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  1. #1
    Founder ivarthevic's Avatar
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    Default Potency, Devotion, Other item stacking

    From the How Do I Heal thread, I got the impression that Potency Items enhance heals - do they stack with Devotion items?

    I'm a little disillusioned with the empower heals stuff- it uses a lot of spell points even with the enhancements. I suspect i need to get better at waiting until others are a little more injured before healing. Still, I would like to be as efficient as possible.

  2. #2
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Devotion Items affect healing spells only.

    Potency Items affect all spells that do Hitpoints of healing/damage.

    The various levels of power Lesser, Minor, normal, Greater and Superior provide boosts of 10,20, 30 40, or 50% respectively (you can see the level of boost in the item desciption.)

    A Superior Potency IV items would boost the effectiveness of 1st thru 4th level spells by 50%.

    A Superior Devotion IV item would boost the effectiveness of only HEALING spells of 1 thru 4th level by 50%.

    The difference lies in the minimum level which you must be to use those respective items. The Potency item will have a 2 level higher requirement before you can use it when compared to the Devotion item.

    At low levels the cost of most META magics is not worth it, since the META magic costs a fixed number of spell points for a percentage increase. Spending an extra 10 points to boost a first level spell (which only costs 10 to start with) by 50% with Metamagic ends up being a poor use of spell points. However spending those same 10 points to boost the power of a spell that costs 40 and getting 50% more for only 25 % more cost is a good use.

    Frankly at lower levels, META like Extend is probably more useful, and then worry about EMPOWER and EMPOWER HEALING and / or MAXIMIZE later.
    Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more

  3. #3
    Founder smyter's Avatar
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    I had someone in my group last week that swore up and down that potency stacked with devotion. I HIGHLY doubt this.. to the point I never tested it... but it would be easy enough to test by healing yourself.

  4. #4
    Community Member Logicman69's Avatar
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    Nope.. Potency and devotion do not stack. I have both items on my Cleric (Sheild Greater Dev.5 and a Dagger Sup.Pot 7). Whatever item is greater will have the effect (in this case, the dagger).
    Member: Circle of Night (Cristyle Sunn, Grygor Sunn, WarChild Sunn)
    Magic is a curious thing; full of hope and promise one minute, then someone summons a t-rex jet fighter to kill you.

  5. #5
    Community Member Darth_Sizzle's Avatar
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    Potency and Devotion do not stack.

  6. #6
    Community Member SqtYork's Avatar
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    Default Potency and Devotion did stack a long long time ago

    Before they changed the enhancements from just pick four, to the current AP system we now have.

    but that was before the lvl cap was increase to 12, the SP increases, the changes to the enhancement system, the increase in the drop rate of potency items, in addition of scepters, the increase in the drop rate of caster ususable weapons that enhanced casting, the changes in the metamagic costs, ....
    heheheh - cough - weeze ---
    **** my trick knee hurts ... sonny boy go get grandpa his walker and nice cup of Irish Coffee from grandma ....

  7. #7
    Community Member Fennario's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logicman69 View Post
    Nope.. Potency and devotion do not stack. I have both items on my Cleric (Sheild Greater Dev.5 and a Dagger Sup.Pot 7). Whatever item is greater will have the effect (in this case, the dagger).

    When did superior potency 7 get added to the loot tables? I wants one!

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    To concur with earlier poster, Devotion Items are available at lower level than Potency given the same percentage boost between the two.

    However, Potency is mostly available on weapons (as far as I know) where Devotion Items run rampant with gear/shields/jewelry/etc.

    But, on the flip side, Potency affects all your spells, not just healing (Well not all but you get the picture). So any Heal/Damage spell you cast is amplified.

    More offensive type clerics love Potency, do more damage. Most healbots will use Devotion, so they can use their weapon slot for other things, like a +5 Green Steel Mace with all the goodies on it.

    Remember, DDO has already released "Equipment Sets" that when multiple items are equipped it furthers the benefits. Again, choices you have.

    On my cleric I have Empower Healing plus Enhancements, plus raid loot, so my Empower healing spells only have an additional +4 SP cost instead of +10SP to increase healing by %50, add either Potency or Devotion Items which stack with Empower, and that Cure Light Mass is doing some serious healing for little mana.

    In DDO, rule of thumb on stacking that two items of the same type do not stack.

    So, Feats stack with Enhancements which stack with Items.

    Items do not stack with other items. (One exception being Green Steel whose benefit explicitly states stacking in the description.)
    Last edited by cinoaz; 01-19-2009 at 02:14 AM.

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