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  1. #1
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    Default Shade's Max DPS build?

    The thread for Shade's max DPS build seems to be missing. I had it bookmarked to reference as I level, but the link is broken now. (The link was )

    If anyone had it saved to notepad or if perhaps Shade himself could repost it, it would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Community Member spifflove's Avatar
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    You can find in in the google cache. Im sure shade wont be upset if you repost it for him.

  3. #3
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Arrow Max DPS Build, Module 9 Update

    This build is what I play and also written as a guide for new players. It will work excellent as a first character and should be fun to play. It does not require any hard to get or expensive equipment to work well, but does benefit from much of it. If you have any questions or need help with it feel free to ask in this thread or pm me. I have helped countless players build barbarians similar to this one and all have been very happy with the build.
    While I recommend this version for new players, Alternate builds available:
    TWF Version, Warforged THF Version. Half-Orc THF Version.

    Updated for Ebberon Unlimited, Frenzied Berserker Update

    Dwarf (+2 con, more hp, more rage, axe enhancements, awesome race)
    Barbarian Level 20
    Alignment: True Neutral or Chaotic Neutral. Minor advantages to each, with chaotic neutral being slightly better for weapon selection (can use weapons of true chaos), or true neutral for the option to use stability items. Either way be sure to go neutral as this will make you immune to unholy damage some monsters deal, and also let you use some of the most powerful endgame equipment without getting a negative level a good aligned character would get. Such as the littany of the dead which provides a nice boost to all stats, attack and damage or the Marilith chain which is one of the only armors in the game that can up your DPS - by granting you a seeker bonus. The downside to neutral is that you won't be able to use weapon of pure good, which are common at lower lvls.. However this build deals enough damage that an extra d6 means very little, and by endgame pure good weapons are not at all useful, so I highly recommend Neutral.

    (28 point build, add to con for 32 points)
    Str 18 (+5 level ups, 23, +6 item, 29, +1 tome, 30. +12 rage, 42, +6 double Frenzy = 48 Standard - Max potential fully geared is over 70 strength for a solid duration, even over 80 is possible for a very short time)
    Dex 12 (Get to around 16/17 with +4/5 item like spectral gloves or madstone boots)
    Con 17 (34 single Raged as setup - end game +2 tome +rage spell + berserker set + dual madstone = 48)
    Int 8 (Minimum, gives 3 skillpoints per lvl which is sufficient, you can use a +2 int tome at lvl7 tho to get 4 per lvl which is nice)
    Wis 8 (Highly recommend you eventually seek out a +2 wisdom tome to improve this later on, as willsave is important)
    Cha 6 (Not that important)

    Optimal End Game Hit points:
    240 - Pure Barb lvl20
    20 - Heroic Durability
    10 - Draconic Vitality (Gianthold Favor)
    20 - Mions Legens (Toughness/Heavy Fort Hat)
    30 - Greater False Life (Belt)
    45 - Greensteel Item
    20 - Yugoloth Potion Secret Effect
    320 - 42 Con (+2 Tome - includes 140 points from rage + rage potion + yugoloth pot as this is a perma rage build)
    = 705 Normal
    ----- (If Toughness Feat Selected)
    23 - Toughness Feat
    40 - 4 Toughness Enhancements
    = 768 Feated
    ----- (Situational Buffs)
    40 - Madstone Single Con +4 (46)
    40 - Madstone Double Con +4 (50)
    = 848 Situational
    ----- (Ultimate maximum gear)
    20 - +4 tome and +1 exception con, for 52 con
    20 - +2 exceptional con put on a Tower of Despair Ring
    = 888 Ultra Maximum Geared and Buffed

    1 - Two Handed Fighting
    3 - Power Attack
    6 - Cleave
    9 - Improved Two Handed Fighting
    12 - Improved critical
    15 - Greater Two Handed Fighting
    18 - Toughness or Stunning Blow - Depends on your focus. Toughness is not needed for 95% of content.. But for the endgame raids, you will want it if you are gona be the main tank. Stunning Blow is an awesome feat for clearing trash if your a good twitch skilled player, it will really speed up many quests. Altho in the new shavarath or epic areas, saves are quite high so it's tough to get your DC's up enough. Either way it's your call. Personal preference between more offense or defense really, either wll work.

    Enhancements: Type - Name Rank - (Cost)
    First off Prereqs for Berserker:
    [barbarian] - Damage Boost IV (10)
    [barbarian] - Power Rage IV (10)
    [barbarian] - Power Attack III (6)
    [barbarian] - Frenzy Berserker I (4)
    [barbarian] - Frenzy Berserker II (2)
    [barbarian] - Frenzy Berserker III (2)
    Now onto others:
    [barbarian] - Sprint Boost I (2) (Get it early on, it rocks)
    [barbarian] - Hardy Rage II (3) (Rank 3 generally not worth it)
    [barbarian] - Extra Rage I (2) (Not sure this build can afford rank 2/3)
    [barbarian] - Extend Rage IV (10)
    [barbarian] - Improved Damage Reduction II (6)
    [barbarian] - Constitution I (2)
    [barbarian] - Might Capstone (2)
    [dwarf] - Dwarven Spell Defense III (6)
    [dwarf] - Dwarven Axe Damage II (6)
    [dwarf] - Constituion I (2)
    73 points spent if I added that right
    --- Below depends on lvl18 feat:
    [barbarian] - Toughness II (3)
    [dwarf] - Toughness II (3)
    If Stunning Blow selected:
    [dwarf] - Tactics II (6)
    What order to take them in?
    Always start with sprint boost I, it's important to be very mobile on a barb.
    Then build up your rage, get extra rage I asap, and hearty rage/power rage once your around lvl2/3/4 to even out your stats.
    By lvl6 be sure to have:
    Barbarian Damage Boost II, Barbarian Power Attack I, Barbarian Power Rage I to qualify for Frenzy Berserker I
    By lvl12 be sure to have:
    Barbarian Damage Boost III, Barbarian Power Attack II, Barbarian Power Rage II to qualify for Frenzy Berserker II
    By lvl18 you will need power attack III for FBIII
    Mix the other enhancements in as you see fit.

    Modify your con/str enhancements as you go to try to keep your stats even, as odd numbers don't benefit you - for example if you had a str tome - modify power rage to keep your end str even, same for con/hearty rage, and if you get really high con like +6 item and +2 tome - you can then drop some extend rage and still end up perma raged and have a few more points for other things like more spell defense. Taking things out of order shouldn't break anything. Experimentation is key to learning the best setup for your character.

    Equipment to work towards as you level:
    Just use the starter Ember Greataxe until you can find a +1 or +2 Greataxe. Also try to find a +1/2 Maul, one made with flametouched iron or holy will be very useful in Deleras later on so keep an eye out. Wear whatever rags or hide armors you can find to look cool!
    Weapons to look for:
    Carniflex from Deleras tomb. This will be your main weapon as they both deal insane damage and critical often.
    Greataxe (+5 ideally early on, you deal such insane dmg and have such massive to hit that later on you won't even have much need for a +5 weapon usually, but some targets will be hard to hit with the +2 carnifex, so be ready to swap a +5 in for that)
    Bursting Greataxes (these rule at mid lvl especially if you use them on monsters with vulnerabilitis to those elements, you'll want to find at least +3 versions)
    Greater Bane Greataxes (these are amoung the best DPS for the end game lvl14+)
    Armor to look for:
    Mithral Full plate (Hard to get, but even +3 is as good as +5 Full plate, and while armor class tends not to be a very important stat of a barbarian, it can help you allot if you are low lvl and new to the game still learning how to dodge and earn enough coin for potions)
    Alternatively: Heavy Deneith Chain - from the Sentinels series. This armor provides you with lifeshield - an extremely power ability at these levels.

    Other stuff:
    +4 str gloves from Deleras, lvl7+ - Get these as your 2nd item if you can (first being Carnifex)
    Voice of the Master (lvl5) - Nice item to boost XP and Saves (note its a guarenteed drop, so go for the above 2 first if they are on the list)

    Important equipment to attain by level 9-12:
    Weapons: Continue to improve your bursting and greater bane greataxes. You may still wanna use carnifex for things resistant to your bursting or bane axes.
    Armor: AC starts to become rather useless.. So perhaps try to use the Heavy Deneith chain fulltime, or pick it up if you haven't yet.

    Mantle of the Worlshaper: Very awesome item for any character. Does the same thing as the Voice of the master, but also provides 5 charges spell absorption which can absorb almost anything! As a frontline character that will be having most of the agro, I highly recommend getting one. Lvl5+ item from the Threnal Ruins (lvl10 questline)
    Reavers Ring (fear imunity, very important on a moderate willsave char - an alternate much more expensive option for veterans is the Planar Grid for 11 minuits of GH/Fear immunity)
    Fragment of the silver flame (dominate imunity, tho you can juts ask for protection from evil from clerics/wizards)
    Proof against poison item (belt/ring usualy works good, however this can also be handled by potions or friendly clerics/wizards if you have any in your groups)
    Disease Imunity Item (belt/ring again, mummy rot sucks and there's no other way to prevent it)
    Blindness Ward item (any old set will do, ones with +spot are really nice tho)
    +4/5 Strength gloves (might wanna replace the deleras ones if possible to keep your dex up)
    Heavy Fortification Item (Do black anvil mines, collect some ore, get your necklace at level9, At level11+ replace this with the Minos legens as soon as you can)
    Set of potions always: 100 rage, 100 lesser restore, 100 remove curse, couple remove fear, couple protection vs energy. Have these in a quick to access hot key as you'll want to restore your rage and power it back up with a rage pot after each cycle.
    Rage, shield, Divine favor,Divine power, haste clickes (these really increase your power during short boss battles, but cant be maintained to long rage length - this should be less of a problem in mod5 with dismiss rage)

    By end game level 13-20:
    +6 stat items, should have at least Str and Con, ideally wis too. Recommend black dragon helm for dex to free up other slots.
    Some raid loot, hard to say you should have it by then, but work towards it. Reaver stuffs pretty easy to get currently. Top items to strive for are Titan Belt, Madstone Boots and the Sword of Shadow.

    Weapons: Should be mostly greensteel eventually, but if you have really good greater banes like +5, you can continue to use those too.
    First greensteel should ALWAYS be a double pos maul (holy, goodburst). This provides many benefits: A) Raise dead clicky - critical ability of any character. B) Blunt weapon to handle blunt DRs, especially undead. C) Solid all around dps weapon that easy to make and requires no large ingredients.. So your larges to work towards a mineral2 greataxe -should be your 2nd weapon. (Ideally Holy, Acidburst, Acidblast)
    For a third: The ultimate weapon for endgame quests (not raids) tends to the a Lightning 2 Greataxe. For max DPS against Orthons and Bearded Devils - very common enemies in module 9. (Ideally holy, shock burst, shock blast)

    Armor: Most defensive armor becomes of no real consequence by endgame, so look for offensive stuff. Prime targets are:
    Breastplate of Destruction (min lvl: 14, from the Hound of Xoriat Raid)
    Dragontouched armor (I used breastplate, but robe, vestment and leathers is fine too, pick whatever style you like) - Ideal upgrades would be healing amp 10%, healing amp 20% and Destruction. Alternative nice abilities include: Resist +5 (eldritch), Crushing wave/Corosive salt guard (tempest) / Earthgrab guard or Leviks 2 piece set (armor +bracer) for tanking (soverign)

    Any other improved/greater resist cloaks/rings you can get. Otherwise ask the cleric, you need those buffs to do well. You won't be avoiding much melee damage, so avoid all the spell damage you can with buffs. Later on you can upgrade these to 15 exceptional (stacks with resist) or full 45 pnt greensteel cloaks for better protection, and tie some good guards like earthgrab or enervate into them too.

    Balance (Max this)
    Jump (Get this to about ~15-17 ranks and stop, that should put you at 40 while raged, which is the cap)
    Spot (Cross class, but worth it - fit as many points as you can in here)
    1 Rank of Tumble (sacrifce balance at the early levels to get 1 rank in this - that's all you need to tumble)
    If you have more left, pop em in haggle to make some extra coin.

    Cross class skill, but very much worth it. Like the class video says, barbarians make good scouts.. And they are best for running into stealthed enemies and traps if you don't have a rogue. So seeing the stealthed enemies is a huge asset. This works quite well if you get the FF/+spot item from like Co6. You'll also noticed the odd trap or secret door, even in high level quest. Even finding most of the trap boxes in module3 for the rogues lately as I got my spot up to 25.
    - You might think listen *should* work better as its a class skill... However listen items are harder to get and on worse slots then spot (spot goggle vs listen hat - hats good for dex, goggles not really important for anything cept truesight, which is raid item only mainly useful for PvP and castable by wiz and clr for PvM) Also listen does not let you see the monsters, but merely faint red footstep outlines - which can be tough to spot in the fury of combat.

    As a front line combatant, your primary job is to run really fast and jump over the enemies front line combatants.. To kill there clerics and wizards in the back ranks. So many barbarians don't realize how huge this is. Trust me, its HUGE.

    Tumble: Lets you move faster when under the effects of a bad spell like slow or that nasty white dragons ice freeze effect. You require 1 rank to use it, thats it. Anymore won't provid any additional benefit to this build.

    Balance: It's a very important skill, if situation skill, you generally want to aim for a score around 20, you can do this easily with an item but ideally you get it to near this without wasting a slot on an item. You may wish to still carry a good set of balance boots however, as some rare encounters need allot to stay on your toes (Warforged Titan comes to mind)

    No (active use of) intimidate? :
    Your a low AC death dealer, you do not want agro, you want the enemy dead before he makes you dead. Hold the agro with your weapon when the situation demands.

    New Ultimate engame stats (pretty temporary but can maintain that minus ~8 points fairly well):
    Click Here

    Thoughts on the build at lvl20 in module 9

    With the new +3 critical multiplier from Frenzy Berserker this build has seen a massive increase in DPS.. And it was great before.. Now it's insane. I can drop 1100+ hitpoints devils in a single lucky swing. On average I'll kill them in 2-4 seconds. This incredible DPS really helps in all the new quests which feature pretty heavy melee combat. The incredible strength you can achive means your Trip ability becomes pretty well unresistable at the maximum levels.. And with the glancing blow procs (whch work about 30% in my estinamtion on this build) you can trip multiple monsters at once!

    The very high hitpoints and DPS this build reachs also makes it a perfect tank for the new tower of despair. Tanked it on elite with this guy no problem with the healers using very few resources as we had very high scroll masteyr clerics and I have very high healing amp (150%).

    Old comments from module6 (still relevant to Vale content):
    Combine this builds massive strength with stunning blow and it works incredible. You'll still see some resists vs elite content ofcourse, but normal and hard,, or vs caster mobs on elite even? Works like 95% of the time. And once you stun something, its dead, its not going to survive your massive 200+ damage critical hits over and over. Really fun in the new running with the devils quest - the Eladrin clerics there have over 1200 hp on elite, and can heal themselves very fast for 400+ a pop.. But hit them with a stun and there done for in seconds, its really fun.

    The Gianthold, Necropolis and Vale content is all relatively low AC. So the new barbarian power attack rules vs it. Talking +16 damage, with -8 to hit.. Uber. Even with that large penalty to hit and constantly moving without spring attack I still hit pretty much 100% vs anything aside from a elite purple named-boss.

    Greater two handed is an incredible feat, gota try it to see how much extra damage you dish out with it.

    Also a excellent build for PvP too. Straight up melee combat, no other build can withstand the onslaught from a barbarian this strong. Even the maximum AC combat expertise fighter/paladin hybrid cannot survive this. 50+ ac is not a problem to cut through. Pure fighters get straight up wrecked, tank barbarians get cut down almost as quick, rangers and rogues dont stand a chance, no one can outrun a barbarian. Clerics can generally hold and command this build onto its but fairly easy, but the funny thing is, after that they try to melee you, and if you were smart enough to get your DR boost on, they won't be able to damage you, even held. Well played wizards and sorcerers can hold/kill you instantly, but you can do the same to them so it comes down to who reaches who first. In tavern brawls, this means they get killed before they even know your there. In death match you gotta be careful.

    Some notes on Frenzy Berserker:
    Keep in mind this build won't be for everyone as berserker does require some careful timing of active ability to work well, and the self damage can be tough to deal with (however Frenzy is an entirely optional at will ability, so don't look at it as a constant drawback - you always decide when it happens)
    Also has a few bugs atm:
    The crit multiplier only applies to damage increase, not burst damage yet.
    Your flinch every attack as you hurt yourself.

    MAX DPS Disclaimer:
    DPS is a very relative thing, and what's "MAX" really depends heavily on the situation. I know people will try to argue that this isn't "max" .. But for what counts IMO, it is. So I offer this:
    For sustained (40+ minutes of rage on this build), real average DPS against end game raid boss's, this build is the max.
    Yes - against trash mobs with zero fort, in a magical fantasy land where rogues get 100% sneak attacks and always have haste boost active - Rogues will deal more DPS...
    And yes a similar Kensei THF build haste boosted may have a similar burst twitch DPS, but can't be sustained and will be beaten in the long run.
    So for when it counts against the tough bosses, Berserkers can't be matched. Berserkers also have the benefits of having great DPS vs all targets, while other classes can be very poor vs select targets. (EG monks aren't the best vs auto crit, rogues are poor vs things resistant to sneak attacks, kensai fighters who just spec slash are generally poor vs targets with blunt DR.. Barbs have no real weaknesses when it comes to DPS, frenzy damage is 100% unresistable)

    For those who want to try to refute my claim that this is the max sustained DPS for boss targets, I offer a challenge - DPS Challenge part 2: Kill the portal in Aussircaex's Valley or Giants in Epic Claw and post a video. They have static hitpoints and are always there. All the top giant entrys currently use extremely similar build (same but WF or Half Orc).

    Edit notes:
    Updated for Ebberon Unlimited. This build has survived very well over the years since I designed it in beta and it keeps getting better.

    Links to other Barbarian stuff:
    Definitive Guide to Barbarians, Update 9 Half-Orc Barbs, Youtube Channel, DPS Challenge
    Last edited by Shade; 09-07-2011 at 02:14 PM. Reason: Links since my sig doesn't work in this ancient post =)

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Thanks for the repost Shade, much appreciated.

  5. #5
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    Hi shade....

    Now with the bloodstone rage from the scourge choker that lasts short periods then you are fatigued... is it better to be a warforged or a dwarf?

    Is there any item/effect other than WF exhaustion immunity that will stop the horrible -50% attack penalty?

  6. #6
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Nothing, not even being a warforged prevents the attack speed debuff from the scourge choker. So nothing changes there in Dwarf vs WF.

    Really the only way to prevent it is to constantly keep getting hit, as long as your getting hit the rage refreshs and the fatigue doesn't start. So pretty much the item is best for large boss fights where your getting hit allot, reaver, dragon, marelith are all good spots to wear it. Regular questing, I generally don't.

    WF vs Dwarf Like always they have there strengths and weaknesses. Personally I think WF lend themselves better to more solo type players who rely on having the many imunities and such more so then a overall stronger melee combatant that dwarfs are.

    Mod6 gives us lvl16, just 1 step away from tireless rage. So mod 7/8 we should see it and then WF lose there biggest advantage over dwarf. But thats a long ways off and allot of things can change.

  7. #7
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    SO.. warforged still have better dps with -3hit +6damage.
    vs dwarfs +2/+2 with axes (+0/+0 with sword of dragon)

    since barbarians are all about dps... and it may only go up at lvl 16 or 18 to -4/+8dmg.. doesn't that mean the warforged is better?

    or even human with an extra feat and +1str..? just asking .. cos I dont have a lvl 14 barber (yet!)

  8. #8
    Community Member Sutek's Avatar
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    Default Question for Shade


    I've built you barbarian as both a WF and as a Dwarf.
    I absolutly loved both builds until I get to about lvl 8 or 9.
    Do you find that your barb is a heavy drinker like mine?

    I mean going through 30-40 cure serious pots per quest?
    I just don't have enough plat to be able to play these characters.

    I know dwarfs like to drink but this is crazy.

    Am I doing something wrong here? Even when I go sword and board I'm still takeing way too much damage and I lose a lot of my damage output. I'm pretty sure every cleric on the server hates me and for good reason. If I was playing my cleric I wouldn't heal Baran either.

    Maybe I should switch to a masterwork greatclub?

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  9. #9
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutek View Post
    I mean going through 30-40 cure serious pots per quest?
    I just don't have enough plat to be able to play these characters.
    Try Cure Moderate Pots; 66% healing output for 40% cost. In other words, drinking 300pp worth (10) of CMW pots yields 90 to 190 HP. Drinking 300pp worth (4) of CSW pots yields 56 to 116 HP. It takes longer to drink, but who cares. You're hopefully not healing with pots mid-combat anyway. And even if you are, an extra 5-10 HP from CSW pots won't save you.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Sutek View Post
    Am I doing something wrong here? Even when I go sword and board I'm still takeing way too much damage and I lose a lot of my damage output. I'm pretty sure every cleric on the server hates me and for good reason. If I was playing my cleric I wouldn't heal Baran either.
    I'm not Shade but,

    Of course you're taking loads of damage, you've got no AC. You must use your brain, not stand and hack N' slash. If you're surrounded, jump above the mobs, try to get the less aggro as possible, by that I mean the aggro from the smallest number of mobs as possible at the same time.

    Also, stay with a Greataxe, the best you can find.

    The idea behind a barbarian is "Offense is the best defense!" That means "Kill them before they kill you!!"

    Here is what my friend while on her Barbarian. She buys wands and, if the cleric isn't an incompetent, she'll pass a wand or two to him and ask him to top her off. Wands are cheaper than potions, so that might help a bit.

    So the key, avoid getting it, and gain the trust of the cleric.

    Borror0, #1 source for DDO information.

  11. #11
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    Sweet build man, I'm addicted to melees, 2hf, and fighter feats but I'm definitely rolling a version of this on the very day Half-Orcs hit the server (whenever that is).

  12. #12
    Community Member Sutek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    I'm not Shade but,

    Of course you're taking loads of damage, you've got no AC.
    Just for the record this is not necesarily true. When Using +3 mith FP (best I can afford) +5 heavy shield, Iron Manacles, Barck skin pot, my AC ain't that bad.

    Problem is in some elite quests AC is pointless so it's back to big axe, double rage, kill or be killed, chug pots when they're dead.

  13. #13
    Community Member Sutek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    Try Cure Moderate Pots; 66% healing output for 40% cost. In other words, drinking 300pp worth (10) of CMW pots yields 90 to 190 HP. Drinking 300pp worth (4) of CSW pots yields 56 to 116 HP. It takes longer to drink, but who cares. You're hopefully not healing with pots mid-combat anyway. And even if you are, an extra 5-10 HP from CSW pots won't save you.
    Thanks man good advice. I never realized it would be cheaper to use cure mod. *duh*

  14. #14
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Looks like a dwarven version of a Maldini DPS build. Has anyone seen what happened to that build thread also? I was wondering of a way to fit the new HV into it to power it up even more.
    Last edited by Emili; 10-31-2007 at 05:40 PM.
    A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes.
    Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour

  15. #15
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emili View Post
    Looks like a dwarven version of a Maldini DPS build. Has anyone seen what happened to that build thread also? I was wondering of a way to fit the new HV into it to power it up even more.
    I love that people try to name builds after players. I mean how many different ways can you build a two-handed weapon wielding barbarian. I would like to introduce my new laura build - what she looks strangely like a maldini or axer build, but instead of spell defense 1 I have the intimidate 1 enhancement. She is wayyy different.
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Sutek View Post
    Problem is in some elite quests AC is pointless so it's back to big axe, double rage, kill or be killed, chug pots when they're dead.
    AC is pointless becomes pretty much the same as no AC, huh ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Emili View Post
    Looks like a dwarven version of a Maldini DPS build. Has anyone seen what happened to that build thread also? I was wondering of a way to fit the new HV into it to power it up even more.

    Maldini's Last Activity: 09-24-2007 04:07 PM, #1 source for DDO information.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by maddmatt70 View Post
    I love that people try to name builds after players. I mean how many different ways can you build a two-handed weapon wielding barbarian. I would like to introduce my new laura build - what she looks strangely like a maldini or axer build, but instead of spell defense 1 I have the intimidate 1 enhancement. She is wayyy different.
    Maldini said it was a template. Never he said he was original or there was only one way to get it done.

    I prefer Malidini or Shade over The Super mean mean mean mean THF angry Barbarian.

    Truth is, it's always good to have template. Perfect when it's needed to compare between classes or for explaining newbies. There are not many ways to do a goof THF barbarian, but if youu're new... it's not that easy to know what's good or not. That's why they are there.

    They never said they were the most clever by thinknig about it, but they know how to play it, what's good, what's bad, why.

    They have gain their rights to have their own build here., #1 source for DDO information.

  18. #18
    Community Member Sutek's Avatar
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    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    AC is pointless becomes pretty much the same as no AC, huh ?
    uh yes I suppose it does. *Runs to the AH to sell mith FP and buy fearsome robe*

  19. #19
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post

    They have gain their rights to have their own build here.
    If you mean by this statement they have access to this website and can post here then yeah they have the right. This is America..
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by maddmatt70 View Post
    If you mean by this statement they have access to this website and can post here then yeah they have the right. This is America..
    I meant they thought about it, posted it first, know how to play it.

    They understand the character and *can* explain to tohers what X, Y or Z does!! This is what I mean, they can dall it their own build. If you want to post Laura's build, do it. Now, will you be different for Mal and Shade, possibly. Mal is a human... Shade is a dwarf and has Toughness, which Mal doesn't like much. I do agree that they are very similar, but that is the way it is.

    These are, even if really close one from an other, two different take on the same archetype. Two different points of view. They have no "trademark", they don't act like if anyone copying their build were noobs/stealer, or whatever else. They posted there for others to see. It does help others. Go look at the OP, read it well:

    Quote Originally Posted by Xzanthos View Post
    The thread for Shade's max DPS build seems to be missing. I had it bookmarked to reference as I level, but the link is broken now. (The link was )

    If anyone had it saved to notepad or if perhaps Shade himself could repost it, it would be greatly appreciated
    He's got asked for it, people use it... that's the important part. If there were no one to read it, why post it? But there are, there are people counting on their point of view. That's what matters. They are "expert" on barbarians, or at least the two-handed fighting kind. they know what they prefer, and why.

    The name is for better referencing. Better to say a "Maldini build" than say a "well that is a barbairan based on the barbarian created and posted on the forums by Maldini". At least, I prefer the former., #1 source for DDO information.

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