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  1. #1
    Community Member Shinibana's Avatar
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    Default Question about Use Magic Device as a Wiz

    Hey there.

    Level 5 Wizard
    Overall I have 10 in use magic device through a 16 (modified) charisma, maxed out UMD and skill focus. I was wondering what the particular name of items that modify UMD is (for instance things that modify intelligence are "clever") or if it would be advisable to take a level of bard or rogue within the next few levels.

    Thanks for any advice you guys can give (:

  2. #2
    Community Member Sokar6000's Avatar
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    Well, you're not that far into the game; so the best possible advice I can give you is re-roll as a sorcerer. Sorcerers use Charisma to power their spells, which syncs nicely with UMD.
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    Quote Originally Posted by seancrane2 View Post
    Like. Oh. My. Gawd. Sokar, you are like... SOOOOooo totally GORGEOUS!

  3. #3


    most umd items are named items, ie golden cartouche from deleras end reward.

    command items help with charisma based skills with a +2 increase, but do not stack with any skill items you have.

    luck items help with you skill checks too. luckstone, rabbit gloves give +1, reavers head is +2
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  4. #4
    Community Member Drakar's Avatar
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    With a UMD of 16 you can use lower level race restricted (rr) items like warforge str bracers +3-4, but you will fail to use higher level things like +5 stats and weapons like pure good dc=20. Unless of course you are human and take several ticks of human versatility, which adds to you skills for a short time when activated, and you get 5 clicks per rest.

    Now to use scrolls that you are not aligned with like raise dead, you need to bypass a dc of 36. This means you will need a UMD of 26 to have a 50% chance of achieving a roll of 36. I am afraid less than that is costly and nearly a waste of skill points, unless of course you are only interested in equipping items that are rr. Some scrolls have a dc of 44, making them nearly impossible to use for anyone other than the class they are designed for. That is not to say it is impossible to use these scrolls, just riskier. It is fun to use wands that you wouldn't normally be able to use, especially the higher level wands that can do nice damage. Good luck and roll a bard if you want a high UMD, because they have a high charisma and get UMD as a skill selection so you can max it putting 17 points into that skill by lvl 14.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shinibana View Post
    Hey there.

    Level 5 Wizard
    Overall I have 10 in use magic device through a 16 (modified) charisma, maxed out UMD and skill focus. I was wondering what the particular name of items that modify UMD is (for instance things that modify intelligence are "clever") or if it would be advisable to take a level of bard or rogue within the next few levels.

    Thanks for any advice you guys can give (:
    i would suggest not to focus on UMD to much as a wizzy cuz your charisma is not high...probably even low. don't re-roll your main toon unless you really hate it, sorcy does get higher UMD rolls, but wizzy is much more versatile and potentially can hit harder in the long term.
    and unless you gonna try to raise the dead as a wizard...umd of 20 should suffice to use RR items or most cleric's wands.
    but..if you try to generalize,and not specialize in the arcane casting, than just take lvls of clr to use any divine wands.

  6. #6
    Community Member Shinibana's Avatar
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    Hey thanks for the suggestions everyone!
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  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Yea there is no random loot that effects UMD skill directly, like "of <insert>" items for other skills. Luck effects UMD, CHA, and like mentioned above a few named items in game.

  8. #8
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    A lvl of bard helped with my UMD and allows me to heal myself with wands.

  9. #9
    Community Member Severinyth's Avatar
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    "Now to use scrolls that you are not aligned with like raise dead, you need to bypass a dc of 36."

    This actually depends on the level of the spell/wand.
    lvl 7 - 44
    lvl 6 - 40
    lvl 5 - 36
    lvl 4 - 32
    lvl 3 - 28
    lvl 2 - 24
    lvl 1 - 20

    But yes, Raise Dead happens to be 36. Heal scrolls are also **** nice but at a DC of 40.

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