This list no longer being bumped, but is updated regularly. LAST UPDATE 07/07/08
Large Gem Bag
Jorgundal's Collar
Ring of Wiz V
Kardins Eye
Ancient Band (Heavy Fort & +3 Pro ring)
Spiked Boots
Bloodstone x 2
Proof Against Poison Ring of Improved False Life ML13
Disease Immunity Necklace of Protection +5 RR 'Forged
Disease Immunity Belt of Heavy Fortification RR Halfling (I think :/)
Royal Guard Mask - Need one more.
CHA Helm of WIZ VI RR Dorf ML15
Whole BUNCHA +6 Stuff.
Ring of Protection +5
Cloak of Ice - Fireshield (Cold Version) 3/Day
Sacred Necklace of Haste 5/Day
Featherfall Ring of Rage 3/day
Ring of Shadows - +10 Move Silent, +10 Hide, 10% Permanent Blur, Blur stacks with everything.
Gloves of the Forgotten Craft (Weapon Focus;Throwing(+1 when using throwing weapons) +13 Dis.Dev +3 DEX
Ring of the Djinn 33% Lightning Dmg Absorption(Abs 1/3 of light dmg AFTER it has went throo any resists/pro),10 Light Res.
30% Striding Boots
30% Striding Boots of Elvenkind +3 RR Elf/Drow
Planar Gird
Ogre Power(+1) Ring of Heavy Fortification ML13
Ogre Power(+1) Ring of Heavy Fortification ML11 RR Dorf
All Grtr resist cloaks
+1 Tomes; All flavours
+2 WIS Tome
+2 DEX Tome
Rings of all resists
Ring of the Ancestors - Rez Ring
Black Dragon Helm - +5 DEX, Acid Bolt 1/day
+2 Vorpal Longsword of ... ML14(?)
+1 Vorpal Dwarven Axe of Deception ML12
+1 Vorpal Greatsword
+1 Vorpal Kama x 2
+1 Vorpal Kukri ML10
+1 Vorpal Handaxe ML10
+1 Vorpal Dwarven Axe ML8 - RR Human
+2 Vorpal Bastard Sword
+1 Shock Dwarven Axe of Disruption
+1 Scimitar of Smiting ML10
+1 Scimitar of Smiting ML8 RR Halfling
+1 Rapier of Smiting
+1 Paralyzing Byeshk Kama
+1 Paralyzing Longsword of Shatter (+2) ML12 x 2
+1 Paralyzing Byeshk Kopesh of Shattermantle ML12
+1 Paralyzing Kukri of Maiming ML12
+1 Banishing Dagger ML10
+1 Paralyzing Handaxe ML10
+1 Paralyzing Flametouched Bastard Sword of Enfeebling RR 'Forged.
+1 Vorpal Longsword of Shatter (+2)
+1 Disrupting Scimitar of Something RR Elf
+1 Ghosttouch Longsword of Smiting
+1 Banishing Heavy Mace
+1 Paralyzing Greataxe of Lesser Ooze Bane
+1 Banishing Club
+1 Paralyzing Light Mace
+1 Viscious Kama of Disruption
+1 (Elemental) Dagger of Smiting RR WF
+1 Dagger of Smiting ML10
+1 Shock Maul of Smiting ML12 No RR
+2 True Chaos Flametouched Iron Warhammer of Smiting RR Elf
+1 Thundering Light Mace of Disruption
+1 True Chaos Dwarven Axe of Smiting
+1 Crippling Dagger of Smiting RR - Hooman Level 10
+1 Flaming Greataxe of Smiting
+2 Paralyzing Longsword ML12
+1 Paralyzing Adamantine Khopesh of Righteousness ML12
+1 Banishing Heavy Pick of Vertigo (+4) ML14 No RR
+1 Light Mace of Smiting ML10
+1 Wounding of Puncturing Dagger
+1 Wounding of Puncturing Shortsword
+3 Cursespewing Rapier of Shattermantle RR 'Forged - Ubah Debuffer
+3 Shockburst Longsword of Pure Good
+4 True Chaos Greataxe of Pure Good - my baby- super damaged
+4 True Chaos Maul of Pure Good - Skellie Caresser.
+2 Holyburst Longsword of Pure Good - Yum!
+2 Holyburst Greataxe of Deception
+1 Holyburst Maul of Pure Good.
Shrieking Star x 2 Glass Morningstar, Soundburst 1/Day
+2 Thundering Greataxe of Undead Bane
+1 Seeker Greataxe of Greater Undead Bane
+1 Crippling Greataxe of Greater Human Bane
+4 Seeker Adamantine Falchion of Righteousness - Golem Killer
+1 Shock Dagger of Greater Vermin Bane
Tharkuul's Bane
Tyrzza's Bane
+1 Transmuting Shortsword of Greater Vermin Bane
+1 Wounding of Enfeebling Scimitar
+3 Flameburst Bastard Sword of Pure Good
+1 UNHolyburst Light Mace
+2 Anarchic Longsword of Greater Giant Bane
+3 Crippling Rapier of Slowburst
+4 Crippling Dagger of Slowburst
+2 Shock Greataxe of Greater Lawful/Chaotic Outsider Bane (Cant remember which, will edit when I remember)
+2 Frost Greatsword of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane
Muck's Doom
+3 Superior Potency VI Dagger ML 14 x 2
Longswords of almost every greater bane in the game.
+5 Mithril Fullplate x 2 ML8
+5 Mithril Breastplate ML8 x 2
+5 Mithril Chainshirt x 2
+2 Lesser Fireguard Mithral Fullplate of Moderate Fortification - Dark Purple color, pretty cool.
+3 Fearsome Hide Armour - Owlbear type
+3 Fearsome Hide Armour of Axeblock - Owlbear
Skyvault Shield - Theale he can look cool.
Bulwark of the Storms Fist +3 Heavy Steel Shield +5 CON
+3 Fearsome Mithral Fullplate - My second-born baby, I love this armour.
+3 Mithral Fullplate
+1 Mithral Breastplate of Heavy Fortification
+3 Mithral Breastplate
+4 Lesser Lightning Guard Mithral Full Plate of Spell Resistance 13
+4 Fearsome Fullplate
Robe of Fire (Evocation focus, Superior Combustion III, 10 Resist Fire) ML8
Robe of Acid (Same as above, but for acid)
Fearsome Robe of Heavy Fortification ML14
+7 Armoured Bracers
+2 Adamantine Vorpal Returning Axe of Righteousness RR Dwarf - Not for trade guys, sorry
+1 True Chaos Light Xbow of Disruption
+2 Cursespewing Returning Axe of
+2 Frost Longbow of Greater Undead Bane RR Human
Tortured Livewood Bow
+3 Wounding of Puncturing Great X-Bow RR Ooman
+1 Wounding of Puncturing Light Xbow
+1 Wounding Composite Longbow of Puncturing
+1 Keen Longbow (or shortbow, cant remember) of Smiting RR 'Forged
+1 Paralyzing Longbow
+2 Wounding of Puncturing Heavy Xbow ML12
+1 Cursespewing Longbow of Shattermantle
+4 Seeker (+4) Repeater Xbow of Puncturing
Bunches of medium ingredients.
Bunches of large.
I need a wounding of puncturing rapier, have dagger and shortsword...just rapier needed. I need the Scourge Choker, Mentau Goggles and large devil scales. Thats all I need right now. Thank you for your time.