Originally Posted by
The easiest way to test this would be to adjust your graphics setting up or down and see if it has an affect. If you see a major change then it is likely your hardware and turning down your graphics for shroud raids may help. It is also helpful to ask if everyone else is experiencing lag at the same time - I hit lag spikes a lot lately and they are server side - I know this because any time I have a lag spike everyone has a lag spike.
I'm running a 3.2 Ghz Core2 Duo Extreme with 4 Gb DDR2 Ram and a 512 Mb DDR3 Radeon video card. This allows me to crank the graphics all to high and pretty much never see client side lag. I had planned to overclock, double the ram and either double the video card with crossfire or get a better video card, but at the moment I have no software that would benefit from the upgrade so I'll wait until I have a need and can upgrade that much cheaper.
Good Luck!