Sometime in the future, I'll be making a cleric (I like clerics), but I'm really curious about the Destruction spell.
I'll be wf (spare me the obnoxious comments I'll be getting just for that), focused on casting and healing, or combat in extreme situations (Divine favour, rage/GH/bard songs, Bladesworn, Divine Power... they can all add to a huge amount of melee goodness). I'm in a WF caster guild, and so looking at the (new, to me at least) cleric spells, I saw that destruction deals damage to a "failed" kill. And to me, 10d6 is still awesome compared to the damage that inflict wounds does... though I suppose someone can tell me the joy of Harm?
But if, say, it were negative-based damage, like the necro spell Chill Touch (or something like that), then the Life Magic enhancement line should in theory enhance Destruction's damage output of a failed outright kill.
I just wanted to know if I could then make a build focused on life magic so I could still excel at healing, because my favourite spell still benefits from my enhancement choices?