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  1. #1
    Community Member Marmock's Avatar
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    Default In the same neighborhood

    I was checking out for game updates as I normally do for my business. I saw that DDO is consumer rated 7.77. World of Warcraft is rated 8.04, and the top rated MMO is LOTR at 8.41. I also saw that Turbine has it's hands in LOTR as well.

    I have been playing LOTR for about 2 weeks now, and I can see why it is very highly rated. It is very well put together. That being said and since we are in the same neighborhood with Turbine, there is a few things that could make DDO alot better.

    1. Housing and Guild Housing- lets us use this Plat that we are all sitting on, by customizing your homes and guild houses.
    2. Armor dyes would make personalization really cool. Kind of like a person tag with color schemes. Color acsents for full plate armor ect.
    3. Game Titles awarded from Epic quests, Mobs defeated, Honored gained.
    4. Traits would personlize each class even more then action points do.
    5. I know we are Instance based, but a mount would still be pretty cool, to run through the Vale, or Gianthold.

    Since LOTR already has all of these, I don't think it would be too far fetched or difficult to implement.

    16th Fighter

  2. #2
    Community Member Tenkari_Rozahas's Avatar
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    guild housing is coming, and as for the rest, you have to remember, the LOTRO and DDO Dev teams are separate, I doubt they share code between eachother, and even if they did, it more than likely would have to be tweaked.

    titles aren't that important, its just fluff, while being able to change the color on that hideous pink docent would be nice, dev time would be better spent elsewhere, Traits are basically generic enhancements, I doubt we need more things to spent AP's on, since most builds don't have many to spare. Mounts arent really that necessary in DDO, while sure, it might take a couple minutes to run through the vale or Gianthold, in Lotro if you didn't have mounts you could be spending hours travelling from place to place in some cases!
    Quote Originally Posted by jwbarry View Post
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  3. #3
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    I hate mounts in mmos because of the way they are used. They are used to shorten traveling distance as their primary purpose. This traveling distance in these mmos is artificially extremely long. If mounts were about D&D mounted combat they would be fun or have a real purpose other then just another thing to grind for to shorten artifical traveling distances. If they added mounts they should go the same speed as a hasted character on foot and the mount is immune to haste which would circumvent the real reason behind mounts in other mmos.
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  4. #4
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    I don't care for ideas 3 and 5, but the others are pretty good.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Tenkari Rozahas View Post
    guild housing is coming, and as for the rest, you have to remember, the LOTRO and DDO Dev teams are separate, I doubt they share code between eachother, and even if they did, it more than likely would have to be tweaked.

    titles aren't that important, its just fluff, while being able to change the color on that hideous pink docent would be nice, dev time would be better spent elsewhere, Traits are basically generic enhancements, I doubt we need more things to spent AP's on, since most builds don't have many to spare. Mounts arent really that necessary in DDO, while sure, it might take a couple minutes to run through the vale or Gianthold, in Lotro if you didn't have mounts you could be spending hours travelling from place to place in some cases!
    This isn't exactly true, they both share the same base MMO engine, albeit at slightly different versions, but the mmo engine team is one team for both. The live event engine was also culled from LOTRO, as well as the DX10 update that will come with mod 8. The Auction house tech was created from an early version developed for LOTRO.

    Never underestimate the power of fluff in a game, look at WOW and lOTRO they are filled with fluff, and also they are filled with tons of players. While things like mounts and traits just don't fit in with the rules, things like being able to appear wearing one armor and actually gaining the benefits from another armor, has broad appeal, a barborshop to change appearances, player housing all fluff, could be ported from LOTRO and you would find people hapy to have them. You will also find people who think Turbine needs to concentrate only on content because they burned through the last set in a week. But you will never make everyone happy.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Auran82's Avatar
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    This is something that could be brought accross from LOTRO

    Free Trial accounts have restrictions in place that prevent the use certain features and functionality, such as in-game mail, auction houses, trading with other players, and the sending of tells in the Game. Free Trial accounts also have posting limitations on the message boards. All of these limitations are removed once a Free Trial player upgrades to a standard account.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Auran82 View Post
    This is something that could be brought accross from LOTRO
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  8. #8
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Let's not see another WoW.

    I'd really prefer that the game continue to exclude certain things, like Grind Ranks, Grind Houses, ... Grind Gear was already blown out of the water....

    I just feel like DDO is slipping away from its roots, and from the most fun part of itself.... instant travel to a quest, and a challenging but not impossible set of objectives engaged in a thorough storyline.

    As for those Gamer Rating scores, they are just a small population's opinion. I for one have never visited that website. I think I'll change that fact right now.
    Last edited by GlassCannon; 09-18-2008 at 02:44 AM. Reason: Thanks to whoever fixed my Advanced box so I can reply without editing!

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