Since I am one of the idiots who did NOT backup my forum posts, I lost the thread for the new Fighter template I was going to build, So I'm going to start over, and ask for help.
Theory: Maximize AC without completely abandoning DPS. Fighter or Fighter/Paladin as most likely classes (I have ruled out Evasion at this point).
Assumptions: 32-point build, +1 Tomes, +2 Favor Tome, +5 Mithral Full Plate, +5 Mithral Tower Shield (Human Only), +4/+5/+6 Stat Items, Minimal use of Raid Loot
Not allowed: Unbound +2 or +3 Tomes, planning for +2 or +3 Tomes except for 1750 Favor Tome.
Attempt #1: Human
12 Fighter / 2 Paladin
STR: 17 + 3 (Levels) + 3 (Fighter's STR 3) + 1 (Human Adapt STR 1) + 2 (1750 Tome) + 6 (STR) = 32 (+11)
DEX: 13 + 1 (Tome) + 6 (Item) = 20 (+5)
CON: 13 + 1 (Tome) + 6 (Item) = 20 (+5)
INT: 12 + 1 (Tome) = 13 (+1)
WIS: 9 + 1 (Tome) + 6 (Item) = 16 (+3)
CHA: 12 + 1 (Tome) + 1 (Human Adapt CHA 1) + 6 (Item) = 20 (+5)
10 - Base
13 - +5 Mithral Full Plate (Armor)
5 - Dex Bonus (using FAM 2 & FTSM 1) (Dex)
9 - +5 Mithral Tower Shield (Shield)
5 - Protection Item (Deflection)
2 - Chaosguarde (Dodge)
3 - Chattering Ring (Dodge)
3 - Seal of the Earth (Natural)
1 - Paladin Aura (Misc)
1 - Dodge Feat
52 AC - Standing, Unbuffed, Unstanced
1 - Haste Potion
5 - Combat Expertise
58 AC - Self-Buffed & Stanced
2 - Recitation
2 - Ranger's Barkskin
3 - Paladin's Aura
65 AC - Buffed & Stanced
5 - Human Versatility 4 - AC Boost
1 - Halfling's Heroes Companion
71 AC - Buffed & Stanced w/ Clickies
To Hit
14 - BAB
11 - STR
5 - Weapon
1 - Weapon Focus
4 - Greater Heroism
+35 - Self Buffed
2 - Recitation
1 - Haste
5 - Human Versatility 4
+43 - with Buffs
-5 - Combat Expertise or Power Attack
+38 - Fully Buffed w/ Combat Expertise or Power Attack
(+1 with Rage Potion)
11 - STR
5 - Weapon
4 - Greater Heroism
+20 Damage
5 - Power Attack
+25 Damage - with Power Attack
(+1 with Rage Potion)
1) Power Attack
1) Weapon Focus: Slashing
1B) Dodge
2B) Combat Expertise
3) Toughness
4B) Stunning Blow
6B) Improved Trip
8B) Improved Critical: Slashing
10B) Power Critical: Slashing
12B) Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Kopesh
(3 Open Feats, can't think of what to put here right now. - Weapon Spec/GWF/GWS or Precision/SM/ISM, or what?)
Fighter's Armor Mastery 2
Fighter's Strength 3
Human Versatility 4
Fighter's Tower Shield Mastery 1
Critical Accuracy 2/3
Item Defense 1
Fighter's Tactics - Trip 2
Fighter's Tactics - Stunning Blow 2
Fighter's Toughness 4
(This is a rough guess at the AP's, not an exact count)
Fort / Ref / Will
+8 / +4 / +4 - Fighter 12 Base
+5 / +2 / +2 - Paladin 2 Base
+5 / +5 / +3 - Stat Modifiers
+5 / +5 / +5 - Divine Grace
+5 / +5 / +5 - Resistance 5 Item
+4 / +4 / +4 - Greater Heroism
+32 / +25 / +23 - Standing w/ Greater Heroism
Hit Points:
20 - Heroic Durability
140 - Fighter/Paladin 14 Base
70 - Con Bonus
16 - Toughness
50 - Fighter's Toughness 4
10 - Draconic Vitality
30 - Greater False Life
336 Hit Points