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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Default Subscription purchase error

    Talked my son into moving from Wow to DDO. Used the refer a friend link to starta trial account. After the trial expired, used the Buy it Now link to pay the 14.95 to turbine for a digital download that I do not need. Then was told I still need to pay for a subscription before he can play. Followed the links to do that and received "The transaction cannot be processed at this time. If you believe this is an error, please click here to contact Turbine Customer Service". Customer service however is not available as it is 2130 hours EST on a Sunday evening. Credit card is good for a lot more than the subscription cost, and in fact was just used to pay for teh worthless digital download. Any suggestions?
    Valiant Accord

  2. #2


    Pretty sure refer-a-friend had some restrictions on it about paying for more than one account with the same source. That may be the issue.
    [Founder/Leader of the Bloodlords of Argonnesen]
    [DaveyKhealerAcapellaParlospiGodithGearey Gygax]

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