, your voice chat may not work. If this happens, go back to your Audio Options and select and then deselect the Mic Test and then click OK.
    * This may also be resolved resolved in Vista by opening your UserPreferences.ini file located in your DDO folder inside My Documents and changing the line "UserSpecifiedPort" to "UserSpecifiedPort=9000".
    Last edited by NameisToad; 03-03-2009 at 02:18 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member pappo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NameisToad View Post
    There are two things that I commonly see causing this problem.

    First, do you have the proper voice input device selected? In the options, on the audio panel, scroll all the way to the bottom and make sure that your microphone is selected as voice input device. Sometimes the configuration files get changed with a module and that information can be changed even though it was working as intended before the update.
    Thanks NameisToad. The first option was the problem. The bottom selection was not set to USB headset. MIC Test now works and I am sure people will hear me now.
    Maybe we will run together sometime.
    pappo AKA : Stegmeister: lvl 12 Fighter; Shdwwiz: lvl 7 Wiz; Zengolf: lvl 9 Rogue

  4. #4
    Community Member ProjektApotheosis's Avatar
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    Angry DDO mic test shows nothing

    I've tried all above options. Mic is running great in all other programs. Gain is up, mic volume is up, correct device selected. its an analog mic I'm using Windows 7 with VIA high def Audio with all updated drivers. I get nothing in the mic test. Others players can't hear me and it doesn't appear that I am talking at all.
    He reads much;he is a great observer and he looks
    quite through the deeds of men...

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Hi ProjektApotheosis,

    Are you using Push to Talk or hands free? does your character name turn green to show the mic is detecting voice?

    Have you run through Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Speech Recognition\Set up microphone to confirm windows picks up your voice at the current settings?

  6. #6
    Community Member thanksforallthefish's Avatar
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    Default Game sound, but no mic

    Quote Originally Posted by Smitey View Post
    Hi ProjektApotheosis,

    Are you using Push to Talk or hands free? does your character name turn green to show the mic is detecting voice?

    Have you run through Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Speech Recognition\Set up microphone to confirm windows picks up your voice at the current settings?
    I am having the same problem. I have tried all the above mentioned fixes as well as those in other threads.

    I am using hands free. My character name does not turn green.

    I ran the configure microphone in Speech recognition. It said my microphone was ready to use and that it is working properly. However, the bar beneath the sentence to be read doesn't show what I would expect in such a test. The tiniest sliver of green flashes at the beginning of the bar (in time with my voice) but never does it shoot out as I would expect when I get louder.

    I have tried every possible combination of settings on the computer and DDO. I run Windows 7 64bit with Realtek High Def Audio. I hear everything from the game and I hear others talking, just not me. Nothing registers on mic check either.

    I was able to use this headset in DDO on my laptop. Either switching to a new desktop or running 64bit on it seems to be the problem. Please someone help me!

  7. #7
    Community Member whereispowderedsilve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thanksforallthefish View Post
    I am having the same problem. I have tried all the above mentioned fixes as well as those in other threads.

    I am using hands free. My character name does not turn green.

    I ran the configure microphone in Speech recognition. It said my microphone was ready to use and that it is working properly. However, the bar beneath the sentence to be read doesn't show what I would expect in such a test. The tiniest sliver of green flashes at the beginning of the bar (in time with my voice) but never does it shoot out as I would expect when I get louder.

    I have tried every possible combination of settings on the computer and DDO. I run Windows 7 64bit with Realtek High Def Audio. I hear everything from the game and I hear others talking, just not me. Nothing registers on mic check either.

    I was able to use this headset in DDO on my laptop. Either switching to a new desktop or running 64bit on it seems to be the problem. Please someone help me!
    Wow Im having the same problem as well(Realtek HD Audio & Windows 7 64 bit. This has only happened recently within the last 2/3 weeks! It *was* working before!) I've tested the mics at a friends place/pc so we know that they are working fine its not the hardware. Tried uninstalling & reinstalling the drivers, checked the Asus mobo drivers are up to date. It sees the mic but when go to do a sound recording no sound at all .

  8. #8
    Community Member thanksforallthefish's Avatar
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    Default Solution found

    I fixed the problem: I went out and bought a USB headset. I still don't know why my two post headset doesn't work, but the USB does. My buddy had the same problem with his 2post set, and the USB works for him now, too. I bought an HP model, he has a Logitech model. I am almost certain that the problem is in the OS, as the Control Panel->Sound->Configure Microphone->Set up Microphone shows voice recognition in bursts in the sound bar with the new USB headset, whereas the 2post set had the above mentioned problems (same problems my buddy had too.)

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