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  1. #1
    Community Member Mirta's Avatar
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    Default Big surprise: Another raid bug. :rolleyes:

    Apparently the Stormreaver can get stuck in reverse gravity mode. We all got tossed to the ceiling and got stuck there for about 7 minutes until time ran out. Oh, and before you ask: No, I did not bug report it (and I won't) because I honestly do not believe devs read bug reports. We didn't report it to a GM either because by the time we would have received a response we would have done it again and finished it. Of course, then we would have received some smart-@ss response from some GM about us not being in the raid.
    Quote Originally Posted by Combat Log
    Crippled. Crippled. Crippled. Crippled. Harried. Crippled. Harried. Triple Harried. Triple Harried, Crippled, Exhausted, Fatigued, and Enfeebled. Crippled. All effects removed by lag wipe! Would you like to buy a Siberys Spirit Cake from the DDO Store?

  2. #2
    Community Member Conejo's Avatar
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    some guy stole my car.
    i'm not going to tell the police, they would take forever to get it back anyway.
    and i'm not telling my insurance because they wouldn't make me feel better.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conejo View Post
    some guy stole my car.
    i'm not going to tell the police, they would take forever to get it back anyway.
    and i'm not telling my insurance because they wouldn't make me feel better.
    And would you go to the police if someone stole your newspaper?

    Or if, in the past, they had simply told you "nothing we can do, just go buy a new car"?

    The problem is that there is not a lot of incentive for players to endure the in-game DM assistance process. In most cases, you are looking at a 1-2 hour wait, only to find as often as not that the DM can't help you, and you have to do the quest over anyway. The stormreaver raid can be run 3 times before you're likely to get a response, so in the end there is no tangible benefit to going through the help ticket procedures. Sure, there is an argument that doing so helps to alleviate (or perhaps even eliminate) such problems in the future, but the long waits and frequently unsatifactory results serve to punish those who try and do what's supposedly best for the game.

  4. #4
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirta View Post
    Apparently the Stormreaver can get stuck in reverse gravity mode. We all got tossed to the ceiling and got stuck there for about 7 minutes until time ran out. Oh, and before you ask: No, I did not bug report it (and I won't) because I honestly do not believe devs read bug reports. We didn't report it to a GM either because by the time we would have received a response we would have done it again and finished it. Of course, then we would have received some smart-@ss response from some GM about us not being in the raid.
    Wow. Got some real chutzpah there...

    If your not part of the solution your part of the problem or however the saying goes...

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  5. #5
    Community Member Saedar's Avatar
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    Default Haha

    Funny u mention this lol we had him bugged out in khyber the whole time someone throwing the switch and us getting rezzed into the room lifted to the spikes in middle . Well we kept yelling stop and the guy in room kept throwing the switch end result timer ran out and i ended up with 25,000xp debt
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  6. #6
    Community Member Mirta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    Wow. Got some real chutzpah there...

    If your not part of the solution your part of the problem or however the saying goes...

    So it's my fault the devs have yet to make a raid which doesn't have a quest-stopping bug? Huh... and here I thought it was incompetence. Oh, and I was right. We restarted and finished long before we would have got a response.

    Quote Originally Posted by Conejo
    some guy stole my car.
    i'm not going to tell the police, they would take forever to get it back anyway.
    and i'm not telling my insurance because they wouldn't make me feel better.
    Me: Uh, our quest bugged.
    Dev: Oh, too bad. Your problem not mine. Describe the bug and we'll be sure to maybe fix it in the next 6 months.

    Me: Uh, my car was stolen.
    Officer: Oh, too bad. Your problem not mine. Describe the vehicle and we'll let you know when it turns up in a chop-shop in 6 months.

    Quote Originally Posted by Combat Log
    Crippled. Crippled. Crippled. Crippled. Harried. Crippled. Harried. Triple Harried. Triple Harried, Crippled, Exhausted, Fatigued, and Enfeebled. Crippled. All effects removed by lag wipe! Would you like to buy a Siberys Spirit Cake from the DDO Store?

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Mirta View Post
    Oh, and before you ask: No, I did not bug report it (and I won't) because I honestly do not believe devs read bug reports...
    I can tell you with 100% certainty that they do. Many of the bugs I report on Risia get fixed. Many of the bugs I report on live get fixed.

    But if you'd rather just whine and ***** about something than actually telling anyone who can even begin to think about fixing it, by all means, proceed as planned.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Mirta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    I can tell you with 100% certainty that they do. Many of the bugs I report on Risia get fixed. Many of the bugs I report on live get fixed.

    But if you'd rather just whine and ***** about something than actually telling anyone who can even begin to think about fixing it, by all means, proceed as planned.
    The bugs which you report are most likely also spammed all over the forums as such this one was posted by me. They're more likely to read the forums and discover bugs that way than read my bug reports. *****ing and whining seems more effective than submitting a bug report.
    Quote Originally Posted by Combat Log
    Crippled. Crippled. Crippled. Crippled. Harried. Crippled. Harried. Triple Harried. Triple Harried, Crippled, Exhausted, Fatigued, and Enfeebled. Crippled. All effects removed by lag wipe! Would you like to buy a Siberys Spirit Cake from the DDO Store?

  9. #9
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirta View Post
    So it's my fault the devs have yet to make a raid which doesn't have a quest-stopping bug? Huh... and here I thought it was incompetence. Oh, and I was right. We restarted and finished long before we would have got a response.


    Yep, you found a quest stopping bug. Terrible thing to encounter and a real pain in the rear. Yet, you didn't do anything to help, flatly refused to help, and get the information to the proper people so it could get fixed and not be experienced by anyone else. You could have a bug report filed by time your trouble ticket was submitted. Thanks for looking out for your fellow gamers and community!!

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirta View Post
    Apparently the Stormreaver can get stuck in reverse gravity mode. We all got tossed to the ceiling and got stuck there for about 7 minutes until time ran out.
    Yes, that's actually the same bug that has been happening to raid bosses since module 1. Sometimes the boss can aggro on a player who leaves the area (disconnect, knock off, recall, teleport, or release) and be stuck not moving.

    If it's the kind of boss you just need to damage to death, like Velah or Laliat, then "yay": free win.
    But if it's the kind of boss who needs to move or take actions so you can beat the quest, like Titan or Stormreaver, then you're in trouble. If the Titan isn't in the right spot, then there's nothing you can do except wait. But after 5-20 minutes, whatever player he was stuck on will probably reset and you can continue.

    But it's worse in Reaver's Fate. Not only are the players dependent on the boss's attacks to buff them so they can fly, but also you've got a fairly strict timer going. If he gets stuck with lost aggro, there's nothing you could do. You could try to attack him to get aggro back, but if his hitpoints are already low you'd fail the quest by killing him. And of course there's no way a GM could respond in the 5-10 minutes you have remaining.

    Being stuck on the ceiling is a special case of that where Storm Reaver lost aggro after having cast antigrav, but before dismissing it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mirta View Post
    Oh, and before you ask: No, I did not bug report it (and I won't) because I honestly do not believe devs read bug reports.
    In this case, that doesn't matter much, because this bug has been encountered and reported at least a few times already.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Mirta View Post
    The bugs which you report are most likely also spammed all over the forums as such this one was posted by me. They're more likely to read the forums and discover bugs that way than read my bug reports. *****ing and whining seems more effective than submitting a bug report.
    Well, you know, if you actually wanted it fixed, you'd hedge your bets and submit it every possible way there is (Bug report in game, bug report on the website, post on the forum, call a GM every couple days and remind him, PM Samera, etc.) instead of just relying on one method.

    And sure, sometimes they see stuff on the boards, but sometimes they don't (::cough::song of freedom::cough:.
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  12. #12
    Community Member DKerrigan's Avatar
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    Default Rumor control

    Quote Originally Posted by DSL View Post
    And would you go to the police if someone stole your newspaper?

    Or if, in the past, they had simply told you "nothing we can do, just go buy a new car"?

    The problem is that there is not a lot of incentive for players to endure the in-game DM assistance process. In most cases, you are looking at a 1-2 hour wait, only to find as often as not that the DM can't help you, and you have to do the quest over anyway. The stormreaver raid can be run 3 times before you're likely to get a response, so in the end there is no tangible benefit to going through the help ticket procedures. Sure, there is an argument that doing so helps to alleviate (or perhaps even eliminate) such problems in the future, but the long waits and frequently unsatifactory results serve to punish those who try and do what's supposedly best for the game.
    Just so everyone knows, help requests really don't take an hour under normal circumstances.

    We had a character in our raid group get stuck between the wall and the torch on the right hand side on the ramp leading to the Stormreaver Saturday night at around 10 p.m. I filed a help request and got a response in 20-25 minutes at the most. Of course by then he'd /death ed and gotten back and we were finishing (NOT finished, but we did win) the raid. There have been a couple instances where I or the party I was in have had to wait more than 45 minutes for help...usually around 8 on a weekend night...

    The majority of the time sending a help request WILL get you a prompt response.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Velexia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirta View Post
    Apparently the Stormreaver can get stuck in reverse gravity mode. We all got tossed to the ceiling and got stuck there for about 7 minutes until time ran out. Oh, and before you ask: No, I did not bug report it (and I won't) because I honestly do not believe devs read bug reports. We didn't report it to a GM either because by the time we would have received a response we would have done it again and finished it. Of course, then we would have received some smart-@ss response from some GM about us not being in the raid.
    I had a bug in Stormcleave, and the GM responded in less than 1 minute. And then fixed the problem.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Get more Aliens quotes into Voice Chat: This makes the "evac" a much more tactical choice, and puts some serious pressure on the rest of the group when your Wizard leaves. "Game over man, game over! Now what the **** are we supposed to do?"

  14. #14
    Founder Dariuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirta View Post
    Apparently the Stormreaver can get stuck in reverse gravity mode. We all got tossed to the ceiling and got stuck there for about 7 minutes until time ran out. Oh, and before you ask: No, I did not bug report it (and I won't) because I honestly do not believe devs read bug reports. We didn't report it to a GM either because by the time we would have received a response we would have done it again and finished it. Of course, then we would have received some smart-@ss response from some GM about us not being in the raid.
    Does someone need a hug?
    |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| ||
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    |_...._....._____===|=||_|__|..., ]
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  15. #15
    Community Member Madmardigan's Avatar
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    happend to me once. I don't bug report **** either, mostly cuz i'm lazy. I don't complain about it either tho.
    Madmardigan-Greatest swordsman that ever lived
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  16. #16
    Relic of the Last War
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    Thumbs up

    Just chiming in for Rumor Control:

    Yeah, I've had bugs and quest-errors. GMs have fixed as quickly as 1-5 minutes and as long as 30-40 minutes later. Either way, that's pretty good the average being about 5-10 minutes tops for me. If you can't wait 5-10 minutes for something then why are you playing an MMO -- someone with that kind of time constraints needs a first person handheld to take with them on the go!

  17. #17
    Community Member blah77's Avatar
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    This thread makes me wonder if the demon queen bug will ever be fixed. You know, that bug where she sits there after you finish talking to her and stays immune to all damage that was discovered like what, 7 months ago?

  18. #18
    Community Member Nataichal's Avatar
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    2 words. Known Issue
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  19. #19
    Community Member Mirta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post
    Just chiming in for Rumor Control:

    Yeah, I've had bugs and quest-errors. GMs have fixed as quickly as 1-5 minutes and as long as 30-40 minutes later. Either way, that's pretty good the average being about 5-10 minutes tops for me. If you can't wait 5-10 minutes for something then why are you playing an MMO -- someone with that kind of time constraints needs a first person handheld to take with them on the go!
    I'm sorry, but what game are you playing? Shortest I've ever waited for a GM is 20 minutes. The average time for a GM in my experience is 4-6 hours. Back when getting stuck in a spot was common I waited over 24 hours and never got a GM. Had to /death and take a (at that time) ridiculous death penalty. (BTW, thanks for lowering the penalty devs.)
    Quote Originally Posted by Combat Log
    Crippled. Crippled. Crippled. Crippled. Harried. Crippled. Harried. Triple Harried. Triple Harried, Crippled, Exhausted, Fatigued, and Enfeebled. Crippled. All effects removed by lag wipe! Would you like to buy a Siberys Spirit Cake from the DDO Store?

  20. #20
    Knight of Movember
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    Default Yes, I need one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post
    Just chiming in for Rumor Control:

    Yeah, I've had bugs and quest-errors. GMs have fixed as quickly as 1-5 minutes and as long as 30-40 minutes later. Either way, that's pretty good the average being about 5-10 minutes tops for me. If you can't wait 5-10 minutes for something then why are you playing an MMO -- someone with that kind of time constraints needs a first person handheld to take with them on the go!
    That has also been my experience.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    Yep, you found a quest stopping bug. Terrible thing to encounter and a real pain in the rear. Yet, you didn't do anything to help, flatly refused to help, and get the information to the proper people so it could get fixed and not be experienced by anyone else. You could have a bug report filed by time your trouble ticket was submitted. Thanks for looking out for your fellow gamers and community!!
    QFT. Well said.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dariuss View Post
    Does someone need a hug?
    Yes, I do, Just because its almost like Monday. I hope they're free
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