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  1. #1
    Founder fefnir3284's Avatar
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    Default Problem with Crafting Bags

    Okay I have two problems with the new crafting bags.

    One : They are red like the collectible bags (please make them a different color like green) and...

    Two : They only hold 100 of an item, I saw 2000 shards drop in a reaver raid and personally pulled 558 shards from ONE orchard quest, what am I going to do with them and the collectible bags cant hold more than a fraction of what everyone will be pulling? Please let them hold 10,000 of each shard, or 100,000....
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  2. #2
    Community Member Ardrin's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Community Member Elsbet's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Agreed. Would it have killed you to pick a colour other than red or blue for this bad? Heck, I think there are one or two other colours left unused...

    And given that you want us to collect thousands of these stupid collectable ingredients a bag that could hold a 4 digit number instead of just 100 would make some sense.

  5. #5
    Community Member Elsbet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    Agreed. Would it have killed you to pick a colour other than red or blue for this bad? Heck, I think there are one or two other colours left unused...

    And given that you want us to collect thousands of these stupid collectable ingredients a bag that could hold a 4 digit number instead of just 100 would make some sense.
    Shhh! You're thinking again. Stop that!

    ~Anaelsbet~; ~Elsbet~; ~Lilabet~; ~Islabet~; ~Phaeddre~

  6. #6
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    Yeah, my husband and I also found the stack number to be strange.

    I pulled 600 or so shards from a chest in the Crucible and gave them to my hubby. Then (having a decently high haggle bard), I went and bought him one of the medium bags. When he tried to stack them, it only took 100. We were both stunned.

    I am hoping that this was an oversight and that it will be fixed soon...please?

    I mean, I understand the limit of 100 on things that you get 1 at a time...with the exception of Ancient Bronze Tokens, I've never had a problem with any other collectibles getting to their stack limit. But I really don't understand having a 100 stack limit on something that consistently drops at more than 100 at a time...esp. since you could have 1 small and 1 med bag (until you luck into looting a large one, I'm guessing)...making the max # of ingredients be 200. Again, the stack I pulled had 600+ shards in it. So, there would be no point in even trying to get the bag for the shards.

    It makes me sad.

  7. #7
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    I agree! Green and Yellow are other colors that could be used. And if I were a wizard carrying around souls I trapped in gems...I don't think bright blue would be my choice of color. Maybe Black? Plaid?

  8. #8
    2015 DDO Players Council Ironforge_Clan's Avatar
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    Okay dumb questions, just because I have not checked into it, where does one pick up a bag and are we to presume that we'll find different sizes similar to collectible and jem bags?
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  9. #9
    Community Member Kerr's Avatar
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    Haven't looted any shards yet, but yes, that's something that should be fixed. If crafting is going to require so many, at least give us enough room in the bags to store them.

    And absolutely agree on changing colors of icons for crafting and soul gem bags! Please!
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  10. #10
    Community Member GreenGurgler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironforge Clan View Post
    Okay dumb questions, just because I have not checked into it, where does one pick up a bag and are we to presume that we'll find different sizes similar to collectible and jem bags?
    A small bag is given out for free from someone (name escapes me) in the building in the 12 and a medium bag can be bought in House P at the same place you can buy medium gem and collectible bags (right across from desert caravan entrance). I know, Im bad with names.

    Odly though, you can only buy/poses one medium eldritch ingredient bag at a time yet you can buy more than one gem bag or collectible bag.

    As to the amount the bags hold, I wholey agree, 100 is to few. If we cant do mare than stacks of 100, let us put multiple stacks of the same item in a bag and let us own more than one medium bag at a time.

    Oh, and I vote green or gold for the bag, red,as it is already used on collectible bags, is just silly.

    Last edited by GreenGurgler; 01-31-2008 at 10:35 AM.
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  11. #11
    2015 DDO Players Council Ironforge_Clan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreenGurgler View Post
    A small bag is given out for free from someone (name escapes me) in the building in the 12 and a medium bag can be bought in House P at the same place you can buy medium gem and collectible bags (right across from desert caravan entrance). I know, Im bad with names.

    Odly though, you can only buy/poses one medium eldritch ingredient bag at a time yet you can buy more than one gem bag or collectible bag.

    As to the amount the bags hold, I wholey agree, 100 is to few. If we cant do mare than stacks of 100, let us put multiple stacks of the same item in a bag and let us own more than one medium bag at a time.

    Oh, and I vote green or gold for the bag, red,as it is already used on collectible bags, is just silly.


    Thanks I must have missed Bag101 in my attempt to get to the Vale.
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  12. #12
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    I would think that the bag sizes would be commensurate with the other bags we have (small, medium, large). If I remember correctly, small was 100, medium was more. If the sizes don't match, I would post a bug report ingame.

  13. #13
    Community Member ChAiNz.2da's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ebt-dnd View Post
    I would think that the bag sizes would be commensurate with the other bags we have (small, medium, large). If I remember correctly, small was 100, medium was more. If the sizes don't match, I would post a bug report ingame.
    Stack size has always been max 100, it's just the amount of unique stackables that change with the different bags.

    I agree though, 100 ea, without allowing multiple stacks of the same 'uniques' is simply ineffective.. how does a bag know what's being put in it? Oh wait.. this is DDO / D&D fantasy
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChAiNz.2da View Post
    Stack size has always been max 100, it's just the amount of unique stackables that change with the different bags.

    I agree though, 100 ea, without allowing multiple stacks of the same 'uniques' is simply ineffective.. how does a bag know what's being put in it? Oh wait.. this is DDO / D&D fantasy
    Ah, thanks for the clarification. I thought it was the other way around. I never really paid attention to it because I didn't grab collectibles and gems.

  15. #15
    Community Member Boulderun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreenGurgler View Post
    Odly though, you can only buy/poses one medium eldritch ingredient bag at a time yet you can buy more than one gem bag or collectible bag.
    All the medium bags are exclusive, gem and collectible included. You can only have one of each in a single character's inventory at once.
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  17. #17
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    Agreed. The bags should different colors.

    And it would be really nice if all the dragonshard fragments would go into the bag. Or, all of them wouldn't. Right now it's very annoying only 100 go in.
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  18. #18
    Community Member ChildrenofBodom's Avatar
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    I personally would like them to be purple.

    Since the ingredient backgrounds are like a violet color anyways.
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  19. #19
    Founder fefnir3284's Avatar
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    I would like the crafting bags to be green, (and well to just fit in with the whole elemental color scheme <air = green, earth = yellow, fire = red, water = blue) and for the soul bags to be yellow

    plus the medium bags are 100 stack size max, now I have 1500 khyber, and 700 other shards that are taking up valuable bank slots :/
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  20. #20
    Community Member suitepotato's Avatar
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    Would brown paper be okay?

    I do agree on the numbers though. And while you're at it, quivers for carrying arrows would be nice. Let us stack arrows with arrows no matter what they are, and separate them out when we need/want to. Maybe with holding the ctrl button, just modify to allow selection of specific subtypes. Or do a container (quiver) and let it be graphical.

    Other than that, the person who gives us the first small bag then mentioning offhand that we can find a larger bag in House P would be nice.

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