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  1. #1
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    Jun 2006

    Default DDOcast Episode 105

    Episode 105 of DDOcast is now ready to go! Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3.

    This week's show features news and a discussion with Oleg about Lord of the Rings Online and what it could bring to DDO. BigBadBarry talks about Shan-to-Kor loot and good loot to trade between characters on "From the Treasure Trove", Xiloscient talks about ways to increase damage on "Xilo vs. Stormreach", Mical the Wise discusses equipment slot ideas on "The Caster Corner" and Rheebus checks in with the "Top Ten Ways to Know if the Party Hates you, Mr. Sorcerer"! Thanks so much for listening.


    1:33 Loot and XP Weekend
    2:57 Valentine's Screenshot Contest
    3:28 Europe Loot and XP/Valentines
    3:57 Stalwart Defender
    5:52 Attack-Activated Wands
    6:32 Map Resizing
    6:50 Bounty Bags
    8:15 Restless Isles
    8:30 Lessah's Video!
    9:12 Forum Changes
    9:45 From the Treasure Trove
    15:14 Xilo Vs. Stormreach
    17:46 The Caster Corner
    22:10 Rheebus Top Ten
    27:00 New Player DDO Blog by Carliee
    27:47 Sanadil's Planner Update
    28:27 Oleg's LOTRO report and discussion
    53:37 Email
    TOTAL TIME: 56:53


    Here's a LINK to more information about the DDO Valentine's Screenshot contest for the U.S. and here's the LINK for DDO-Europe.

    Here's a LINK to Eladrin's post.

    Here's a LINK to info about attack-activated wands.

    Here's a LINK to the Stormreach Dating Game video on YouTube and here's an embed:

    Here's a LINK to Carliee's excellent new player's DDO blog.

    Here's a LINK to more info about Sanadil's latest version of the crafting planner.


    Here's a couple of screenshots to celebrate Valootivus!

    The light from the Dimension Door illuminated the extra good loot within...

    I have to say that the group I was in got stuck in Ghosts of Perdition; Clolthulzz got stuck and we couldn't talk to him to complete the quest. I sent in a ticket and got a friendly and helpful response back in about ten minutes. Thanks for your good work on this! We danced with the undead beholder while we waited, disco-style...

    Also, I have to share this. While this might be a good suit of armor for a regal court setting, I personally think this might be the suit that I am least likely to ever wear, except to try it on and take some screenshots for the web site, of course! What do you think? To me, it says "dashing..."

    Oh, and it's a +5 Chain Shirt of Spearblock.


    Here's a few of Oleg's LOTRO screenshots, thanks for sending them in!


    All right, back to the loot and xp'ing!!!


  2. #2
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Another great show Jerry....

    BTW, I like the Chain Skin, to bad it's just Spearblock...

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  3. #3
    Community Member Enir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Cool Real Men wear skirts

    Lovely Show, as always laddie!
    I have a +2 chain shirt just like that. I wear it while playing m' bagpipes!
    Where is my Iludium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator?

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