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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default My Trade Goods II

    Well after being in shock seeing that my trade list disappeared, I've started that massive undertaking of putting it back. Yucky.

    Things that I am interested in:
    - Finessable Vorpal
    - +5 Mith FP
    - Wiz 5+ Hat/Ring
    - +6 Wis Neck/Ring
    - +6 Str Gloves
    - Interesting RR WF Weapons Lvl 4+
    - +4 Str/Dex/Con items RR WF useable at level 7
    - Superior Devotion 6/7 Hat/ring
    - Nice Rapier, Dwarven Axes, Bastard Swords
    - Blue Scales
    - Weakening of Enfeebling Rapier (Trade for my Falchion possibly?)

    Melee Weapons:
    - +1 Vorpal Bastard Sword
    - +1 Vorpal Bastard Sword of Deception
    - +1 Vorpal Bastard Sword of Shatter (+2)
    - +1 Paralyzing Falchion of Righteousness
    - +2 Seeker (+2) Dwarven Axe of Disruption RR Human
    - Whirlwind (couple Ticks)
    - Windlasher
    - +2 Frost Hvy Mace Grtr Gnoll Bane RR Dwarf
    - +2 Frost Flametouched Kopesh Grtr Elemental Bane
    - +2 Shock Greatsword Grtr Dwarf Bane RR Dwarf
    - +1 Seeker (+4) Longsword of Grtr Dragon Bane
    - +3 Holy Light Mace Grtr Chaotic Outsider Bane RR Halfling
    - +3 Crippling Darkwood Club of Grtr Vermin Bane
    - +1 GT Handaxe of Grtr Vermin Bane
    - +1 Seeker (+4) Bastard Sword of Grtr Vermin Bane
    - +1 Kopesh of Grtr Chaotic Outsider Bane
    - +1 Weakening of Enfeebling Falchion
    - +4 Icy Burst Dwarven Axe (few Ticks)
    - +3 Icy Burst Battle Axe
    - +5 Flaming Burst Dwarven Axe (1 Tick)
    - +5 Frost Dwarven Axe
    - Prysuuls Bane
    - +2 Frost Scimitar of Pure Good RR Elf/drow (Level 4)

    Ranged Weapons:
    - +1 Paralyzing Hvy Xbow of Righteousness
    - +1 GT Shortbow of Smiting
    - +1 Banishing Composite Longbow of Wiz 1 RR Dwarf
    - +1 Banishing Light Xbow
    - +1 Banishing Hvy Xbow
    - +1 Paralyzing Longbow of Power1
    - +1 Keen Shortbow of Grtr Dragon Bane
    - +2 GT Composite Shortbow of Grtr Elemental Bane
    - +5 Flaming Burst Composite Longbow
    - +3 Seeker (+2) Shortbow Grtr Human Bane
    - +1 Holy Burst Longbow of Puncturing

    Armor & Robes:
    - +5 Mith Breastplate
    - +5 Mith Chain Shirt (couple ticks)
    - +4 Mith Chain Shirt (couple ticks)
    - Silken Mail
    - +3 Mith Breastplate of Command
    - Fearsome Robe of Hvy Fortification
    - +3 Fearsome FP
    - +5 FP of Axeblock
    - Magi Robe

    Caster Focus Items:
    - Trans bracer w/mod
    - Grtr Combustion 4 Hat w/mod
    - Illusion & Conjuration Bracer w/mod
    - Enchantment Bracers w/ 3x SoFaith
    - Necromancy and Abjuration Bracers
    - Grtr Combustion 5 Scepter (Level 6)
    - Grtr Spell Pen 4 Sickle

    Clothing & Jewelry:
    - +6 Str Belt
    - +6 Chr Cloak
    - +6 Int Goggles
    - +5 Int Hat
    - +5 Int Ring w/ 3x Detect Secret Doors
    - Many +4 and +5 Stat items
    - +5 Con Neck RR Halfling (Level 9)
    - +4 Str Belt RR Human (Level 7)
    - +4 Str Bracers RR Human (Level 7)
    - Planar Gird
    - Beholder Optic Nerves
    - Disease Immune Neck of +11 Haggle
    - +2 Con belt of Hvy Fortification RR Halfling
    - Cloak of Protection +5
    - Cloak of Resistance +4
    - PoP 7
    - Cloak of Shadows
    - Proof Poison Ring of +3 Protection

    I am generally open to offers, including cash offers on some of the lesser stuff. Contact me in game, or PM me here. Thanks.
    Last edited by Warstoke; 08-06-2007 at 07:31 AM.

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