View Full Version : New Player Advice & Guidance

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  1. Internet Lingo and You.
  2. Desert Looting and Tokens
  3. Newcomer Night
  4. THF Sneak question
  5. Slimes & such...
  6. The Twelve
  7. Critical Check
  8. How Does AC Work
  9. Sulatar
  10. Ice sword
  11. Lvl Up?
  12. Perfect two weapon fighting feat
  13. Clueless newbie need an advice or two
  14. New to MMORPG's
  15. Bosses Immunities
  16. Ranger/Rogue Action Boost
  17. Hello..again
  18. What wands can I use and when...
  19. Padlock?
  20. Mages Armor
  21. what sword should i use to kill......?
  22. Bag space and Favor Ranks
  23. Weapon Alignments
  24. What has happened to this game?
  25. Are you trying to decide on a server?
  26. New Player
  27. What is the penalty for armor non-proficiency?
  28. world hoping
  29. Do Negitive and Positive Items Stack
  30. Damage Reduction Numbers
  31. Dear Turbine/Community a few quick questions.
  32. What's with Kobold Island?
  33. Mentor Available, Newbie suggestions.
  34. Does Charisma do anything for wizards?
  35. Solo Content
  36. Changing out my feats
  37. Tangleroot rare encouters
  38. cleric enhancement
  39. Extra turning
  40. "Defending" with a shield
  41. Rogue and armor
  42. Can true neutral alignment use any weapon?
  43. mailing worlds
  44. Question re skill points.
  45. killing of exp dept
  46. multi-class paladin for solo question?
  47. Millions of Platinum?
  48. How does Raid loot work?
  49. Eqipment questions from a newb
  50. Frustrated
  51. Build Idea
  52. Gianthold Tor: Dragon Scale Runs
  53. Adam Metal Armor stack?
  54. Improved Critical: pierce vs ranged question
  55. Rolling for Loot
  56. Download bug
  57. Newbie needs help finding server
  58. Do my wizard spells damage other group members
  59. Picking a Class?
  60. Confused, Frusterated and need help
  61. Build Charts
  62. Weapons
  63. Need some Advice on A fighter build
  64. Shield Blocking Confusion
  65. Skills
  66. Making my first wiz, advice appreciated
  67. Forum Display Name
  68. Perma-Death Questions
  69. Trial to retail - Did I need to d/l the "Retail client"?
  70. Question about Use Magic Device as a Wiz
  71. A Chat with a MMO PLat seller
  72. Power Attack bug?
  73. Potency
  74. Role-Playing: Out of Character
  75. Blind invites.
  76. Is there any way to see the spell effects on your party members?
  77. resizing the UI
  78. Attack bonus
  79. Additional inventory and bank slots.
  80. Sulatar
  81. barb and war damage reduction question
  82. Supply Crate ?
  83. Building a Fighter
  84. Dwarven Bard
  85. Two weapon fighting
  86. Base Attacks Bonus
  87. What is DPS
  88. Pally Help?
  89. Items and Alignment
  90. Barbarian Feat Decision
  91. Precision
  92. Changing enhancements
  93. Sanctuary question...Skeleton Knights?
  94. what all do Banishing weapons work on?
  95. Litany of the Dead
  96. 32 Point Build Question...
  97. Multi Class and how it works
  98. Changing servers
  99. Wizard Meta Magics
  100. Diplomacy Vs. Bluff
  101. Feat: Whirlwind question
  102. Diplomacy, Bluff, Feint...Same Cooldown Timer
  103. The shadow crypt
  104. How to change user name?
  105. Aerenal Elvish Tranlator
  106. Subdual damage
  107. Bard Help
  108. Dex based rangers and bows
  109. Wild Empathy
  110. Reflex Saves
  111. Falling Damage?
  112. Spawn Screen
  113. paladin's Divine Grace & Restiance item
  114. Wand Question
  115. Shield bashing for newbies
  116. spell save mechanics?
  117. Pally saves boost I, then saves boost II
  118. Questions from a newcomer
  119. Enhancment Question
  120. What is a founder?
  121. Need help: Planning a persistant tandem of toons from scratch
  122. Battle Cleric help please
  123. what happen if...
  124. 20-32 kbs
  125. Classes of monsters
  126. Diplomacy and clerics
  127. No STR Ranger??
  128. Probably an easily answered question (Saving rolls)
  129. Weapons slots?
  130. How do you get Fred to give you SF:x
  131. have heard about favor and have seen
  132. Does strength still add to damage when you have weapon finesse?
  133. A way to keep the updates?
  134. Alchemic Collectibles
  135. Threnal Questions
  136. What does "Potency" do?
  137. Barb DR questions
  138. Attacks of Opportunity (AoO)
  139. Just wanted to say hi
  140. what does dps stand for?
  141. How necessary is balance skill?
  142. Silly I know but need help.
  143. What spells/items protects you from...
  144. What's outside of Stormreach?
  145. Still a bit confused
  146. Where do I go after the Harbor?
  147. Offhand weapon
  148. Repairing Equipment
  149. Can you buff b4 u lvl up?
  150. What is this?
  151. Specific servers for various types of play? (RP, PvP, etc.)
  152. Best suggestions for DDO characters
  153. Adamantine Shield+Adamantine Armor
  154. Argonnessen and and other Q's
  155. Divine Trio Build Advice
  156. A question about favor
  157. kukri
  158. Sorcerer or Wizzard
  159. How to dive
  160. Newbie Here Need Help with a Sorc
  161. Why should I join a Guild?
  162. Class XP for Leveling Up - All the Same?
  163. Treasure vs. Vendor Trash
  164. True seeing/Spot/Hide/Invisibility
  165. Race Required vs Use Magic Device
  166. screen shot res.
  167. More Newbie Questions
  168. stacking bonuses
  169. Quest Suggestion?
  170. Hello All of DDO
  171. Ancient Dragon Relic
  172. Men Roleplaying Female Characters
  173. What if i get a class feat i've already chosen?
  174. The pit
  175. Manual?
  176. D&D Good as WOW?
  177. The Product Key you entered is already in use. Error 30026. Help!
  178. Newbie here
  179. Spell / Weapon Crits
  180. Elemented WEPS
  181. death locket vs. death ward spell
  182. A totaly newb question or two
  183. Diplomacy and Bluff. Anyone use them?
  184. Disinigrate
  185. What is the level cap here?
  186. Giant Stalker Knife
  187. Are Orcs chaotic alignment?
  188. Quick question about combat expertise
  189. More Questions
  190. Light and Good, Healing and Negative Spells
  191. Hello a few questions?
  192. Righteous weapons
  193. Off hand weapon bonus also applying to main weapon
  194. Newb Skills Queries
  195. Stacking Questions (and an AH one)
  196. Greetings!
  197. Which server has a decent roleplaying community?
  198. Permadeath guilds and their setup
  199. Giant raid
  200. Yet More Questions..
  201. Question regarding bards
  202. Enchantment Focus Items & Feats
  203. How does one "Tank" in this game
  204. Beholder alignment
  205. Favor Question
  206. Raid DM Announcement Messages
  207. +2 Tome
  208. Grouping questions..
  209. XP vs Extreme Repetition
  210. Enhancement bonuses
  211. I Hate OOC
  212. Looting
  213. Inventory
  214. possible to toggle opening video
  215. Spell/Weapon Damage
  216. Heighten or Spell Penetrate?
  217. Monster type/alignment list
  218. Least played class?
  219. Through with ... that other MMO. Hello DDO!
  220. New Dedicated Group Forming, Newbies prefered, 4 adventurers needed
  221. Dragon Scales? Tomes?
  222. Potency/ Efficacy Stacking
  223. A Question for all the "Newbies" out there
  224. Paladins and cure wands
  225. Ac
  226. Playing as a Drow.
  227. Ranger question.
  228. How do I?
  229. dumb question here!
  230. Teach me how to block?
  231. 1750 favor = no drow?
  232. Light shields and shield proficiency Qs
  233. Dwarven Armor Mastery and Fighter Mastery
  234. Cleric Teleport spell
  235. Heighten Mechanics
  236. Highest Possible AC
  237. Tumble
  238. Weapon Speed
  239. Server Downtimes?
  240. Advice for new players
  241. What happened to Tharashk?
  242. Very idiotic question
  243. Completely New to this
  244. Enhancements (Stat:Charisma)
  245. Game Cards
  246. von 5 help
  247. About power attack...
  248. Feat Swapping Trouble
  249. Do I want haste??
  250. Negative Level: Anarchic Weapon