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  1. #1
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    Default Just an idea on how to get more people to play the game

    Ok now I totally know I am going to get flamed for this… but I still have to bring it up kuz no one is talking about it. Ok here is the deal. Xen’drik is only one of four contenents in Eberron and so far we have all been stuck in Xen’drik. Now I do like how ddo works please don’t get me wrong. But we all know that DDO is unique as far as MMOs go. This is both a good and a bad thing. DDO is appealing to a good group of people but it doesn’t have what the majority of people are looking for and what wow and everquest are giving them. An expansive world to explore and play in. So here is my idea and again please don’t flame me for it it’s an option and that’s all. You don’t need to prove how smart you are by flaming people with ideas just because you don’t have any of your own… so here we go.

    Start a new world in one of the other continents. Make this world like the other MMOs out on the market. Keep Xen’drik the way it is… it is just fine and doesn’t need to change. What this would do is give the people that like to play in an open world a place in DDO. It would also let you (turbine) make areas that people are asking for… like guild or player housing. You would then be able to play DDO like we do now or like other MMOs this would help people keep from getting tired of playing in the same places over and over. It would also give some new dynamics do the game that to be honest have been really lacking in DDO. When we ask for the game to be more pen and paper like we are told by turbine that it isn’t possible in an MMO… well… we really know that’s not really true. Its just not possible in the current game setting. Now we all know that turbine was planning on having paid updates as well as free ones. This would be a good paid update that could and should attract more new and returning players to the game.

  2. #2
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chippy View Post
    Ok now I totally know I am going to get flamed for this… but I still have to bring it up kuz no one is talking about it. Ok here is the deal. Xen’drik is only one of four contenents in Eberron and so far we have all been stuck in Xen’drik. Now I do like how ddo works please don’t get me wrong. But we all know that DDO is unique as far as MMOs go. This is both a good and a bad thing. DDO is appealing to a good group of people but it doesn’t have what the majority of people are looking for and what wow and everquest are giving them. An expansive world to explore and play in. So here is my idea and again please don’t flame me for it it’s an option and that’s all. You don’t need to prove how smart you are by flaming people with ideas just because you don’t have any of your own… so here we go.

    Start a new world in one of the other continents. Make this world like the other MMOs out on the market. Keep Xen’drik the way it is… it is just fine and doesn’t need to change. What this would do is give the people that like to play in an open world a place in DDO. It would also let you (turbine) make areas that people are asking for… like guild or player housing. You would then be able to play DDO like we do now or like other MMOs this would help people keep from getting tired of playing in the same places over and over. It would also give some new dynamics do the game that to be honest have been really lacking in DDO. When we ask for the game to be more pen and paper like we are told by turbine that it isn’t possible in an MMO… well… we really know that’s not really true. Its just not possible in the current game setting. Now we all know that turbine was planning on having paid updates as well as free ones. This would be a good paid update that could and should attract more new and returning players to the game.
    So... the solution is to just rewrite the game? The way it is designed is with instances which does not work "like all those other MMOs". They also already built that other world you are requesting. It's call LotR:Online.

    PnP is NOT possible in an MMO. It isn't possible in a MUSH/MUX/MUD which is, in my opinion, much more RP orientated. That PnP feel doesn't even exist in MU* that has real people as your GM available to run adventures and that is light years away from DDO RP-wise.
    "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
    -Barry LePatner

  3. #3
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    NO!!!! NO!!! NO!!! that is not what I said. I did not say turbine should to rewrite the game. If you look at where I said “Keep Xen’drik the way it is…” I never implied or stated that turbine should chance the game in any way shape of form. I said that if they added to the game an area that was like other MMOs they would attract more people. Let me guess… you went to public school right?

    PnP is very possible in an MMO and MANY other companies have pulled it off way better than turbine has. Stating anything otherwise is just silly. Maybe you should look around a bit more before you make blanket statements. You just make it sound like you don’t know what your talking about.

    Ok saying that people should go to another game to find the game play the want is also just silly. This entire post was about how to get more people playing this game not turning them on to another game and even if that was my intent turning them on to LOTR would be the last thing I would do. LOTR is even more dead than DDO is. That would be like saying “o you think there isn’t enough to do living in LA why don’t you try moving to billings Montana… lots more to do there”

    You know I love these forums… no matter what you say someone will come on and tell you that your stupid for having an idea. Tell you what instead of flaming other peoples ideas how about you come up with some on your own?

  4. #4
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    Even from a strickly get other people to play stand point, this idea would be pretty unlikily imho. I personally dont have much of anything good to say about any of the other MMO out there. Making content in DDO to be more like that of those games would really defeat the purpose of making new content for me at least as I like the way DDO is layed out. You were pretty bland in how you say different but the same so Im not really sure to what degree of each you are saying.

    Btw he hardly flamed you, you do seem pretty quick to the defensive or at least to become aggitated. Its Friday, relax man.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by llevenbaxx View Post
    Even from a strickly get other people to play stand point, this idea would be pretty unlikily imho. I personally dont have much of anything good to say about any of the other MMO out there. Making content in DDO to be more like that of those games would really defeat the purpose of making new content for me at least as I like the way DDO is layed out. You were pretty bland in how you say different but the same so Im not really sure to what degree of each you are saying.

    Btw he hardly flamed you, you do seem pretty quick to the defensive or at least to become aggitated. Its Friday, relax man.
    First off thanks for a constructive post… this is the kind of post I was hoping for but not expecting. And I totally agree with you. I like the game play in DDO but on the down side I have had a lot of problems trying to get friends that I play pen and paper with to move from wow or everquest to DDO. It seems that the wow style of game play is much more popular with most MMO players. My thought was only that if we added that kind of content to DDO maybe we could attract more players. Then the more players we have the more likely it would be to be able to fill parties which we all know is still a problem even after the server merge.

    As for the flamer, yea… I have a short fuse… I guess that’s why I get my account banned a lot.

  6. #6
    Community Member Kire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by llevenbaxx View Post
    Its Friday, relax man.
    woooooot!!! gotta love fridays!


  7. #7
    Community Member Stormanne's Avatar
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    Its not that the WoW style of game play is more popular, it just what people are comfortable with. I have brought a couple of friends over from WoW and EQ to DDO. At first they are really resistant to the game controls. They are used to having to wait to swing their swords and so on. After about a week, they realize that the system here is so much more fluid and realistic. Its just getting people to stick it out past that initial week to get comfortable with the controls.

    To me, the biggest thing that Turbine could do would be add some really compelling low level content to the game. Its not that the content they have at the low levels is bad, but it is lacking that punch that will grab people coming from WoW by the short and curlies and not let go. A low level raid (say for levels 3-5) could solve this problem. After about a day, most people that have MMO experience have reached level three here. That would mean that they would be ready for a raid in a day or twos time. But thats just my opinion.

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