I was at work today, pretty bored. I started thinking, if DDO could be converted to RL(Yes I know I play too much) what kind of character would I fit?
This is not how I would like to be, but by trying to match my own abilities to a build I could make with DnD rules.
After some thought, I came up with straight rogue.
The reasons for this were:
I am thin and small framed guy, but also very athletic(Rock climbing is a passion of mine) - High Dex, Jump, Balance
I can manage to bull**** my way out of a lot of situations - Bluff/Diplomacy
I have a knack for avoiding hurting myself when things don't go as planned - Evasion
I pickup new skills quickly - UMD/Lore
I love to tinker with new toys often pulling them apart just to put them back together - Disable device/Open lock
My eye sight is very good - Spot/Search
I rock at hide and seek! - Take your best guess
So thats how I think I would fit into DnD, how do you fit? Feel free to use any rule set have some fun with the idea, spell casters are an option so be creative!
P.S. I didn't use any tomes for this build