I spoke to an in-game GM about my lost mail. The issue was escalated to a senior GM.
I've been waiting 2 hours for assistance, and finally there's nothing on TV left to watch. I'm very tired and need rest, so I'm asking for help here.
My issue:
About 3am PST, I mailed 4 items from one of my characters to an alt. All four items were sent one after the other. I did not log out of the sender until the mail was sent.
After sending the four items, I logged out of the sender and logged into the alt (receiver). The first two items sent were in the mail. The other two were not.
While logging into the receiver, I experienced a long load time. When this lag has occured in the past, I alt-tab out of the game into another application (Excel - where I track items on alts) then alt-tab back to the game. For some reason, this unlocks the lag and the game loads up. This process works for me whether I'm loading a character into the game, or moving zones when already in the game.
The Sender: Favourless
The Receiver: Favourflav
Item Sent #1: Boots (Striding 5%) - received
Item Sent #2: Belt (Constitution +1) - received
Item Sent #3: Intelligence +1 Tome - missing
Item Sent #4: Cloak (Shield 3x/rest) - missing
When I sent the items, I cut/paste the name from Excel and into the mail UI. There is no way I could have misspelled the name. Also, I checked the Intelligence of the Sender (Favourless) to ensure I didn't accidentally use the tome. There is no Inherent Bonus to his base score of 14. Remember, the Cloak is also missing, so it's not just a missing Tome.
I checked all of my other characters to ensure I had not sent it to one of them by cut/paste error. The items are still missing.
Please investigate this issue for me. If you need further information, feel free to e-mail me, or let me know here.
I'll check in the morning.
Good night.