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  1. #1
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    May 2008

    Default Tier 3 with no bonus...on purpose?

    I've completed two Tiers on my next Shroud item, a cloak of smoke. My original plan was to go:

    Air - +10hp, +1 dex skills (done)
    Fire - +15 hp, +2 dex skills, Displacement 2/day (done)
    Fire/Smoke - +20 hp, +3 dex skills, Permanent Blur

    The main thing I wanted was the +45 hp, Displacement clicky, and blur.

    However, last night in guild chat some folks were saying that the permanent blur isn't worth dual-sharding and that I should instead go with Air for Tier 3. That would give me the hp, the dex skills, but no bonus effect.

    I hadn't thought of doing something that doesn't give a bonus at Tier 3...anyone else do something like an Air-Fire-Air?

    The ing savings is pretty big, but I lose permanent blur. As a low-AC rogue, 20% chance to be missed is pretty big but is it worth 12 larges?

    Should I have gone Air-Air-Air? I think the displacement clicky will be pretty helpful but I could have gotten Haste clicky and Air guard instead of Displacement for the same ings.

    Thoughts on passing on the Tier 3 bonus?

    Basic, universal rogue build advice
    "Not in the face! Not in the faaaaaace!"

  2. #2
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    You cant UMD blur wands?

    Personally I like the permablur on those that cant cast it, but really what quest do we not get blurred from either a bard or a caster?

    It really comes down to preference, you like being self-sufficient, hate relying on another party member for buffs?

    Or maybe you've nothing else to use all those ingredients on...I dunno.

    I wouldnt go for it if ingredients are scarce and the grind makes you cry.
    Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ Yndrofian
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    At least I'm not on G-Land.

  3. #3
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beherit_Baphomar View Post
    but really what quest do we not get blurred from either a bard or a caster?
    You'd be surprised... Plus, if your spells ever get dispelled, you're usually not getting rebuffed.

    I like the permanent blur (my barbarian has this weapon) but for a rogue? Tough one... Depends on how many blur wands are on the AH (haven't checked in a long while)

  4. #4
    Community Member Eternity25's Avatar
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    I agree. I personally wound't use 12 more larges just for a permanent blur. Why not get a Ring of Shadows for 10% permanent blur (costs on average 1-2 million gold), or the Cloak of the Zephyr from the Demonqueen Raid that also gives a permanent blur. Both save you ingrediants. They do almost the exact same thing. And for a Rogue, the Ring of Shadows also gives +10 Hide/Move Silently

  5. #5
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    I was thinking the permanent blur would be useful in a few places, some of which were mentioned above:
    - Debuffed
    - After dying
    - Soloing stealthed (can't use a wand without unstealthing)
    - Never having to worry about not having it in long runs

    That being said, it's probably not worth the 12 larges. Should I have gone Air-Air instead of Air-Fire so that I could go Air on Tier 3 and get Air Guard? Hopefully that displacement clickie will be useful. To be honest, the main thing is the +45 hp so it's not a huge deal.

    Basic, universal rogue build advice
    "Not in the face! Not in the faaaaaace!"

  6. #6
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    The blur is pretty nice, imo, just be patient and it'll come; especially with a toon like yours, patience is better than 'gr i regret this I have to recraft' later.

  7. #7
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draccus View Post
    I was thinking the permanent blur would be useful in a few places, some of which were mentioned above:
    - Debuffed
    - After dying
    - Soloing stealthed (can't use a wand without unstealthing)
    - Never having to worry about not having it in long runs

    That being said, it's probably not worth the 12 larges. Should I have gone Air-Air instead of Air-Fire so that I could go Air on Tier 3 and get Air Guard? Hopefully that displacement clickie will be useful. To be honest, the main thing is the +45 hp so it's not a huge deal.
    Perma blur is nice, BUT, is it worth the extra stuff to get?

    In the above situations: Debuffed, better to click displacement ASAP, and change situation, same with dying. As a Bard, when filling the healer role, I would heal, recast displacement on the victim and then worry about other buffs/healing.

    While soloing stealthed, you probably shouldn't even need it I would think. As mentioned, there are a handful of items you can pull that do much the same job if you want them.

    As for long runs, it is seldom that I see buffing casters not drop Blurs on everyone, it is kinda standard in my experience, thus making your Tier 3 investment even more marginal.
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  8. #8
    Stormreach Advisor

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    I also consider dual-shard for perma-blur to be a waste, but if you can afford it, why not.
    Also, the problem with going single shard now is you're losing on a choice between incineration or air guard, that you could have got by going all air or all fire (see). If you have small and Vale ingredients to waste you might want to re-do your item from scratch (keeping the current one as an extra clicky of displacement).

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