View Full Version : Quality new players abound

04-21-2010, 12:29 PM
Did a "fun" Shroud run last night--casters, clerics, fs, and bards only--no "traditional" melee classes allowed. Six guildees were interested and we pugged the last six spots--taking the 1st six that wanted to join. Of the six that joined, only one had a guild tag I recognized at all and one had never had a Shroud completion before. One person left in part 2 (no reason given)--so it ended up mostly being an 11 man run--2 bards, 3 wizzies, 1 sorc, 2 clerics, 3 fs of mixed levels from 16-20.


1) completion (70 minutes; 4 rounds on part 4)
2) zero pug deaths!--none, not one (except for the mandatory death going from part 4 to part 5)!
3) everyone followed instructions well and contributed. I think a good time was had by all

This type of experience makes me proud of the Thelanis community and shows me that there are a lot of quality newer players out there. I was proud that a bunch of random people were willing to participate in such a non-traditional run and proud that everyone could come together and perform at a high level and have a great time.

04-21-2010, 12:40 PM
*does a double-take*

but..but..i was hoping this would be a sarcastic /rant thread...

suppose i'll have to give a +1 for being upbeat & positive then :)

04-21-2010, 01:34 PM
What, no screenshots?:)

And...how many potions were spent?

04-21-2010, 01:49 PM
I saw that run up last night but I was on a DQ run with my wizzy at the time (Pulled my Torc :) ). Sounds like it would been pretty fun. I'm unguilded as I mostly pug or play with irl friends but I wish I could seen that run.

04-21-2010, 01:49 PM
What, no screenshots?:)

And...how many potions were spent?

I don't know how many pots were used--I used a handful for sure. I know in the past when we've done all caster or all cleric or mixed caster/cleric only runs, the pot usage tends to run from zero to 10 a person--maybe an average of about 3-7 a person (when level cap was 16, we did an all caster run where we probably used 100 pots collectively; when cap went to 20, we did a 6 caster/6 cleric run--probably used less than 10 total for the 12 of us). I'd guess that that was the average here is well--but complete speculation. The pools lasted in part 5 until the boss was down to about 15% health--so we had mana regen for a good part of the run on part 5 (which tends to be where pots are needed).

04-21-2010, 01:54 PM
On a side note--a few days back, we did a melee-only run--no casters or clerics or fs. Took about 28 minutes for completion. Was a much easier run than I expected. I think that one only had 2 deaths.

04-21-2010, 02:56 PM
On a side note--a few days back, we did a melee-only run--no casters or clerics or fs. Took about 28 minutes for completion. Was a much easier run than I expected. I think that one only had 2 deaths.

I miss the giggles we have had on devourer :)

you will noice some of these guildhave popped up on thelanis and other use servers near you ;)

04-22-2010, 06:42 AM
Who are these guilds you speak of so highly little Nouda ?

04-22-2010, 08:40 AM
KingofCheese you should be sued for false advertising.

Oh what a difference a day makes.

04-22-2010, 08:45 AM
Who are these guilds you speak of so highly little Nouda ?

Would be nice to know who these mythical international figures of elite uberness are, it certainly ain't The New Blood, we're a bunch of perpetual newbies/occasionally drunk/silly people/distracted by watching eastenders/busy boogieing (delete as appropriate) :)

04-22-2010, 08:51 AM

Congratz, you made really good job beating Harry. However I'm slightly disappointed to hear that it was a 4-rounder. One of the recent threads almost convinced me that arcanes could contribute almost as good as melees.

04-22-2010, 08:57 AM

Congratz, you made really good job beating Harry. However I'm slightly disappointed to hear that it was a 4-rounder. One of the recent threads almost convinced me that arcanes could contribute almost as good as melees.

They can - but they need the best possible gear and class knowledge to do it.

Melees piloted by a mediocre player do more damage in a 4-pass Shroud run than an arcane played by a mediocre player. OTOH, arcanes played by a solid player do as much damage in a 0.5-0.6 pass Shroud run as a top-notch melee.

04-22-2010, 04:22 PM
Might be you are right. Equipped with Greenblade/Skiver and Eardweller sorcerer can dump his mana into incredible amount of damage. But for practical needs (i.e. filling Shroud pug) this numbers won't serve. From 6 solid players + 6 pugs I would expect no less than 1-rounder.

04-22-2010, 04:46 PM
Might be you are right. Equipped with Greenblade/Skiver and Eardweller sorcerer can dump his mana into incredible amount of damage. But for practical needs (i.e. filling Shroud pug) this numbers won't serve. From 6 solid players + 6 pugs I would expect no less than 1-rounder.

I've done some all caster runs. I'd expect a 1-rounder from a group of 12-fully specced sorcs. It'd be a 2-rounder at the worst.

The group we had here was a random pick-up group with no intent to make it a speed run. I'd say we had, at most, 2 fully decked out characters in the group. And quite a few healers. All-healer runs go a lot slower than all-caster runs--not as many damage spells, slower cast time, lower damage per cast.

That's what made me so impressed with the group we had. Everyone survived a 4-round part 4 with some inexperienced people in the group. The impression people get from many of the forum posts is that newer players drop dead too easily in part 4 (with a 1 or 2-rounder). I hate to say it, but its kind of what I expected of our group. It was a pleasant surprise that everyone made it.