Hmmm just noticed I also meant Name Change Question for GM in the title, but we not allowed to change those.
So I decided to play my rogue today.
Been a really long time.
I know this wasn't like this before but it is now.
My rogues name is ShadowMudfud.
And when I am in a group, where it says the whole groups names, my rogues name comes up as ShadowMudfu
I don't have a screenshot but can get one if needed.
Was wondering, since it wasn't my fault the name box got shortened is if I would have to pay for my namechange. I really don't want this name anymore since it will not show up right anymore.
Or is this a known problem and will get changed anytime soon?
Wasn't going to sit on my character i don't play as often as my others to ask a GM ingame. Figure I would give it some time here first for a gm to respond.