Ok I will freely admit I'm a soloer at heart so please keep that in mind. My main is a 15 level wizard who blows stuff up..really good..dies a lot..but blows stuff up really good...anyways wizards or at least mine (90 hit points max) does NOT solo that well when it comes to quests, open areas yes quests not so well. So I'm trying two builds for a barb. The first one is just your standard pure class barbarain and at level 5 littlerage has soloed STK, on normal only so far with only 10 deaths, 7 do to low will saves and stupid clerics, and only three to the giant. Now my newest build is the one I have a question on she is only level 3 and a dark elf, yes I said dark elf not dwarf the reason for the dark elf is that I have decided to go multi class with her.
Right now she is level 3 and is a 1 barbarian/2 bard so far I'm really likeing the set up I plan on going 8/8 every other level switching so at level 4 she will be 2 barb/2 bard strenght 17 right now do to item charsima 18 (for max bard stuff as long as i'm not raged) I can heal myself and fasinate/hypno mobs then pick my target.
The question is how viabable will this build be solo, so far party wise i seem to be doing ok switching rolls between bard and barb and i can even wand whip if needed. And the other question is should i work on my dex stats (dont remember off hand what it is) and should i put a point or two in tumble? I am planing on working on str con and Charsima leaving wisdom and intel at 10 (i hate negitives and with my level 5 barb having only a will of 9 do to an item will saves really blow which makes it so clerics even on normal can command me then swat me intot he ground lol.)