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Thanks for the responses and contributions to the discussion.
Having gamed in MMORPGs for over 7 years now, I am well aware that people expect a certain thing from certain classes. So I of course am not surprised that people would get upset for not playing the generally accepted role of a particular class.
I am in a RPing guild on Sarlona, yes, however I PUG most of the time and have never had a problem. Of course, I have only been playing my Barbarian which uses a greatsword and picks feats to help out with damage. So it is hard to hate a Barbarian that is making kills and rarely dying. However, I just unlocked Drow and decided to roll a Wizard. I chose Wizard over Sorceror, because I wanted my caster to be intelligent. Yes, I think about how stats will effect the way I RP a character. This is why my Barb has a Wisdom score of 12. 10 seems to be the average score for anything, so 12 would mean I have an above average wisdome for a person living in Eberron. This makes sense, since I am a Barbarian and common sense in battle is what keeps me alive. However, I am of average intelligence and cannot read.]
My Drow Wizard is being RPed as a Necromancer/Conjuror. I will pack only Necro spells, if I have room, Conjuror spells, and if I end up having more room, Evocation. Me being an experience gamer and all, I already know there will be some ****ed off power gamers who want me to buff, CC, and destroy mostly. Thing is, Drows don't help other people. Also, Drows tend to focus on necromancy.
I just wanted to ask a large sample of players, such as you all--how many powergamers are there that really will hate grouping with a Necro.
Why is it that there aren't a lot of RPers in DDO? The majority of pnp DnD players are RPers, and it is only natural to assume DDO players are big DnD fans. So why are DDO players so stuck up when it comes to playing classes? Why are people after the most optimized of optimized uber builds? Why do people pigeon hole classes in DDO, when a strength of DDO is the fact that you can play a class many different ways? It just boggles my mind of the ignorance and stupidity a lot of players have. Can they not see the benefit of every class? Sure it might not be optimal, but everything has a benefit. A good player knows how to take a groups benefits and apply them approprietly to take down a foe. Granted, you really do need certain roles filled for some quests and that is understandable. Group leaders should really ensure those roles are filled and stop assuming a certain class will fill it just because they have an icon that says Cleric, Fighter ...etc.