I understand the reaver cause it was way to easy but the hound wasnt that easy now we had beholders out before we even got 3 charm stones please change the hound back this is just dumb now
I understand the reaver cause it was way to easy but the hound wasnt that easy now we had beholders out before we even got 3 charm stones please change the hound back this is just dumb now
Why exactly is it 'dumb'?
If you ever want a change to take place, having a good reasoning and actually stating it is always a good start. Simply saying "this is dumb because we had a beholder" doesn't really illustrate any point other than you are a very whiny player and need the easy button.
™Originally Posted by turbine
a Quote Similar to that was said in reference to Changing the Flagging mechanic for Velah and DQ.
TUrbine makes adjustments to quests all the time. Changing Spawns and CR's doesnt take much time at all. COmpletely revamping the way a quest is flagged is major work.
A List of quests that have been altered in XP, Spawn Rate and CR since their inception would be quite the hefty list for sure.
In my own opinion all raids should be scaled according to difficulty selection. Meaning a normal hound should be able to be completed by most level appropiate P.U.G.S.Not necessairly the most uber geared characters of super special builds.
Hard-Should probally be more difficult and require some special gearing or builds to accomplish the task.
Elite-Should be the A-Team where only the best & baddest can get the job done. However the limits should still be obtainable by a class build. Meaning don't make the Intimidate DC so high that it's almost a waste to have the intim fail in there like it does now.
I am also aware that the difficulty was scaled previous to MOD 8 but to almost revamp the spawn rate, drop rate of gem stones, beholder spawn, along with increased DC's of Xxyyzz's ability to be effectively intim'd should have been more balanced in my opinion.
What I mean by what I said above is if a person has designed a character with a specific raid in mind and they build a character, and grind them to 16 knowing all along that it was designed to be able to perform a certain task they should be able to continue to complete this task. I.E> a way of the acrobat build rogue or a high intimidate a/c meele build. I think the recent increase to the dc check on the hound may have been a little unecessary for normal difficulty.
I saying scale it to norm,hard,elite if the uber elite wanna run it on norm great. But remember the more casual players wont have the rare and best gear .
I'm not saying that strageties can't be adjusted and I am well aware that there are methods to beat the raid without intim. But I mean if someone designed a character with a mid 50's Intim to specifically be able to intim the hound and not fail even on a 1 then a recent change to the raid jus made that persons build that much less effective.
If you want to make the checks exponentially harder on hard & elite so be it but Norm difficulty should have at least a base success rate that most pick up groups (players that don't player together all the time)be able to complete this raid with fairly moderate success baring that the players have a basic understanding of the raid.
Last edited by Durack; 10-31-2008 at 01:56 PM.
Durrack, Durracka,Verminnard
Fixed that for you.
* We will however adjust easy quests to reflect what was Originally Intended™ because we here at Turbine always implement a quest how it is not intended to be firstly and then correct it later to accurately reflect our intentions, while not revisiting unintentional hard quests as that may unintentionally make the game to easy which is not our intent.
Khyber - Officer in The Stormreach Thieves Guild
Steeles (TR 1 Paladin 20 / 8 Epic - TWF) - Steeley (Monkadin - Pal 18/Monk 2/ 8 Epic - Unarmed) - Steeltruhart (TR1 Paladin 17 - S&B Bastardsword) - Steelforged (Pal 20 / 8 Epic - SWF) - Steeltruhurt (TR1 - Pal 8 / Ftr 2 - THF) Steelsouls (Clr 17 / Pal 3 /8 Epic)
You mean 1. Proof is in the poison. Because even the Devs had to admit it was stupidly overly difficult for a level 4 quest.
Abbot is still ridiculously hard which I admit, is scaled down compared to almost impossible. But that is like saying being shot with 45 bullets is scaled down compared to 50... Either way sucks for you.
But then Reaver, Hound, DQ, Dragon, Tempest spine have all had their difficulty increased.
I tend to agree with the changes that they have made in most situations, but I hate when they use "we don't revisit old content" as an excuse to not fix things.
Khyber - Officer in The Stormreach Thieves Guild
Steeles (TR 1 Paladin 20 / 8 Epic - TWF) - Steeley (Monkadin - Pal 18/Monk 2/ 8 Epic - Unarmed) - Steeltruhart (TR1 Paladin 17 - S&B Bastardsword) - Steelforged (Pal 20 / 8 Epic - SWF) - Steeltruhurt (TR1 - Pal 8 / Ftr 2 - THF) Steelsouls (Clr 17 / Pal 3 /8 Epic)
You know what I love? Sure, they'll adjust difficulty... whatever. But in this mod they actually messed with quest chains and flagging issues, when they said they wouldn't do that.
Take a character that has done a couple of the Korthos island quests, and take 'em onto Korthos. It was interesting trying to play catchup after the mod came out. Knowing I had done my version of old road, but not the new one, etc. Not being able to do the Jacoby quest until I had finished the previous House D quest.
All in all.. I was under the impression that this was exactly why they didn't want to revisit flagging on DQ and dragon.
You need to find that quote and Quote it in CONTEXT if your going to throw it around like this.
THat was in reference to changing the flagging mechanic for old raids. It had NOTHING to do withthe content of the raid or adventure at all....
You want more quess that have been made easier?
Titan (Was near immpossible to beat when it was introduced)
EE3 (And ANY quest that requires you to keep someone alive)
Reaver elemental spawn was REDUCED.. No one complained when that happened did they?
Trap DC were lowered accross the board after they Raised em a couple mods ago.
Cabal Trap has been adjusted down several times
I'll come up with more if ya need em.
fact is, they NEVER made that comment in reference to the difficulty of any given quest or function within a quest. THey comment was directly related to doing a major code revamp to change the flagging mechanic for a couple Old school raids.
I HOPE people forget about good things when they complain. Why would we complain about a good thing? There's a whole list of good changes that came to Mod 8, you want a thread about all of them with people just saying "good change?" :/
It's when really stupid moves happen that people complain. It's when the devs don't sit and think for a second that they do stuff this stupid, if they only did stupid stuff people wouldn't play the game.
The two examples you mentioned are why people keep on complaining. The devs released the two quests you mentioned and had them at levels too hard for completion with the expected characters, people complained, they were scaled down (abbot being scaled up and down several times and still not right )
No.. they're the same quest. They share favor, and they share progression with the old quests.
For instance, I had one of the quests completed, but didn't pick up my end reward. After mod 8, I had to go to Korthos to find my end reward.
You can say they're new quests, but they're not according to the system. But they did alter the flagging, and the order of the chain quests, which is EXACTLY what they said they wouldn't do.
THe only thing Irecall in the old harbor that could remotely resemble a "Chain Quest" was Old Sullys Grog and then Jacoby Drexelhand.
THey "New Versions" may be similar to the old ones.. THey may Share Favor with the old quests.... But they are NOT the same.
Thanks for bringing up THeranal though... Because the devs did fix/adjust the flagging there from wha I hear. I dont see anyone complaining about "Not revising" tat quest chain.
Umm... what is not the same? They changed the quest giver to a new person and altered the scenery a bit. They're exactly the same quests. They share your favor, they share your progression as what you had before. It's not like they even had to physically 'move' the quest... just change where the portal used to be.
Believe me, if they were at ALL new quests... I guarantee the devs would have said... Mod 8, TEN NEW QUESTS!!! Which didn't happen.
And as far as flagging goes... yes, there is a flagging system now. You have to do The Ancient Daggers, the House D harbor quest, and I think the Ancient Scrolls in order to do what used to be Jacoby's old quest, now called Collaboration.
But since you think they changed Threnal... then yes... that would also be an example of them going back and changing flagging mechanics. No one complains about Threnal because it's bad that they change flagging mechanics... Read very carefully, people complain because they DIDN'T change DQ or VoN.
Why would people complain about something they wanted to happen? You need your coffee this morning, man.