View Full Version : Thelanis
Pages :
- Thelanis Guild List
- Battle Of The Bards
- Thelanis Mass Event Schedule
- The Thelanis Anthology Thread
- Please remind me...
- When do you know your playing too much
- Any good/active all-Warforged guilds?
- Sirocco
- Xoriat Vorpal Registry
- Let see your mess
- Dragon down!
- They will let anyone into this guild...
- So I have never been go with goodbyes
- ***?
- Saranae's Next Event:Riddle Me This (Tues 7/31, 7:00PM CST)
- Huh?
- Disciples of Dol Arrah is recruiting!
- Disciples of Dol Arrah is recruiting!
- Disciples of Dol Arrah is recruiting!
- Now they done it...
- Merger problems?
- The Critical Misfits have opened their doors...
- The Critical Misfits have opened their doors...
- The Critical Misfits have opened their doors...
- First to Post
- Heya
- I'm still sick of you
- Curiousity!
- Server Merge Prepping...
- The SIRies Award Show Thread
- WTT STR TOME + Vorpal khopesh of lesser dwarf bane
- IRONWOLF on Thelanis.
- IRONWOLF on Thelanis
- Just incase you missed it
- Just incase...
- One last Goodbye
- Another Saranae Event?!? DDO Amazing Race!
- Very Special Thanks
- They had to kick me off!
- Titan with a minute to spare.
- Hello to my new home!
- Victory!!! The Last Stand On Xoriat
- The bell tolls for thee...
- A Gift...
- Thelashkriats & The Week of Mourning: RIP Xoriat, Tharashk, & Thelanis
- IT's xmas time in the city!!
- Thelanis up?
- ugggg....
- Well. Fan freaking tastic.
- rofl
- wow...
- "When Servers Merge" Video!
- Thelanis is now down
- derek out
- Sharks & Minnows Universe Tour
- one last goodbye (open)
- At Least There's This Video To Remember You All
- Monster Mesh
- Well Someone Has to do it!!
- Gone but hopefully not forgotten....
- Xoriat Video Project final cut
- Where is the hate?
- Make Your Own Way...
- Check this out
- XORIAT hate stories!!
- Hate Time Is Here!!!!!
- PUGS and Elitists
- Wanted: Rebels on Thelanis!
- Don't Be Shy ...
- Love my new home....
- Umbra made Level 13 in Permadeath!
- Just wanted to say
- Idiocy knows no server bounds
- The original Malice is now dead.
- The dancing bard
- Wierd things on the A.H.
- It's Been Good
- Who ordered the gal?
- Build Question
- Team Play
- The Lord of Blades Summer Camapign
- LFG Tombs of the Shadow... (Necropolis) Tommorow Night
- Wizardry 7 Helms
- Guild Recruiting
- My Apologies.
- Spell Point question
- Is it me?
- Thelanis Thursdays
- more illustrious tales...
- Why can't people just play the game?
- This is Xoriat
- Looking For Ham.
- Stalkers?
- I personally hate kobolds
- Shout Out
- Nother Shout Out!
- Novus Via is Recruiting
- Can you tell.....
- I am rerolling EVERY char!!!
- Dragon Con
- OK... waiting to be flamed. Bring it on!!
- crazy lag and longggggg load in times
- "Mucking About" Comedic Video Posted
- Positives of the merge..
- My thoughts on triage
- Thoughts on September MOD 5?
- Fun Titan Raid!
- The Dark Legion
- Whats in your...
- Back to DDO after a small hiatus...
- Guardians of Light sound off!
- This is cracking me up
- Auction House Hate.
- 37 DEX. Woot!
- Xorian Code of Conduct
- Musicman Concert, Thursday 8-23-07
- i finally figured out what was missing from forums...
- For the ladies...
- Old Hat for Some, But Our First
- I would like to thank lostinjapan...
- Merlask Retires
- My Thread
- So with this server merge and my hate going.
- Little Disappointed
- So I goruped with some guys from Xoriat
- Hey Parents....
- Top five, Blah who cares!!!
- Call it irony, poetic justice, or just plain silly...
- The Inner Sanctum of Boldrei is recruiting!
- Last night clown
- which do you prefer?
- For the Xoriat in all of us...
- MusicMan Concert Video Recap
- ***
- Start your crashing
- Fav things to do at work
- a request to the AH seller of the +1 true law sickle of disruption rr wf
- Guardians of Xorait (Thelanis)
- New dedicated group, looking for 4 adventurers
- Doing Catacombs Tonight
- Level 10 and its discontents
- Observations on Permadeath Play with the Sublime.
- Rize...
- Apologies to the TR group on Sunday night
- Good bye from Cecilia, Johnpaul and Dedra
- Greatest Film of All Time
- Exams
- Fighter feat/enhancement question.
- 3 points for the home team!
- Soloing is becoming less and less appealing
- ok, i've finally been tempted
- Rootkits again...
- Indago - Thelanis raiding guild - Come explore with us!
- Who has the Onslaught guild tag
- Well Met
- Legion school!
- Interserver Experiences
- Ta, Thelanis!
- Thelanis' newest dragon killer
- Artard
- Leveling
- Urich and i where prison buddies once
- LOL.. LFM Jokes
- No Twinking Guild
- Knowledge, Build, or Gear?
- Reaver Elite
- GoX Sponsored Raids
- What I HATE!
- Looking to join or start a dedicated RP gruop
- really cool vid
- Ok.. I'm lazy... but...
- No Twinkies - recruiting on Thelanis
- So, who else has a...
- Ladies Night redux
- For those who care, Virgata...
- The Xoriats made a movie! :P
- Thank You Kashka!
- It's dead Jim.
- Need Forum Aid for my new build
- What a tool!
- Just a quick hello
- Legion representin'!
- Because every group needs a theme song
- In Remembrance of 9/11
- Thelanis Ladies Nights!
- My Apologies...
- PVP Delete Battle
- PSA - The Venerated
- Live Event: The Emerald Conspiracy
- My humble trade list
- Ok this might sound...
- mid level problems and such
- It's been a great week, thanks !
- Ok... I don't understand...
- It's time to shed a tear...
- Merlask rocks!!
- Recruiting
- A Special Thank You
- hennebux rocks!
- Vb
- Newbie Player
- Solo run of The Prison of the Planes
- I won!
- Legion has a new speed run record!
- Pirate Cove Event
- Suicide Girls
- Ok I gotta say...
- The Fate of The Universe...
- name "-"server"
- Legion Rocks !!
- Back after so long
- Returned after after 18 months
- looking to contact ppl who picked up +tchurvul's kukri on Thelanis
- Hennebux the Prophet of Xoriat
- Heavymetal Birthday lottery
- New player looking for RP guild
- Dear DDO..
- needing a home
- Don't mess with my bunny
- The gates of Ironwolf have opened.
- Cool Pictures
- A baby-sized announcement
- Uggg... R.J Dead
- Get Wicked!
- Screw da...
- A.H is going to be different...
- WTB: Orb of Imperial Blood
- Beat This!
- +1 shocking burst dwarven axe of greater undead bane (ML10)
- So long peeps
- lol @ people who bad mouth risia raiders then copy
- Live Server Raid Ready
- Halloween...
- Ideas about the new content?
- Ideas about the new content?
- I'm Wicked and you're Rebellious...nice to meet you!
- Vysion come back, a love chorus
- Bad...I'm Nationwide
- An apology to the server.
- Am i back,,i might be back,,I can read,,,bah
- Tygre's Collection List
- Legion Pwns The Abbot!!!!!!!
- Thanks for the guide
- servers down?
- pre-raid help *Spoiler*
- News at 11.. Pazzuzzu steals Fuzzys Diary
- The Orchard
- My Buddy Ninib
- hey legion....
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