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  1. 18/2 wiz/rogue build is NOT an inferior trapmonkey
  2. Help finding my calling
  3. 2rogue/6ranger/12fighter
  4. The Windmill
  5. Re Worked 2/6/12 WF Hardwood
  6. Ranger/Bard/Caster
  7. Home
  8. 18FvS/2Monk, PA or GTWF?
  9. I know this will probably start some arguments, but...
  10. Monk Light Finishers
  11. I need help with my Arcane Archer build.
  12. FvS/Monk 18/2
  13. WF Spellsword build
  14. Tempests Rage.WMD
  15. rog/wiz newb questions
  16. Cleric/Palidin/Rogue 16/3/1?
  17. Survival Zealot
  18. Build help for solo-ish "couple" gameplay
  19. Rogue/wiz skill question
  20. Ideal Group?
  21. Need some help with Wiz/Rog Build
  22. Too late to multiclass?
  23. Multiclass removal?
  24. In what lvl i can do multiclass??
  25. Solo Build 3 Paladin/17 Cleric
  26. Alternative DPS 12 ranger/ 7 fighter/ 1 barbarian
  27. Why do you want to Multi-class?
  28. Help with Drow rog2/wiz18
  29. Trying mnk/rog/rng
  30. Anyone know what the Ac would be around ? critique please
  31. can i keep up?
  32. 16 cleric/2 fighter/2 rogue companion for duo play
  33. Looking for advice ...
  34. High AC Monster - self healing
  35. Ranger/Barb/Rogue
  36. Tempest battlemage
  37. I seen a 20/2/1, what up?
  38. 7 Rogue 5 Pallie Build
  39. Arcane fist, or more so Necrotic Monk
  40. 9Monk/11Cleric ? stop me if I'm doing a mistake
  41. When to take second level for evasion?
  42. Toying with the idea of 18 cleric/2 monk
  43. Warforged Rogue/Wizard Mithral Body Question
  44. Halfling Ranger 18/Monk 1/Rogue 1
  45. Ranger/monk???? or ranger/monk/pally
  46. Wiz/rouge trap monkey
  47. Lesser reincarnate help
  48. 12 fighter/6 barbarian/2 ranger 2wf dps build idea
  49. 18 fighter 1 rogue 1?
  50. Arcane/Divine
  51. Sorc / Ftr build (old school adapting to new school)
  52. 2 levels of Sorc with my wiz viable?
  53. Multiclass Fighter
  54. Question about Cleric/? Multiclass
  55. I want to make a melee class that does as much dps as possible. help?
  56. Help with Ombi's WESTSIDE! build.
  57. The Best MOST UBER BUILD EVER...I call it the KRILLIN
  58. I need opinions with a dps/support build!
  59. Human barb18/rogue1/bard1
  60. Rogue build pure rogue?
  61. Barbarian/Fighter
  62. kensai II assassin 1 build idea. would it be good?
  63. Rogue/ Wiz or Scorcer??
  64. put my mind to ease please .......kamas Vs Rapiers
  65. building a battlecleric
  66. When to Monk
  67. Help with 2Fighter/6Barb/12Ranger
  68. Sorcerer Archer
  69. different type of rouge builds
  70. Bard 16/Fighter 4 build questions
  71. Arcane Archer (3Monk/5Wiz/12Fighter)
  72. Arcane Acrobat
  73. Acrobatic Bard
  74. Ranger/Rogue - Which first?
  75. Drow Singing Blades project - Research Phase -
  76. fighter 12 / barbarian 8 2hf mauler
  77. Solo Archer Build??
  78. Arcane Boosted Barbaric Bard
  79. Sorc/Wiz
  80. newbie splash question
  81. Rog/Range/Fighter
  82. Kensei II haster.
  83. Reinventing this toon
  84. Wiz/Ftr/Rog 12/6/2
  85. 13Ranger/1Rogue Arcane Archer
  86. Two questions.
  87. Some one kick me for thinking this idea...
  88. 2WF Human bardbarian
  89. okay need a little direction with rogue/ranger/?
  90. Looking for a build...
  91. Mutli-Class Ftr/Pal/Rog
  92. Rogue / Monk
  93. 8mnk/12ftr build
  94. please suggest-A-build for me
  95. human tempst\kensai\rogue build?
  96. Multiclass Icon
  97. Warchanter/Kensei Kopesh DPS
  98. New to Rogue, thinking 18 Rogue/2 Monk... Questions!
  99. Rng 12/ Mnk 2 / Clr 6 possibly viable?
  100. Ranger/Pally/Rogue
  101. A Swordmage - What to do?
  102. 2Ranger, 15FvS, than... ? (EAA)
  103. The Abomination
  104. FvS/PLD?
  105. Question on multi class wiz/monk
  106. Another staff build...
  107. Arcain intimi Tanker. Is it possible?
  108. Monk/Wizard build advice
  109. Indecisive - Mutt build (WC/FB/Kensei/AA)
  110. Need some build tips...
  111. Quest End Rewards?
  112. Monk/rogue feat question...need answer
  113. Sorc/Monk/Pally
  114. Advice needed on WF wizard/rogue (fighter?) build plan
  115. monk3/cleric17?????
  116. Question about 12 Fighter \ 2 Rogue \ 6 Ranger builds
  117. 6 Ranger or 6 Pally in a 12 Sorc/2 Rogue/??? build?
  118. Til
  119. oppen letter to turbine
  120. 2 Bard, 18 Fighter, Elf Arcane Archer?
  121. Best MC for a Barbarian?
  122. Fvs1/Ftr1/Barb18 Elven Arcane Berserker
  123. Is a monk / rogue possible?
  124. A 28-points Kensai who throws Delayed Blast Fireball
  125. The ReformedThief 32 Build?
  126. 28-pts Paladin 2 / Sorcerer 18
  127. 28pt battlecleric
  128. Tempest Archer
  129. help me decide
  130. X.5 skills Issue - please help me
  131. Need Ki/Weapons advice for level 14 Cleric/2 Monk/1 Rogue
  132. my first Kensai/tempest/rogue build, critique please
  133. Monk/Wizard
  134. 13 monk / 7 cleric
  135. Can someone help build me a Death Knight
  136. help plz
  137. rog13/pal6/ftr1 a viable build?
  138. Is Bard 2 splash worth losing Kensei III and Weapon Mastery III?
  139. is it a god idé?
  140. What's the best all around melee multi-class build and why?
  141. is it a good idea? 2
  142. The Swiss Army Knife
  143. Advice Needed - 18 Ranger, 1 Fighter, 1 ?
  144. FS/WIZ how should it be built?
  145. clueless newbie looking for advice on bard with some barb on the side
  146. Halfling Dragonmarked Wiz/Rogue
  147. anyone wanna critique this wiz/rog build?
  148. Build request - FVS and Paladin mix, new build or older build link
  149. The elf's elf
  150. Alone in the Wilderness
  151. mnk2/fvs7 (currant)
  152. wf ftr/mnk anyone know?
  153. Which way to go, what to choose?
  154. A little worried....
  155. WF/human duo? We need Multiclass builds!
  156. DPS Kama Build
  157. Passive WIS AC for monk multiclass.
  158. Figther/ barb split, comments plz
  159. anyone know how to make a mnk/rogue build?
  160. Mnk + Wiz. Any suggestions?
  161. Pale Master 12/? for negative melee/support
  162. some help with build ?
  163. about multiclassing in general
  164. Any Pal/Rog/Ftr out there?
  165. TWF pally
  166. LF build barb/ranger/monk ?
  167. looking for feat and skill advice
  168. 12rgr/6pal/2ftr....or?
  169. Divine Blender
  170. Arcane archer build plz
  171. Rgr/Rog with Monk1 and exotic weapons?
  172. L00k!!!!!!f/m
  173. Action point problem?
  174. Halfling Fighter/Ranger/Rogue
  175. How best to do a bowsinger arcane archer?
  176. Dwarven Melee Raid Saver
  177. Could use some help n_n
  178. advice on changes to my rogue
  179. Any way to MC Rogue/FS/Sorc?
  180. What I'm thinking about for TRing Nanny
  181. Tainted Drow Avatar (Multi build)
  182. Bard Multiclassing
  183. Ranged FvS 12/F6/Rgr2
  184. Current best archer build?
  185. Palemaster Rogue?
  186. Monk16/Paladin3/Rogue1
  187. I could use a little help selecting my last feat....
  188. Sigtrent's Demon Hunter, Drow changes
  189. Splash of Fighter, Monk or more Rogue into a Rgr6/Rog1?
  190. Best TWF
  191. Best TWF
  192. A true Melee focused Battlecleric
  193. The Challenge: True Multi-Class Builds!
  194. Need a barbarian 18/ rogue 2 build ><
  195. 13/6/1 Rogue/Monk/Ranger or Rogue/Fighter/Ranger
  196. Evasion
  197. BEST Multiclass build vote!!!
  198. Struggling with the learning curve.
  199. Looking for help with a Multi-class build
  200. Your opinion on an acrobat build
  201. Noob Multiclassing Question
  202. ranger/fighter twf khopesh assistance
  203. Rogue/Fighter
  204. Evasion splash
  205. Drow Wizard/Rogue 28 pt, help please
  206. Necrogue-viable 12/6/2 split?
  207. When multiclassing, does the order makes difference?
  208. Skilled Sniper (Sneaky repeating crossbow trapsmith)
  209. Runes access support build; your advice please ...
  210. Invisibility + speed build
  211. Help Me decide Battle Wizard elf
  212. Rogue help
  213. Rog/wiz build suggestion
  214. Paladin/ Cleric multi-class for a new DDO player?
  215. Yet another noob question, and hey WINDSCAR ELITE!
  216. Fix or reroll?
  217. Which uses fewer feats?
  218. Disco Inferno (Drow Spellsinging Sorceror)
  219. Are Heal scrolls really bugged? Wiz/Rog/Brd
  220. Ranger12, Bard7, Rogue 1
  221. Needs some help, can't think right now...
  222. Cleric 19, 1 Fighter - fighter feat?
  223. multiclassing help! 1st timer
  224. drow pal multiclass
  225. 1 Sorcerer/2 Rogue/17 Palladin - rate my build :)
  226. going to tr into
  227. Completionist - Metalwalker 16wiz/2fighter/2monk
  228. Build Review - 18Wiz/2Rog
  229. Would this Bard/Rogue build work?
  230. Rog/Pally/Fighter Build Help!
  231. link me or tell me please?
  232. Patch 6rang/6monk/8rogue ...ELF !
  233. Quick Nimble 2WF Rogue (noob help)
  234. Wiz 7/Rog 2
  235. The Little Beast 15 Monk / 4 Paladin / 1 Wiz
  236. Bard and cleric enhancements question
  237. Anime-ish Undead Hunter
  238. ISO Arcane Boomstick Input
  239. 12 pali, 6 ranger, 2 monk
  240. Feedback wanted on Drow Rogue2/Ranger6/Fighter12 build
  241. Paladin/Sorcerer Weapon Choice Help Please
  242. Request: Multi Class at a glance
  243. wat class goes well with bard??? if any?
  244. Advice on a TWF
  245. should i crossclass?
  246. WF Pale Master - 18 Wiz/2 Fig - Feedback wanted
  247. TWF rog/rng?
  248. question
  249. 12 ranger/6 monk/2 rogue
  250. Favored Monk (U5 build)