As my recent post states, I had some issues getting my account back up and running, trying multiple cards multiple times with 0 result until I called up on a non holiday during business hours and the guy had asked me if I wanted to use the card on my billing information, I said yes. Now, until he had it all fixed, the last card I tried and eventually used had 5 1$ payments pending for Turbine. Now they've resulted in actual payments and apparently I've bought 3 months with 2 more pending. I had obviously not intended for this to happen, and it seems they're taking advantage of a customer. I realise the terms and conditions say that the money is non-refundable, but this is complete ****. This is not my fault, my account would not be reactivated so it was a reasonable desicion to think they'd fix things within the day or next two... so.... I'm going to call in, but any advice?