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  1. #1
    Community Member dragonruler's Avatar
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    Dec 2006

    Default random barb buid....

    ok so i decided to take my friends advice and make something that isnt a caster i came up with this idea


    Saves (base):
    fort 20
    reflex 10
    will 5

    BAB: 16/16/21/26/26

    str 18 (+6 item, +3 tome, +1 ftr str enhancemnt, +4 ability bonus = 32 str)
    dex 14 (+3 tome = 17 dex)
    con 16 (+6 item, +2 tome, +2 barb con, +2 dwarf con = 28 con)
    int 8
    wis 12 (+6 item = 18 wis (maybe))
    cha 6

    dodge (lvl 1)
    favored enemy: evil outsider (lvl 2)
    mobility (lvl 3)
    favored enemy: lawful outsider (lvl 6)
    spring attack (lvl 6)
    improved critical: slashing (lvl 9)
    power attack (lvl 12)
    khopesh prof (lvl 15)
    gtr twf (lvl 15)
    cleave (lvl 16)

    Barbarian Damage Boost II
    Barbarian Improved Damage Reduction II
    Barbarian Extend Rage III
    Barbarian Extra Rage II
    Barbarian Hardy Rage II
    Barbarian Item Damage I
    Barbarian Power Attack II
    Barbarian Power Rage II
    Barbarian Willpower III
    Dwarven Constitution II
    Fighter Critical Accuracy I
    Ranger Tempest I
    Ranger Devotion I
    Ranger Energy of the Wild I
    Barbarian Constitution II
    Fighter Strength I
    (still have 9 AP to spend not sure what on though atm that will come later on)

    17 Intimidate (20 with +6 cha item, 35 with +15 intimidate item, +2 tome 36)
    ill prob just splash stuff into jump and swim or something not sure though just to use up skill points
    Last edited by dragonruler; 08-07-2008 at 04:08 PM.
    Argonnessen Server Officer of ChaosKnights
    Ardrak (Human sorcerer) ~ Aryanaa (Human cleric) ~ Arynias (Human Sorcerer) ~ Arylia (Elven ranger) ~ Arylias (Human Favored Soul)

  2. #2
    Community Member dragonruler's Avatar
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    Dec 2006


    ive updated my character build tell me what ya think plz
    Argonnessen Server Officer of ChaosKnights
    Ardrak (Human sorcerer) ~ Aryanaa (Human cleric) ~ Arynias (Human Sorcerer) ~ Arylia (Elven ranger) ~ Arylias (Human Favored Soul)

  3. #3
    Community Member Hanam's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    relying on a +3 tome to get Greater TWF is a bit sketchy.

  4. #4
    Community Member dragonruler's Avatar
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    Dec 2006


    yea i know :/ but it was either use the stat points on dex or wis....and i dont wanna be easily held XD cuz if i dont save that means dead barb hehe and at low lvls you dont have fom so i'd be pretty screwed.
    Argonnessen Server Officer of ChaosKnights
    Ardrak (Human sorcerer) ~ Aryanaa (Human cleric) ~ Arynias (Human Sorcerer) ~ Arylia (Elven ranger) ~ Arylias (Human Favored Soul)

  5. #5
    Community Member Artierius's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default Alittle more info please...

    Exactly what do you think this toon is going to do....or how do you percieve playing him..?

    After that I think we can make some better assumptions.

  6. #6
    Community Member dragonruler's Avatar
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    Dec 2006


    well i want him to be a really good dps'er and i wanna be able to take the agro off of casters and clerics if need be.
    Argonnessen Server Officer of ChaosKnights
    Ardrak (Human sorcerer) ~ Aryanaa (Human cleric) ~ Arynias (Human Sorcerer) ~ Arylia (Elven ranger) ~ Arylias (Human Favored Soul)

  7. #7
    Community Member Artierius's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default Well thats a start....

    Does he need to be TwF or can we go AC any concern for you...and it sounds like you want to have decent will save there. Are you looking for any UMD capability for RR items.

    Also since your going dwarf might as well use the axes and save the feat for Khopesh and get some axe enhancements since you got the points still...I think you will stillbe happy there.

    Just trying to flesh some things out..:]
    Last edited by Artierius; 08-07-2008 at 04:25 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member dragonruler's Avatar
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    im going twf so that i can dual wield shroud crafted khopeshes (lightning II and min II) so i can get really good dps...for AC im not entirely sure if im gonna worry about that seeing as how you need like a 50-60 AC in order to get hit less often and im not sure if i can reach that havent really calculated it yet though. I was going to see if i could splash some umd but i would have to make my cha score a lot higher for it sadly enough. Yes i am tryin to have fairly decent saves all round (like mid 20s and up if possible).
    Argonnessen Server Officer of ChaosKnights
    Ardrak (Human sorcerer) ~ Aryanaa (Human cleric) ~ Arynias (Human Sorcerer) ~ Arylia (Elven ranger) ~ Arylias (Human Favored Soul)

  9. #9
    Community Member kanbeki's Avatar
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    I would drop FE Lawful outsider for undead or something, evil outsider will cover most of the mobs you face

  10. #10
    Community Member Hanam's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say a pure ranger has more dps than what you are planning.

  11. #11
    Community Member Artierius's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default Here is a diffent version for you...

    32pt Dwarven - 14 Barb / 2 Rng

    Str – 16 + 4 levels / + 6 item / +1 Tome / + 9 Rage = 36
    Int – 12
    Wis – 10
    Dex – 16 + 6 item / +1 Rng / +1 Tome = 24
    Con – 16 + 2 Favor Tome / + 6 item / + 2 Barb / +2 Dwarf / + 8 Rage = 36
    Cha – 8

    Now I’m sure you can squeeze alittle more from the stats from higher up raid items and madstone items and such.

    Feats: (Toughness can be got from Minos helm, then take Barb Toughness – lvl 11)

    1st – PA
    3rd - Cleave
    6th – ImTwf
    9th – Improved Crit: Pierce
    12th - GrtTWf (+1 dex tome by this level needed)
    15th – Greatcleave

    Ranger feats – Bow Str / Twf / Rapid Shot

    Level progression would be:

    1-2 Ranger / 3-16 Barb


    Dwarf Axe Att II (If to hit is not a problem …dump for Dwarf Toughness III)
    Barb Hardy Rage II
    Rng Dex I
    Dwarf Axe Dam II
    Barb Extended Rage II
    Dwarf Con II
    Barb Strength Rage III
    Barb Extra Rage II
    Barb Willpower II
    Barb Con II
    Barb Toughness IV
    Barb Crit II

    * If you really wanted to use Intimidate you could always dump Dwarf axe att / dam and pick up Barb Intimidate IV and Barb Intimidation. The whole line costs 12 AP and ends at level 12 with full access.

    Intimidate = 19 base / 4 Barb / 15 Item / 4 GH / 2 Luck(Recitation) / 2 Bard Comp. / = 46 max (44 average / - Bard) / (Also you can squeeze a few more points here with a shroud cha item..if aquired) (A human build could even get higher at the cost of HP's from the enhancement line and 1 Con point ..could be made up with a +3 con tome. You lose D. Axes for Khopesh(Human Feat) and could get +5 higher on Intimidate - +3 enhancement and +2 Human Vers. I at the cost of downgrading Barb Toughness to II)


    20 Heroic
    168 Barb
    16 Rng
    208 Con (when raged)
    10 Draconic
    50 Barb Toughness
    18 Minos Helm
    30 Greater False Life

    520 Hp

    30 Dwarf Toughness

    550 HP

    While not the highest HP total a Barb can get I think you might just survive with alittle over 500 HP.

    Armor class:

    10 base
    7 Bracers (Armor)
    4 Robe (Dodge - Perdition Robe)
    7 Dex
    5 Deflection
    3 Bark

    36 Self Buffed

    3 Chattering Ring (Dodge)
    1 Haste
    2 Better Barkskin
    5 Palli
    4 Insight
    1 Alchemical
    4 Shield Clickies
    2 Recitation

    58 Total buffed (-2 for Raging all the time)

    6 Improved Uncanny Dodge(really tough fights)


    While Armorclass is not a high regard to most Barbs I thought I throw it out there to see where it landed. While most players will not get alot of this, they could mitigate some damage by maintaing a moderate Ac level...while those diehard players might see the upper end of this.

    Base saves would be:

    12 / 7 / 4

    13 / 7 / 0 Stats
    5 / 5 / 5 Resist (Item - though +4 is more likely here for most)
    1 / 1 / 1 Luck (voice)
    4 / 4 / 4 Gtr. Heroism

    34 / 24 / 14 + Barb Willpower bonuses / Dwarf Resists (+11 vs Enchantment based spells / +7 vs Will based)

    Again the low save here will be Will as usual on most melee builds...however in taking some barb enhancements / Dwarven resists your saves for holds and such should come out to be not to bad. Plus party buffs will increase them even more..such as Palli Aura...Recitation.

    Base attack bonus is not watered down at +16 so there is only one way to go...up in that catagory..which will happen with all the buffs...weapons ...stats...enhancements you have at your disposal.

    Again this guy will be a Twf...ranged capability while being able to maintain a respectable AC if wanted

    I modified my Elf version to fit this dwarf version here…I think you will be much happier with the DPS and Crit range II from the barb….as well as more HP and an overall higher Str. I gave him a 12 Int incase you wanted to have some decent Skillpoints to spend with(Total of 95 or more with human - 114). Also since you had cleave I squeezed Great cleave in there also. I didn't take ImpCrit: slash since you will be getting Barb Crit II to cover this and piercing weapons usually need that extra range to be more effective.

    Hope this makes you happy.
    Last edited by Artierius; 08-07-2008 at 07:42 PM.

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