Hi everyone! Episode 85 of DDOcast is now ready to go. Here's a LINK to the show - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. You can also find the show on Cyberears.com, iTunes, Digg and many other podcast aggregators.
This week's show features Jerry King Live! A roundtable discussion with two of the candidates running for mayor of Stormreach along with a member of the shadowy Airship Veterans for Honesty. There's also news, trivia and some great stuff from the DDOcast crew: Lessah talks about the down side of RP and permadeath on "Know Your Role", Buzzsaw begins discussing the results of his guild survey on "Guild Life" and Steiner-Davion has a rant along with info on House J collectibles on "Definitive Collectibles". Thanks so much for listening!