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Thread: DDO and TrackIR

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default DDO and TrackIR

    Heya guys....

    I know this probably isn't very high on your list but would really appreciate it if you guys can look into supporting TrackIR 4 from NaturalPoint. It's my understanding that it won't take too much time but could really make DDO something else for those of us with TrackIR.

    This thing works magic for flight simulators but would do wonders for DDO imo. I've read around the boards at TrackIR support and it seems that the requirement of getting the TrackIR to work with DDO has to be implemented from DDO. I believe that you have to pass on certain info from DDO to the gadget.

    Anyways, you guys might want to give it a try. For me, I'd love to see DDO work with TrackIR. It'll make my gaming experience a whole lot more immersive and fun.

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006



    Giving this thread a bump in the hopes of getting some sorta response...

  3. #3
    Community Member Dracolich's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I have one of these for IL Stermovic and WW2 online. It works great for a flight sim or a driving game were you have to turn your head to track things. My biggest problem with the Track IR is the chronich neck pain I get from having to constantly keep my head centered or it goes wonky. I get severe vertigo and want to spew on my keyboard. It works good but to me its too much of a hassle even in flight sims since you have to set the sensativity. You either turn your head a quarter of an inch and get 180degree rotation on screen or you rotate more and end up having to use periferal vision on your screen to see. If you had multiple monitors it would be cool. As it stands I have used mine maybe a dozen times and I have had it over 3yrs.

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