We are looking for players to play 6th level and higher dungeons. Prefrer players with voice chat capabilities. Mail Kresh or Ferel in game on Ghallanda server.
We are looking for players to play 6th level and higher dungeons. Prefrer players with voice chat capabilities. Mail Kresh or Ferel in game on Ghallanda server.
What class are your characters? What's your usual schedule?
A guildie and I are in your range. Benefaqtor (lvl 7 wizzie) and Xolo (lvl 8 ftr). Look us up. We'll be on Fri and Sat PM pretty much every week.
Last edited by wamjratl1; 02-15-2008 at 09:19 AM.
Depends on when I have a 8th paly and a 10th cleric
Beware the Sleepeater