First, I dunno to which Devs this suggestion might be good for (maybe Silthe?), but here we go...
I do like to play range combat in most games (for various reasons useless to state in this post) so this is something I "tested" in many games as this is usually the first thing I try in most games. I went back to LOTRO last week to have some diversity in my gaming experience like many gamers, so i started to play my good old Hunter (a range DPS) and I had a lot of fun.
In DDO, I'm completely sold to repeaters since launch and put massive efforts to get full sets of light & heavy repeaters for my builds. I also tried an unusual build for a "bow ranger" and it happened to be pretty **** good and fun to play. BUT... ammunitions system is a real PITA in DDO!!
We'll never say it enough I think and it became really obvious when I played LOTRO... When I go on an adventure with my LOTRO Hunter, I don't have to bother at all with regular ammunitions! SO FUN! And this is a HUGE part in the fun we can get some this kind of gameplay. To which points do we have to make things looks "like real life"?
I mean, in a MMO (be it in DDO, LOTRO, WoW, or whatever you can think about), do we have to drink stuff regularly or have chance to die from being thirsty?? Do we have to eat regularly or die from starving?? Do we have to go to the bathroom or we stink??![]()
Our characters handle these automatically because they are natural needs, we don't have to bother with any of this. And I fail to see why it should be different with basic ammunitions. For a range toon, his life is highly tied to his ammunitions. For him, this IS a natural need, there's no way he's gonna say to himself: "Cool I've 200 arrows, I should be good to kill 300 kobolds!"If he didn't had enough ammos, he would simply refuse to go out questing anywhere don't you think? Cuz for him, this is an essential need as much as drinking or eating! And he's gonna make sure everytime he has enough to slay the whole Nine Hells if he has to
When people started to talk about quivers a few months ago and that we learned they would work on that, we were all happy, with reasons!This will be a great addition for sure.
But will it be enough? I doubt it.
Will this change the range experience more enjoyable? Maybe.
Will this makes range combat more enjoyable? Pretty sure it won't.
Why? Cuz the same pattern will remain unchanged. Quivers will save us some space, yeah, but we'll still have to lose some time, uselessly and regularly, to buy the ammos.
My suggestion for this issue for DDO?
Make it so we can have permanent ammos for regular ammo only! Not for Deneith ammos or any special & magical ammos, only for regular exactly like in LOTRO and many other games. And continue to use the actual systems for the magical/special ones like it is at the moment. You want to use some Deneith ammos? Cool, but you'll have to buy them to use somes. Want to use some slaying arrows? Great, find somes! You don't feel like wasting your time for any kind of special ammos other than the regular stuff cuz you think you're fine the way you are? Great! Enjoy your playtime like you should be able to and don't bother with ammos like most other games! That would make it SO MUCH more enjoyable... No more stupid message "Error: Out of ammo!".... Out of ammo = unlimited regular ammo!
Recently my brother wanted a repeater build like one of mine so I helped him to start it. It was just funny when I had to explain him about range combats in DDO...
Bro - "So how many bolts do I buy?"
Me - "Well you don't really have the choice, you gotta fill up your inventory with the max ammos you can."
Bro - "Uh? Why so?"
Me - "Cuz ammos are used way too fast. If you don't fill your inventory, you're gonna end up with no ammo in the middle of a quest. And you don't want that"
Bro - "Ok, I'll full my inventory then." (minus 2-3 free space for stuff, not much more)
Now, keep in mind that this is my bro's 2nd toon only, he doesn't know each quest real good and the game is still kinda new for him in many ways. Then a few minutes later...
Bro - "Well that sucks, now I can't get my stuff from chests to sell them and I won't make any money at all. I'll just buy less bolts to take stuff from the chests next time."
Me - "You could. But then, after each quest you'll have to refull on bolts to be sure you'll have enough and ppl grouping with you are just gonna be ****ed off to have to wait for you after every single quest cuz otherwise you won't have enough ammos to run 2-3 quests in a row..."
Bro - "Ah, true...".
So now, it kinda ruins the experience for a new player like him cuz the game system compells him to play a way he wouldn't want to play normally. As he's not rich at all, he doesn't necessarily understand that loot at low-mid lvl isn't that great and that it's not with THESE stuff he's gonna make a lot of cash. Admit it, for a new player, getting chests after chests of loot you can't grab is lame, no matter how much it's worth...
People will say: "Yeah, but it's normal, we don't have as much inv space when low level."
True & false. The more we level, the longer it is to kill the mobs, so you end up with more inv space but do need more ammos than ever cuz you're gonna use more than before.
But the most important fact about a change like this would be... improving the fun we can have from range combat. A lot have been made lately (especially CODOG, tx again!) but wasting time over and over and over again for something as basic as regular ammos that doesn't give any bonus at all just isn't right imho... I think LOTRO vision of range combat is simply awesome and much better than DDO and that changing this would simply improved DDO experience. It could only be positive!
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