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  1. #1
    Founder Bradik_Losdar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Silver Flame amulet + Scarab of Protection

    It seems to me that the level draining protections provided by these two items do not work together. What I mean by this is that when hit by a level draining attack BOTH items lose charges at the same time.

    For example, with both items equipped, if a character is hit with enervation for say -3 levels, both items show a loss of 3 charges.

    Now here's the rub - I would think the Silver Flame Amulet would take precidence over the Scarab to absorb the negative enegy first. So it would have to be drained completely BEFORE the Scarab would start losing charges.

    Unfortunately that would be good for the character, so I'm sure if this situation of both losing charges at the same time is 'fixed' - the scarab will be the one the Devs will code to lose its charges first....

  2. #2
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Bradik Losdar View Post
    It seems to me that the level draining protections provided by these two items do not work together. What I mean by this is that when hit by a level draining attack BOTH items lose charges at the same time.

    For example, with both items equipped, if a character is hit with enervation for say -3 levels, both items show a loss of 3 charges.

    Now here's the rub - I would think the Silver Flame Amulet would take precidence over the Scarab to absorb the negative enegy first. So it would have to be drained completely BEFORE the Scarab would start losing charges.

    Unfortunately that would be good for the character, so I'm sure if this situation of both losing charges at the same time is 'fixed' - the scarab will be the one the Devs will code to lose its charges first....
    It would also be good if they only were depleted if you failed the save - right now I just have to walk near an arcane skelly and all the charges get depleted within about 5 seconds (and I'm only actually failing them and taking any damage on a 1)


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