Prinstoni's Dark Elf Ale.
You gave Kargan his tasy ham, and I've been trying to get my Dark Elf Ale implemented into the game for over a year.
How do I go about getting it in game. Do I need to do more positive community relations. Host events?
Or is it just to racey because I say it can cause blindness especially in dwarfs. The truth is, Drow hate dwarves, infact we hate everyone that is not a Drow (except the occasional elf who proves himself and worships our gods, namely Prinstefano).
It would be an awesome drop.
Prinstoni's Dark Elf Ale has a mysterious affect. Although it replenishes 500-700 spell points anywhere in the game, in some circumstances (especially when drank by dwarfs) it can cause the user to become blind.
please /sign if you'd like to see this implemented.